Mali Benin prepares to withdraw troops from Minusma

Mali: Benin prepares to withdraw troops from Minusma

Published on: 05/22/2022 – 15:58

The Benin government is preparing to withdraw its troops intervening in Mali under the aegis of Minusma (UN mission in Mali). A verbal note from the Beninese Foreign Ministry reached the United Nations Secretariat in New York at the end of April. It demands the withdrawal of two units, an infantry company and a police unit.

With our correspondent in Cotonou, Jean Luc Alogan

The Beninese authorities want to strengthen security on their own territory, especially in the light of the terrorist attacks recorded in recent months, in the north of the country. A note verbale from the State Department therefore reached the UN Secretariat in New York. RFI was able to obtain a copy of this note.

The request is worded very diplomatically: “Benin would be grateful if the United Nations Secretariat would take action to take joint action to withdraw the Mechanized Infantry Company and the Formed Police Unit. »

390 men are affected, including 250 from the infantry stationed in Sénou and 140 police stationed in Kidal.

However, the Beninese troops did not leave Mali immediately. A timetable is attached to Benin’s application. A troop relief is underway. President Patrice Talon lets it end. It will be “the last,” the post said.

The withdrawal of the police unit will be organized no later than November 5, 2022 and that of the infantry company in November 2023.

Also read: Mali: Authorities continue to restrict Minusma’s scope for action

It is the worrying security situation in northern Benin that justifies this decision, the government says clearly: the motion reiterates that it is necessary to use all Beninese capabilities to surrender.