Lando Buzzanca the fight for treatments The companion I denounce

Lando Buzzanca, the fight for treatments. The companion: “I denounce everyone”

The funeral of Lando Buzzanca, who died at the age of 87, will take place on Wednesday 21 December at 12 noon at the Church of the Artists in Rome. It will be the last goodbye of the actor who died yesterday. Or, according to some, left for dead.

In fact, Buzzanca’s last months were spent between hospitals and hospices and between the stamped papers of a family war pitting his son Massimiliano and the support administrator against the actor’s partner Francesca Della Valle and the angiologist Fulvio Tomaselli who treated him. Della Valle now charges: “He was killed through the application of Law 604, the one on the support administrator sought by those who were with him. I saw him on December 1st and he was better then in 17 days hospice he “got worse”.

And it still promises fight. “Everything I’ve done so far is nothing compared to what I’ll do: For over a year and a half I’ve been denouncing that they left Lando in an Rsa against his will. This is countered with lies and slander from those who want to hide the truth,” he says.

“It was a white murder, silence and institutional deafness that are accomplices, and then the abuses of the support administrator – says the angiologist – Our lawyers are moving: 15 days in Gemelli had led to an improvement that disappeared in 17 days of hospice “. Buzzanca died around 1:30 p.m. Sunday at the Gemelli Medical Center – GMC Benefit Company hospice at the Catholic University, where he was hospitalized for about two weeks.

Fifteen minutes after falling asleep, “he took his last two breaths and left,” says his son Massimiliano, who at that moment, like every day, wanted to visit his father. The actor was in rehab for over two weeks, the final act of an argument that pitted his son and partner Francesca Della Valle. Cross allegations of abandoning and neglecting the man.

Buzzanca was hospitalized in Gemelli last November and was rushed to Santo Spirito in April 2021 after falling. After a 40-day hospital stay, he was transferred first to a clinic and then to a nursing home, where he stayed for nearly 11 months. In the first days of November, the femur fractured in a fall.

Many remembered him on Sunday. “An Italian, an actor from his own cinema, far from the Oscars and perhaps a representative of a different art. Popular, real, sparkling and paradoxical in the history of the characteristics of a nation in need of lightness. But Lando Buzzanca was also serious, expressive, melancholic in a country that dreamed less and was sinking more and more. We will remember the full laughter, his jokes and the joy of the masks he wore. But above all to an Italian who loved his homeland deeply,” Minister for Agriculture, Food Sovereignty and Forests Francesco Lollobrigida wrote on Facebook.