LIVE Lampedusa The prefect of the Alpes Maritimes denies quotthe

LIVE Lampedusa: The prefect of the Alpes Maritimes denies "the establishment of a refugee camp in Menton"

7:01 p.m


Migrants in Menton: “1,500 arrests” between September 8th and 14th

Between September 8 and 14, around 1,500 migrants were arrested at the border with Italy, the prefect of Alpes-Maritimes said during a press conference.

6:55 p.m

“There is no requirement for the establishment of a refugee camp in Menton”: clarification from the Prefect

“There is no requirement for the establishment of a refugee camp in Menton,” stressed the prefect of the Alpes-Maritimes, Bernard Gonzalez, citing a “communication error”.

“Nothing like this is planned (…), neither in Menton nor anywhere else in the department,” he emphasized.

“It is about having additional equipment to bring arrested foreigners into more favorable conditions before handing them over to the Italian authorities (…),” emphasized the prefect, describing the border police premises as “somewhat cramped”.


Italy is tightening its legislation on irregular migrants

The Italian government adopted this Monday measures to combat the migration crisis on its territory.

Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni promised on Sunday that her government would initiate a new turnaround, notably by extending the maximum detention period for irregular immigrants from 135 days to 18 months. According to a government source to AFP, this measure was approved in the Council of Ministers on Monday and now needs to be voted on in Parliament.

The nationalist leader also ordered her defense minister to set up new detention centers “as soon as possible.”

These measures are described in detail in this article.

5:25 p.m

Lampedusa: Nadine Morano denounces an “invasion”.

“If 11,000 men land on the island of Lampedusa, with a population of 6,000 inhabitants, it is not a flood but an invasion,” explained LR MP Nadine Morano on the set of BFMTV.

4:05 p.m

Lampedusa: How are migrants supported in Menton?

The prefecture of Alpes-Maritimes will make land available in the municipality of Menton to care for migrants and manage the influx from Lampedusa, BFMTV learned on Monday from civil protection and police at the municipality’s borders.

3:34 p.m

Italy is preparing to tighten its legislation on migrants

The Italian government, faced with a surge in migrant arrivals, will take measures on Monday aimed at extending the period of detention of these people and allowing a greater number of returns for those who do not have the right to remain in the territory Italian government officials said, according to Portal.


Scenes of “chaos” in a Sicilian reception center where migrants from Lampedusa arrive

According to the Italian agency Ansa, there is “chaos” in the Sicilian reception center in Porto Empedocle, where migrants arrive who landed in Lampedusa last week.

“More than a thousand migrants have been crowded together” in this center since yesterday, some “constantly trying to escape from the building,” the press agency reports. According to the latter, “at least a hundred people have already managed to leave the building.”

2:07 p.m

There are still 1,300 migrants in the Lampedusa reception center

Another 1,300 migrants were this morning at the Lampedusa reception center, where around 8,500 people disembarked last week. The center has a capacity of 400 places.

“The transfers planned yesterday evening to empty the center were actually canceled because the transit zone of Porto Empedocle (in Sicily) is now overloaded,” reports the Italian agency Ansa.


Land confiscated by the prefecture in Menton to accommodate migrants

The Alpes-Maritimes prefecture will confiscate land in the city of Menton to house migrants and deal with the influx from Lampedusa, BFM Nice Côte d’Azur learned from civil protection and border police. Chin.

In the coming hours, a site will be selected that can accommodate a minimum of 150 or a maximum of 200 people per day. These migrants are accommodated in tents a few hundred meters from the Italian border.

You can read details about this new “shelter” center in this article.


Éric Coquerel denounces the “unhealthy rise” of the extreme right

The Chairman of the Finance Committee is upset with the position of the National Rally and Reconquest.

“The far right is playing the game of unhealthy recreation to further develop its racist discourse and retreat,” the rebel MP said on LCI this morning.


“There was suffering”: A migrant talks about his journey after being rejected at the French border

France has stepped up surveillance of its border with Italy, particularly in Menton, where many migrants have been turned back in recent days.

On site, BFMTV met migrants from West Africa who were traveling through several countries to return to French territory at great risk.

“There was suffering,” says Patrice, who comes from Ivory Coast with his wife. “My lady, they almost raped her, they did things to her. I didn’t want anyone to attack her. They fell on me, they hit me on my head. You can read more statements from migrants arriving at the French-Italian border in this article.


Benoît Hamon accuses those who refuse to accept migrants of “blowing the wind of ignorance”

The right and the far right are refusing to accept some of the migrants who arrived in Lampedusa last week.

Enough to anger former Socialist presidential candidate Benoît Hamon.

“The theory of ‘draft’ is supported by NOTHING and only allows its proponents to stir up air to drive away the winds of ignorance, nationalism and discord,” wrote on X (ex Twitter) the man who now runs the NGO Singa .

The aim of this organization is the integration of migrants.


Sandrine Rousseau believes migrants from Lampedusa are “nothing” compared to the “millions of Ukrainians” welcomed into Europe

Green MP Sandrine Rousseau denounced the start of the war this morning.

“Europe has welcomed several million Ukrainians and that is very good. The few thousand migrants in Lampedusa are nothing,” denounced the Paris MP.

According to the UN Refugee Agency, of the 8 million Ukrainians (20% of the population) who have left their country since February 2022, 4.8 million are in the European Union or the United Kingdom.


“Makes me cry” “not the right solution”: Chenu denounces “the absolute disappointment” that Meloni represents

Sébastien Chenu is not exactly friendly towards Giorgia Meloni when it comes to managing Lampedusa.

“She has made imploring remarks (on the migration issue), she does not want to implement (her election promises), which is an absolute disappointment,” denounced the RN MP in the public Senate this morning.

“She is obviously wrong with this method. Asking the EU for help is obviously not the right solution,” criticized Sébastien Chenu again. The details of the MP’s remarks can be read in this article.

During the election campaign, the Italian head of state promised a “sea blockade” to prevent migrant boats from reaching the Italian coast.


For François Ruffin, France can take in “around a thousand people” “without talking about an invasion”

The rebel MP François Ruffin said that “of the 11,000 [migrants arrivés la semaine dernière à Lampedusa]If France were to take its part, it would mean that around a thousand people would be welcome on our territory.

“I think we can do it without talking about invasion or going into hiding!” said the Somme’s deputy at France Inter.

François Ruffin also defended “language training followed by vocational training” for the migrants France would welcome.


Alain Juppé believes that we must “get to the root of the problem” by helping the countries of origin

The former minister and candidate for the 2017 presidential election, Alain Juppé, estimated this Monday on RMC-BFMTV that we must “address the problem in order to combat the massive arrival of migrants in Europe, as occurred last week on the Italian island of Lampedusa “. root” in the countries of departure.

“The real solution [c’est de] Combat inequalities and restore the conditions for development,” said the member of the Constitutional Council.

“I don’t have a solution,” he admitted, “it’s a big challenge, a challenge for Europe.”

9:00 a.m

Ursula von der Leyen promises an “action plan” to help Italy

During a visit to the island of Lampedusa on Sunday, EU Commission President Ursula von der Leyen promised a European aid plan to better manage the influx of migrants to Italy.

This plan includes, in particular, the care of migrants arriving on Italian territory from other European Union countries, as part of a solidarity mechanism between States.

“Irregular immigration is a European challenge that requires a European response,” said Ursula von der Leyen on Sunday.


Gérald Darmanin announces that he will travel to Rome this afternoon

Interior Minister Gérald Darmanin announced this Monday on Europe 1 that he would travel to Rome “in the afternoon” “at the request of the President of the Republic” Emmanuel Macron.

“It would be a mistake to believe that because migrants arrive in Europe they have to be distributed to all European countries,” argued the Interior Minister.

However, he explained: “If there are asylum seekers who are entitled to asylum because of political persecution, they are refugees and in these cases France (…) can accept these people.”


Europe at Italy’s sickbed, Gérald Darmanin this Monday in Rome

Hello everyone and welcome to this live broadcast dedicated to the consequences of the large number of migrants on the Italian island of Lampedusa last week.

The European Union announced on Sunday an emergency plan to help Italy deal with these arrivals. Giorgia Meloni, the head of the Italian government, estimated that “the future of Europe is at stake” in Lampedusa.

Interior Minister Gérald Darmanin announced this Monday that he would travel to Rome in the afternoon “at the request of the President of the Republic” Emmanuel Macron.