The body is constantly talking and giving signals about new certainties, insecurities and sensations. For example, have you ever observed how you sit? Know that a simple gesture like this can say a lot about your nature and genius. Learn to identify and convey the message you really want to convey.
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The way we sit down is generally very automatic. We are in a place, comfortable or not, so we demonstrate the level of comfort without paying the slightest attention. It’s natural, simple, but depending on the situation, full of information about each individual’s way of being and feeling.
how do you sit
A personality is defined by several aspects. Therefore, they are not isolated things that convey certainties about everyone’s way of being. On the contrary: it is a sum of factors that must be taken into account.
The way a person sits can say a lot about their way of being and expressing themselves, after all that’s what we’re talking about body languagethis is a type of nonverbal communication that includes gestures, facial expressions, posture, eye movements, and many other actions.
It’s an unconscious way Behave.
Check out the poses below and tell us which one is yours. Then analyze the meaning of what it says about you.
way 1
According to a study by the Ohio State University, people who sit with their knees straight are considered to be selfconfident, have a healthy and positive selfimage, and are therefore significantly more secure.
way 2
Those who sit with their knees wide apart are seen as selfcentered, arrogant, and judgmental, when in reality they are just more anxious and anxious. They are also very afraid of making mistakes.
way 3
People who sit crosslegged are at their most creative and don’t want to be the center of attention.
way 4
Crossankle sitting is a common pose in the British royal family, you know? Indicates elegance, sophistication and security. Curious!
way 5
Sitting with one leg crossed over the opposite knee suggests confidence and control. It conveys a confident but relaxed, somewhat confident and youthful image.