1671519731 Joe Biden congratulated Alberto Fernandez and wrote an irony about

Joe Biden congratulated Alberto Fernández and wrote an irony about Messi

Alberto Fernandez and Joe Biden and Jill Biden

Alberto Fernández and Joe Biden and Jill Biden – Credits: @JIM WATSON

A day after the World Cup final, the President of the United States, Joe Biden, sent his congratulations on the victory to Alberto Fernández and all Argentines.

On his Twitter account, and in response to a post by his Argentine counterpart, the Democratic President wrote: “Congratulations to you Alberto and to all Argentines for the well-deserved and hard-fought victory.”

He also ironically dedicated a few words to the captain of the Argentina national team. “You know I think Messi boy could have a good future,” Biden tweeted, adding a winking emoji.

“Thank you Joe Biden! Like all Argentines, I experienced this triumph with infinite happiness. The congratulations are all for our national team and Messi. We are at the top”he thanked him.

Alberto Fernández celebrated with his wife and son

Alberto Fernández celebrated with his wife and son

Yesterday, Fernández was very active on social media despite not being able to see the World Cup final in Doha. “Thank you to the players and the technical team. You are the example that we should not give up. That we have a great people and a great future.”The President announced this with a photo together with the First Lady, Fabiola Yañez, and her son Francisco.

He later posted a photo with the Argentina national team raising the trophy. “Always together, always together. We are world champions. There are no more words. Thanks Argentinaadded to his Twitter profile.

On the other hand, he expressed his thanks with greetings to various world leaders. “Thank you, dear friend Lula da Silva. Our players and technical team achieved a well-deserved victory as a result of their work, dedication and commitment to our staff. Our eternal gratitude. You have filled us with joy. Argentina won and if Argentina wins, Latin America wins.”he replied to the President-elect of Brazil.

“Without a doubt, a World Final that will stay in our hearts forever. Thank you Evo Morales for being a part of this endless celebration,” he wrote to the former Bolivian president.

This is how he replied to the French leader, a rival nation, last Sunday: “Dear friend Emmanuel Macron! They played a difficult game for us but the best team won. Great joy in Argentina and throughout Latin America. We are happy and excited about this wonderful triumph. Long live football and international friendship”.

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He also highlighted the messages from the Presidents of Chile, Gabriel Boric, and Ecuador, Guillermo Lasso. “Thank you, Brother Boric! Happiness undoubtedly crosses every mountain today,” Fernández tweeted.

He also welcomed the Indian Prime Minister. “Thank you Narendra Modi and all the people of India for sharing this joy with us.”