Lunel With La Guitarreria Antonio Garcia is in perfect harmony

Lunel: With La Guitarreria, Antonio Garcia is in perfect harmony with his passion – Midi Libre

His flamenco guitar shop opened its doors at the beginning of the end-of-year holidays at 131 rue de la Liberation. Meeting a lover of music and the instrument.

He describes himself as “a real fool.” But even if the wood of the school desks did not manage to harmonize Antonio Garcia, there were others that aroused an ever-increasing interest in him. The ones that guitars are made of.
Rosewood, cedar, spruce: the main species found in the string instrument. This is the specimen that Antonio Garcia wanted to sell in the shop he opened in the heart of Lunel in mid-December.

His first sales in a garage in Baillargues

We would almost dare to say that he took it like a “grip”, because there is so much to discover in this cave of Ali Baba, as forty smells emanate from the flamenco guitars – the specialty of the place – that hang on the displays of La Guitarreria Antonio de la Paca are hung.

From scratching beginners to arpeggio super professionals, there is something for everyone. You have to say that it's in Tonio's blood. “I was born 64 years ago in Lorca, Spain,” says the new merchant from Lunel. “In our country there is a guitar in every house. It’s a must.”

However, Antonio Garcia perfected his art of tremolo, slides and bars in Montpellier, where his parents emigrated when he was just 8 years old. “I had a lot of gypsy friends at school,” remembers the child who came from “La ciudad del sol”. After school we started playing together. It was our break.” He probably doesn’t know it yet, but his love for music will grow just as his love for the guitar as an object.

In American Surplus and Nicollin

But you have to live and eat well. Turning your passion into a career is still a few tones away from your ambitions and dreams. Antonio Garcia made a career from the age of 16, first in the American surplus trade, then at Nicollin.

2012 will be the year of change. As soon as his day as a security guard at the recycling center is over, the “Loulou” employee devotes himself to the musical instrument. In agreement with himself, Antonio Garcia began trading flamenco guitars with self-entrepreneur status.

“I divided the garage of my house in Baillargues into two parts to turn it into a kind of shop,” says the boss of La Guitarreria. The same “shop” where Frank Janik, the current head of the culture, arts and entertainment department of Lunel Town Hall, buys a guitar, being the flamenco enthusiast that he is.

Everyone does what they like

This is the hallmark of the luthier: each guitar headstock is shaped and shaped according to the inspiration of its creator. This trademark accompanied him throughout his life.

Like the famous “Media Luna”, born in the 1950s in the workshops of the famous Conde Hermanos (Conde brothers). A “detail” that earned them international fame, especially thanks to the incomparable Paco de Lucía, who only played on this type of guitar model.

Handcrafted jewels, some of which found refuge in Antonio Garcia's La Guitarreria, as well as several concert tickets from the undisputed Spanish master of this musical style. “Paco de Lucía is my mentor, “the” reference of the flamenco guitarist. He was and will always remain the best,” assures Antonio Garcia, shine and memories in his eyes.

“It’s all his fault,” says Antonio Garcia, smiling. “If I’m here, I owe it to him. I had to sell my house in Baillargues and with it my small business. Frank Janik m He then said: “Why don't you come and settle in Lunel?” “To be honest, I wasn't particularly enthusiastic,” admits the salesman and guitarist. I experienced the city's heyday, especially at parties and at the bar at L'Embarcadère Bar. I also witnessed its decline. But when I saw the space, I fell in love with it.”

The commercial unit at 131 Rue de la Libération, which is part of the municipality, benefits from the city's metamorphosis program and the associated works and transformations.

Ukuleles, cajons, accessories too…

Since Tuesday, December 19, the vaults have been welcoming customers and are home to around sixty flamenco guitars selected with great love and precision by Antonio Garcia. La Guitarreria also offers the sale of cajons, ukuleles and all accessories for the stringed instrument, also available in children's sizes.

A harmony without the slightest disadvantage for this mystical instrument, which made Chopin, although a virtuoso pianist, say: “Nothing is more beautiful than a guitar, except perhaps two.” » If it is Frédéric who says it…

La Guitarreria Antonio de la Paca, 131 rue de la Liberation in Lunel. Such. 06 17 10 16 78 and