glow (Carolina Dieckmann) has already shown that she is very competent and committed both in her work and in her marriage ben (Samuel de Assis), but soon something will come to disrupt their lives. In the next chapters of walk in faiththe lawyer will contradict her husband after making an important disclosure.
Lumiar finds herself in a complicated work situation thanks to the arrest of Guiga’s father (Mel Maia) in the countryside, which leaves her with few resources to solve the case, in addition to realizing that she’s caught up in a big hole. But things also seemed to be slowly improving in his family, thanks to the last trip he made to his parents’ house, where Fábio (Zé Carlos Machado) told him about a dream in which the lawyer was pregnant.
Lumiar reveals she doesn’t want children. Credit: Reproduction/Globo Lumiar reveals she doesn’t want children. Source: Reproduction/Globo
Of course, Lumiar is completely freaked out by her father’s dream and after much deliberation, she decides to reveal to Ben that she never wants children. This revelation will leave the couple at odds for a few moments, but they soon realize that this has always been something in common between the two and it wasn’t going to become an issue for the relationship now.
Also read: From Lumiar to Jenifer, every detail in Vai na Fé makes sense, and the result can resonate with the audience
There is no doubt that Lumiar and Ben’s relationship is strong and healthy, giving them a great foundation to get through any complicated phase, even if there are occasional disagreements.