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According to the American press, Nikki Haley, Trump's only opponent, will end her campaign

From Le Figaro with AFP

Published 1 hour ago, updated 25 minutes ago

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The day after Super Tuesday, the former US ambassador to the United Nations was scheduled to officially end her campaign this afternoon.

Former U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations Nikki Haley is preparing to end her campaign for the Republican nomination, leaving former President Donald Trump alone in the race for November's presidential election, the Wall Street Journal reported on Wednesday and CNN. According to the major American business newspaper, she is expected to announce her decision at around 4pm GMT on Wednesday in a speech in Charleston (southeast), the capital of the state of South Carolina, of which she was governor.

Former President Trump (2017-2021), candidate in the November elections, won in almost all of the states – 14 out of 15 – that were at stake on the big election day on Tuesday. These include California, North Carolina, Texas and Alaska. Surrounded by his supporters gathered at his luxurious Florida residence, Donald Trump hailed “a wonderful evening, an incredible day.” He didn't mention Nikki Haley once and dedicated all of his attacks to her likely presidential rival, Joe Biden. However, the 50-year-old denied 77-year-old Donald Trump a grand slam by winning Vermont, a sparsely populated state on the border with Canada.

“Donald Trump is determined to destroy our democracy”

On the Democratic side, 81-year-old President Biden is seeking a second term in office and is facing no serious opposition. Unsurprisingly, he won Tuesday in every state his party had at stake and suffered an anecdotal defeat to a famous unknown in American Samoa, a Pacific territory. Joe Biden was also already on the way to his expected duel with Donald Trump, asserting that his rival is “determined to destroy our democracy” and accusing him of “focusing on his own revenge and revenge, not the American one People”.

The 2020 rematch, which polls show Americans are not excited about, is almost confirmed, even if the Republican race is not officially over yet. Since January 15, Donald Trump has won almost every primary election organized by his party, despite his legal problems. Nikki Haley presented herself as a candidate who could restore “normalcy” in the face of “Trump’s chaos.” But most Republican voters are deaf to his appeal. In a statement, his campaign said there were still “a large number of Republican voters who express deep concerns about Donald Trump.”

The last person to “run in the Republican primary”

At the party organized at Donald Trump's home in Florida, there was no doubt about his ultimate victory. In the Mar-a-Lago Ballroom, beneath giant chandeliers and gold ornaments, many guests proudly displayed their red caps that read “Make America Great Again.” “President Trump will be the last man standing in the Republican primary,” said Kenny Nail, the head of a local Republican Party chapter.

Donald Trump wants to be able to concentrate on his duel with President Biden as quickly as possible before he gets dragged into his legal sessions. His first criminal trial begins March 25 in New York. Donald Trump claims to be “much more popular” because he has been criminally charged four times, but many polls show that support for his candidacy would drop significantly if he were convicted in any of these criminal cases.

Joe Biden, who is doing poorly in the polls, will defend his record and lay out his vision for America in the traditional State of the Union address to Congress on Thursday. The outgoing president must “use this last opportunity to address millions of Americans and explain to them the contrast between his vision and life under Donald Trump,” said political scientist Wendy Schiller.

According to the American press, Nikki Haley, Trump's only opponent, will end her campaign Read More »

War Ukraine Russia. 007 from Kiev claims attack on fuel depot in Kursk LIVE

Former British Defense Secretary Ben Wallace fell into the trap that the Russians set by wiretapping high-ranking German officers and publishing them. The Berlin government's ambassador to London, Miguel Berger, is convinced of this, according to whom Wallace's words are “what Russia wanted by publishing this telephone conversation.”

In his commentary on the “leak,” Wallace had spoken of confirmation of how Russian intelligence had managed to infiltrate Germany, which at that point could no longer be considered “neither safe nor reliable.” “We have to be careful not to fall into the Russian trap of creating divisions. Unfortunately, some people and some media have fallen into this trap,” commented Berger. The leak, he continued, “is a hybrid attack by Russia. “Obviously the intention is to destabilize the West,” Berger added, noting that the release of the intercepted messages coincided with the attendance of thousands of Russians at Alexei Navalny’s funeral. Berger then defended the Chancellor's decision not to deliver Taurus to Ukraine: The Taurus is the Mercedes-Benz of long-range missiles and can reach Moscow from Ukraine.

War Ukraine Russia. 007 from Kiev claims attack on fuel depot in Kursk LIVE Read More »

Deutsche Bahn is preparing again with an emergency timetable for the GDL strike

The planned strike will take place from March 7 at 2am to March 8 at 1pm.
Numerous connections between Germany and Austria are affected,
Long-distance trains must run via Deutsches Eck.

Shortly before the start of the strike by the GDL train drivers' union, Deutsche Bahn (DB) is once again preparing an emergency timetable. To ensure that as many passengers as possible reach their destination, DB will use particularly long trains for long-distance transport. The GDL wants to go on strike in passenger transport across Germany from 2am on Thursday and in freight transport from 6pm on Wednesday. The strike is scheduled to end at 1pm this Friday. Connections between Germany and Austria are also affected again.

ÖBB recommends postponing non-urgent trips to an earlier or later date. ÖBB's long-distance trains via Deutsche Eck between Salzburg and Kufstein are expected to run as scheduled, it said on the ÖBB website on Wednesday. Details about the affected rail connections can be found on and in the ÖBB SCOTTY timetable app. Westbahn trains to and from Munich and Rosenheim as well as via Deutsche Eck to Tirol and Vorarlberg are also expected to run as scheduled.

Negotiations failed

During the latest GDL strikes, Deutsche Bahn said it was able to run around a fifth of its usual long-distance trains. Stauß urgently appealed to the GDL to announce a strike at least 48 hours in advance in order to draw up the emergency timetable. The GDL, however, stated that it would no longer do this in so-called wave attacks in the future. Deutsche Bahn said it wants to make the full range available again from Saturday.

The last four weeks of confidential negotiations between Deutsche Bahn and GDL collapsed last week. The key point is the reduction of the weekly working hours of shift workers from 38 to 35 hours, with full salary remuneration, as required by the GDL. The moderators suggested a gradual reduction to 36 hours by 2028. The railway accepted, but the GDL rejected it. “She stood up, abandoned the negotiations and is not willing to make concessions”, criticized Stauß. “It doesn’t move an inch.” (APA/Portal)

Read more about these topics:

Deutsche Bahn is preparing again with an emergency timetable for the GDL strike Read More »

Lula's approval is falling, driven by evangelicals and the economy, says Quaest

Lula enjoys greater approval among the poor; Rich people disapprove of the government. Of voters earning up to two minimum wages (R$2,824), 61% said they supported the government's work, while 36% opposed it. At the other end, 54% of respondents earning more than five minimum wages (R$7,060) said they disapproved of Lula. The approval rate reached 44%.

The positive rating remained stable while the negative rating increased. Overall, 35% of respondents rated the government positively, compared to 36% in the last survey. Those who rated PT administration negatively increased from 29% to 34%, while 28% rated it as regular up from 32% in December.

For 47% of respondents, the current government is better than the previous one. In the last survey this figure was also 47%. The number of people who consider Lula's government to be worse than that of Jair Bolsonaro (PL) was 38% in February, the same percentage as in October. Another 11% rate the current management the same as the previous one four months ago it was 10%.

They talk about Israel

The majority (60%) believe Lula exaggerated when he spoke about Israel's actions. However, for another 28%, the president didn't go too far by comparing the Israeli offensive in Gaza to the deaths of Jews at the hands of Adolf Hitler. The statements were made on February 18 during a press conference in Ethiopia. “Brazil has condemned Hamas, but it cannot but condemn the actions of the Israeli army,” he said.

Rejection is greater among Bolsonaro voters and evangelicals. Of those who voted for Bolsonaro in 2022, 85% said Lula exaggerated when citing the deaths of Jews, while 9% saw no excesses. For Lula voters, these percentages were 43% and 45%, respectively. The group of evangelicals (69%) registered the greatest opposition to the president's speeches.

Lula's approval is falling, driven by evangelicals and the economy, says Quaest Read More »

Protection of minors | More than one in five installations is out of date

According to a report from the Ministry of Health and Social Services (MSSS) obtained by La Presse, more than a fifth of the facilities housing children under protection in Quebec are in a significant state of disrepair.

Published at 2:02 am. Updated at 5:00 am.


Of the 139 rehabilitation centers (youth centers) and group homes in the country, 19 are in a dilapidated condition considered “poor” (Rating D) and 11 are in a “very poor” condition (Rating E). This means its infrastructure “exhibits a high to very high level of deterioration and deficiencies” and that the building requires “significant and sometimes urgent” work.

In Laval, 5 of the 14 housing units on the island are in poor condition, according to MSSS. Two of these units are located at the Cartier Rehabilitation Center (Youth Center). La Presse revealed on Monday that due to lack of space, the CISSS de Laval had to house “tanner children” in rooms that resembled prison cells. Two studies are currently underway on this topic ⁠1.

Protection of minors More than one in five installations


At the Cartier Rehabilitation Center in Laval, which MSSS says has a “poor” index of disrepair, only a concrete bed frame provides the space in which certain young people live in seclusion.

In 2021, the CISSS de Laval submitted a modernization project for all its youth facilities. Accordingly, the rooms in the Cartier rehabilitation center are “not adapted to the needs of young people (outdated, poorly furnished and without windows)”. Natacha Pelchat, national representative of the Alliance of Professional and Technical Personnel in Health and Social Services (APTS) in Laval, affirms that the deterioration of the premises has an impact on the work of those involved.

If the environment is not sufficient, I cannot respond to the needs of young people and give them every opportunity to get through. The more the years go by, the more we don't have to innovate with anything.

Natacha Pelchat, national representative of APTS in Laval

In the Outaouais, five of the nine youth accommodation units are considered to be in poor condition, while in the Laurentians four out of five housing units are in the same situation. In particular, the Huberdeau and Sainte-Agathe rehabilitation centers have the worst obsolescence index in the MSSS (rating E). However, the Saint-Jérôme rehabilitation center, which also has an E rating, has not been used for three years.

A worker who has worked in several rehabilitation centers in the Laurentians but does not want to reveal her identity for fear of reprisals mentions that the Sainte-Agathe rehabilitation center is “almost like a prison.” “It’s dehumanizing, this environment. It's crying. […] The rooms are tiny, the children have so little space in their rooms that they have to store all their supplies in lockers outside. » However, a project for a new rehabilitation center in Sainte-Thérèse is under construction and several units from the run-down centers in the Laurentians are being relocated there.

Leaky roof in Montreal

According to the MSSS, twelve of the 24 youth shelters in the CIUSSS du Centre-Sud-de-l'Île-de-Montréal area are dilapidated. Several units are located at the Mont-Saint-Antoine rehabilitation center, which made headlines last year⁠2. This center receives an E rating.

  • This photo from last spring shows the deterioration of the Mont-Saint-Antoine rehabilitation center in east Montreal.


    This photo from last spring shows the deterioration of the Mont-Saint-Antoine rehabilitation center in east Montreal.

  • This photo from last spring shows the deterioration of the Mont-Saint-Antoine rehabilitation center in east Montreal.


    This photo from last spring shows the deterioration of the Mont-Saint-Antoine rehabilitation center in east Montreal.

  • This photo from last spring shows the deterioration of the Mont-Saint-Antoine rehabilitation center in east Montreal.


    This photo from last spring shows the deterioration of the Mont-Saint-Antoine rehabilitation center in east Montreal.

  • This photo from last spring shows the deterioration of the Mont-Saint-Antoine rehabilitation center in east Montreal.


    This photo from last spring shows the deterioration of the Mont-Saint-Antoine rehabilitation center in east Montreal.


“At Mont-Saint-Antoine the roof is leaking, there is mold, the ceiling tiles are missing and dirty […]“Living there is unimaginable for young people and it is difficult to work there for our stakeholders,” comments Julie, president of the local executive of the APTS at the CIUSSS du Centre-Sud-de-l'. Île-de-Montreal Houle.

The director of youth protection of the CIUSSS du Center-Sud-de-l'Île-de-Montréal, Assunta Gallo, indicates that 15 million will be invested by 2026 to correct the situation in Mont-Saint-Antoine. Finally, the buildings are modernized, the roofs are replaced, the windows are replaced, the bathrooms and kitchens are renovated. The work has already begun, assures Ms. Gallo. “I have a responsibility to make sure that the living conditions there are okay,” she says.

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The influx of young people at the Lanaudière rehabilitation center in Joliette is so great that an overflow unit has been built in the gymnasium.

The Lanaudière rehabilitation center in Joliette is also considered to be in poor condition (level D). Steve Garceau, national representative of the APTS for the Lanaudière region, affirms that the building's deterioration is aggravated by a significant overrun in the number of users. This center's gymnasium was confiscated to set up rooms with screens, he says.

We are stuck in a system that has never evolved. Back then the mandate was more prison-like, today we have mental health and gross negligence cases. We will have to undertake a massive project to adapt these living environments.

Steve Garceau, APTS national representative for the Lanaudière region

In Montérégie, two of eleven youth accommodation facilities are in poor condition (Class D), namely the Longueuil and Saint-Hyacinthe campuses of the Montérégie Rehabilitation Center. “We are faced with buildings that were all built at the same time, that we have not really maintained and that have problems that require major investments,” says Joëlle Lavoie-Vigeant, national representative of the APTS in Montérégie. East. We're taking these children from unsuitable environments and putting them in these buildings, which is giving them a pretty contradictory message…”

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The Longueuil campus of the Montérégie Rehabilitation Center has a “poor” deterioration index, according to the MSSS.

Current projects, analysis to follow

The MSSS states that CISSS and CIUSSS receive funds every year “to carry out projects to counteract the physical and functional obsolescence” of their centers. These are the facilities that “have the responsibility to manage priorities and ensure the safety and sustainability of the assets.”

1709727351 46 Protection of minors More than one in five installations


The game room at the Cartier Rehabilitation Center has no windows and has seen better days.

For example, in 2019, the CISSS de Laval invested in the renovation of the residential units of the Cartier Rehabilitation Center, notes the MSSS. Further work phases are planned until 2025. “This work will be combined with other facility maintenance work […] will help improve the quality and safety of places,” says the MSSS.

According to the ministry, 19 youth shelters have been “partially or completely renovated” in Quebec in recent years. Three youth rehabilitation center construction projects are also included in Quebec's infrastructure plan.

The MSSS states that the deterioration index “affects the technical elements of the building,” such as the roof and windows, and that “the furnishings and functional aspects of the units are not covered by this rating.”

In the coming weeks, the MSSS plans to begin a process to assess the elements that directly impact children's lives, such as the rooms and the outdoor courtyard. For Sébastien Pitre, national director of youth protection at APTS, there is an urgent need to take “concrete measures to improve the living conditions of children”.

1. Read the file “Tannins withdrawn in cells” 2. Read the article “DPJ Rehabilitation Center: Under Planning for the Winter”

Protection of minors | More than one in five installations is out of date Read More »

The justice system searches for Dani Gallardo and takes him prisoner to serve his sentence for the “Procés” riots | News from Catalonia

A demonstrator throws wood to block the AVE tracks during the protest against the 'Procés' ruling in Barcelona.A demonstrator throws wood to block the AVE tracks during the protest against the “Procés” ruling in Barcelona.Toni Ferragut

The Madrid court has agreed to search and arrest Dani Gallardo to serve a sentence for the riots during a protest against the verdict of the trial in Madrid in October 2019. On February 26, the court gave Gallardo three days to go to prison voluntarily. The young man, 26 years old, missed this deadline, which is why the court ordered the police to locate him so that he can be transferred to a correctional facility.

The Madrid Supreme Court (TSJM) said in a statement that the court's decision came after Gallardo was unsuccessfully asked up to three times to go to prison voluntarily. Gallardo “did not appear on any of the three occasions” and “he was not found at the registered address.” After his release after the trial, the activist moved to Montblanc (Tarragona), although his whereabouts are unknown. Those around him ensure that it “won’t be easy” to find him.

According to sources with knowledge of the status of the legal proceedings related to these riots, Gallardo is the first convict of the Procés protests to be sent to prison to serve his sentence. In October 2019, the Supreme Court condemned the political and social leaders of the 1-O referendum, which triggered a wave of sometimes violent protests. Most of them were based in Catalonia, but there were also other Spanish cities such as Madrid. Gallardo joined one of these mobilizations on October 16th.

The young man, who is close to anarchist and anti-fascist circles, was arrested for damage to property and attacks on riot police. After spending more than a year in makeshift prison, the Madrid court tried him and sentenced him to four and a half years in prison for public disorder and attacks on authority. The Supreme Court later reduced the sentence slightly to four years. The judgment became final and the defense's attempts to suspend the execution of the judgment were in vain. In a last-ditch effort, lawyers argued that Gallardo would be one of the beneficiaries of the amnesty law prepared by the government.

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The justice system searches for Dani Gallardo and takes him prisoner to serve his sentence for the “Procés” riots | News from Catalonia Read More »

“Super Tuesday”: Donald Trump and Joe Biden at the top of the primaries

Super Tuesday Donald Trump and Joe Biden at the top

Donald Trump He won in Virginia and North Carolina on the so-called “Super Tuesday”, the big election day on which he hopes to bury his last rival for the Republican presidential nomination, Nikki Haley, in order to concentrate on the duel with the Democrat Joe Biden.

There is no secret. Neither the Republican (77) nor the Democrat (81) have anyone to outshine them in the primaries that will name both parties' candidates for the November presidential election.

According to several US media outlets, the former conservative president has already been declared the winner in Virginia and North Carolina, both on the East Coast.

YOU CAN SEE: Trump wins eleven states on Super Tuesday and is about to declare his presidential candidacy

The Choose They are celebrated in 15 states, from Maine in the far northeastern United States to California on the West Coast to Texas in the south and even American Samoa, a small territory in the Pacific.

Alabama, Arkansas, Colorado, Massachusetts, Minnesota, North Carolina, Oklahoma, Tennessee, Utah, Vermont and Virginia also vote.

In front of a polling station in Huntington Beach, California, most of them Republican voters This AFP spoke in support of Donald Trump.

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Many see no need to continue the primary election after this Tuesday as 52-year-old Nikki Haley appears to be headed for defeat, according to polls.

Haley is a “lost cause,” predicts Andrew Pugel, a 57-year-old engineer.

On the Democratic side, Biden is a candidate for re-election.

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Pop singer Taylor Swift, whose potential influence on young people cannot be ignored, called on her fans to vote on Super Tuesday. He leaned towards neither party.

What is expected?

In Trump's case, he needs to gather 1,215 delegates to win the Republican primary. So far it has 274 members and by the end of the edition it is expected to have at least more than 800 delegates.

On the other hand, Biden needs 1,968 delegates to win the Democratic primary. To date, the current president and candidate has 206 insured people.

Nine other states will hold their primaries on March 12 and 19.

“Super Tuesday”: Donald Trump and Joe Biden at the top of the primaries Read More »

Chinese espionage: The NDP protects Trudeau

NDP MPs again backed the Liberals in the House of Commons on Monday, allowing them to block the parliamentary inquiry into Chinese espionage at the high-security infectious disease laboratory in Winnipeg.

• Also read: The RCMP and the Sûreté du Québec use cheap, easy-to-hack Chinese drones

• Also read: The Secrets China Wanted to Steal from Canada

Two researchers linked to the Chinese army and the Wuhan virology laboratory have been stealing scientific secrets and dangerous pathogens for years and transferring them to China.

Dr. Xiangguo Qiu and her husband Keding Cheng were kicked out of the Winnipeg lab in 2019. However, their layoffs were not announced until January 2021. The couple disappeared without a trace while being the subject of an investigation by the RCMP, CSIS, and the Public Health Agency of Canada (PHAC). You have to do it!

  • Listen to the Lester Durocher meeting with blogger Normand Lester from the Journal de Montréal QUB :

Trudeau's U-turn on the investigation

After several years of requests from opposition parties, the Trudeau government finally agreed to allow MPs from all parties to access documents about the Canadian security services' investigation into the matter.

The select committee of MPs acknowledged that some information had to remain secret for national security reasons, but claimed that other information had been redacted to protect PHAC leaders.

The Liberal government also agreed to a parliamentary commission calling witnesses to get to the bottom of this mysterious and disturbing matter. Several senior officials were to be subpoenaed, including CSIS director David Vigneault, the prime minister's national security adviser Nathalie Drouin and public security minister Dominic LeBlanc.

Then Trudeau changed his mind. There is no question that parliamentarians are investigating this.

Justin Trudeau was unable to answer questions on the issue and deflected criticism by accusing Pierre Poilievre of using national security as a weapon. The Conservative leader viciously suggested that Chinese spy networks across Canada were aiding the re-election of a Liberal government in 2021.

  • Listen to the Lester Durocher meeting with blogger Normand Lester from the Journal de Montréal QUB :

The NDP is hiding behind Judge Hogue

The NDP justified its support for Trudeau in the Chinese espionage affair in Winnipeg by saying that the Hogue Commission, which is already investigating Chinese interference in Canadian politics, should also look into this file.

It's a way of drowning the fish. Judge Marie-Josée Hogue of the Quebec Court of Appeal is tasked with uncovering the extent of Chinese interference in the last two federal elections in 2019 and 2021. And that's not all.

It is intended to expose not only the interference of China, but also the interference of Russia, India and all other actors, whether federal or not, in the recent federal elections. That's a lot of work.

And furthermore, the first public hearings raised questions about its functioning and the selection of people who were granted intervener status.

Therefore, Judge Hogue's impartiality was called into question when she allowed Senator Yuen Pau Woo to participate in the inquiry as a full intervener. Not only was Woo chairman of the liberal-leaning Independent Senators Group until 2022, but his positions also reflect those of the Chinese Communist Party.

Chinese espionage: The NDP protects Trudeau Read More »