Lino Banfi has revealed a touching request from his wife. Tears from the many fans of the Apulian actor. A unique and special relationship.
Lino Banfi Today he is one of the most popular personalities in Italy. His comedy has involved many generations and achieved an almost complete appreciation of the general public. The Apulian actor made himself popular also because he showed some aspects of his private life. He has always done it with class and with the elegance that characterizes him.
Source: Ansa photo
L’love for Lino Banfi it starts from afar, it starts with his works and today it also involves his loved ones. The artist has certainly made a serious impression on the hearts of viewers. With him also his family, often the protagonist of a background revealed by Banfi himself. Because of this, Lino Banfi is now one of the most popular actors of all time.
This time the actor treated himself to a moving message. The tears have taken over. The same tears as when Lino Banfi told an anecdote about Raffaella Carrà. In this case, however, it’s about something more intimate. there wish of the wife In fact, he really moved everyone. A sign of a truly extraordinary relationship. Words that might have come from movies for some, but which instead represent one love story real and intense.
Lino Banfi was delighted by his wife Lucia’s will: he asked her to die together
Lino Banfi has been married since 1962 Lucy Zagaria. A relationship that celebrated its own peak in 2022 60 years of marriage. A story that gave birth to two children: Rosanna Banfi and Walter Zagaria. On the occasion of the interview with Silvia Toffanin For Verissimo, the actor, who was born in Andria, embarked on the story of a moving episode. He said it was his wife’s wish to die together. Banfi told it with bright eyes, a sign of a really strong emotion.
The story didn’t end there. Banfi emphasized that their love is very strong and has lasted for a long time. They still need each other today. He says, “So my wife says to me: if you die first, I can’t resist and the same is the opposite.” Throughout history there have been couples who have lived both life and death together. Banfi quotes one of the greatest couples in history on this occasion: Raimondo Vianello and Sandra Mondaini.
In a past interview, Banfi said his wife was ill Alzheimer. He always did it with the utmost tenderness and love. Also on this occasion, he revealed that his wife asked what would happen if he forgot him. He replies: “It means that we will fall in love together”. These two stories make us understand the meaning of the love story of Lino Banfi and Lucia Zagaria. A relationship that is still very strong today and is not only based on love but also on other very deep values.