Losses have been huge recently Russian soldier raises the alarm

“Losses have been huge recently” Russian soldier raises the alarm

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  • Created: 7/24/2023, 6:48 PM

    By: Momir Takac

    To divide

    A Russian soldier tells his wife in a phone call about the disastrous losses on the Ukrainian front. What he doesn’t know is that he’s being bugged.

    KIEV – A Russian soldier is apparently quite frustrated with the course of the war in Ukraine. In a phone call to his wife, he unpacked: He told her about huge losses, bad and lost equipment, and reproached the military leadership. Ukrainian military intelligence intercepted the conversation and published it on Telegram.

    The soldier also advised his wife not to believe everything written and said in the Russian media. “Ukrainians are fighting hard and are well equipped. And we have nothing. What is said on TV is usually nonsense,” the Russian told the Kyiv Post newspaper.

    Ukraine war: Russian soldier laments casualties, equipment and weak military leadership

    In addition to poor equipment, he also complained about the lack of ammunition. “This is no longer the second army in the world. After Ukraine, it is only third.” Wagner boss Yevgeny Prigozchin, who now lives in exile, has also repeatedly demanded more ammunition for his fighters.

    A Russian soldier fires on Ukrainian positions at the front.A Russian soldier fires on Ukrainian positions at the front. © IMAGO/RIA Novosti

    The soldier also did not give Russia’s military leadership a good hair. Commanders are “idiots” who continue to send soldiers into dangerous positions despite “huge recent losses”. These are powerless. “Fuck, they fuck with us here, literally. Soon they’ll kill us all here,” he scolded.

    Ukraine war: heavy casualties apparently on both sides

    Official bodies like to remain silent about soldiers who died in war. Loss predictions are usually made by external media or secret services. The independent Russian media Mediazona, for example, wrote that between the start of the war and May 2023, between 40,000 and 55,000 Russian soldiers died in combat. Moscow is now said to be sending women to the border for defense. The Russians are threatened with a new wave of mobilization.

    Several residential buildings are slightly damaged, two people slightly injured. See photo gallery

    Ukraine’s counter-offensive is anything but successful. Soldiers at the front told the Kyiv Post that troop morale is suffering due to fierce fighting and heavy casualties. “100 meters of conquered territory costs 4-5 soldiers. That’s the average loss,” an infantryman told the newspaper. (mt)