Meet Thiago Nigro cousin Rico Maira Cardis new boyfriend

Maira Cardi and Thiago Nigro make their first public appearance together; see photo metropolis

Coach and financial influencer walked handinhand at a mall in São Paulo

03/03/2023 15:20, updated 03/03/2023 15:20

Maira Cardi and Thiago Nigro made their first public appearance after meeting each other. The couple was spotted in a mall in São Paulo this Friday (3/3) and the LeoDias column had exclusive access to the photo.

The record was recorded at Shopping JK Iguatemi in São Paulo, where the coach and financial influencer walked hand in hand.

1/8Maíra Cardi and Thiago Nigro in a mall in São Paulo ▲In the publication, Maíra said she felt a strong connection between the two ▲Maíra Cardi and Thiago Nigro ▲Maíra Cardi shared photos of the new couple ▲They are very happy ▲Thiago Nigro is also known as Cousin Rico ▲12345678

Maira Cardi and Thiago Nigro started their relationship on Wednesday (January 3). Sharing some photos in which they appear together, she wrote about the connection the couple has in the caption.

Stay indoors!

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