Man and woman dig hole in the Great Wall of

Man and woman dig hole in the Great Wall of China and are arrested

The two wanted to shorten the path to their workplace, but the UNESCO World Heritage Site was irreparably damaged. Now you have to answer in court.

Beijing. A man and a woman used a bulldozer to dig a breach in the world-famous Great Wall of China, causing extensive damage. The incident occurred in northern China’s Shanxi province, state media reported. Youyu County police published photos of the destroyed section of the wall and those believed responsible for it in late August.

The 38-year-old woman and the 55-year-old woman widened a gap there to have a shorter route to the construction site where they worked. According to reports, the century-old section of the wall from the Ming Dynasty (1368 to 1644) was irreparably destroyed in the action at the end of August. Police in Youyu, northern Shanxi, arrested the man and woman in a neighboring county. They confessed to the crime and now they will have to answer for it.

The Great Wall is part of the UNESCO World Heritage Site and is one of the most famous tourist attractions in China. The defense system is made up of several parts that were built and expanded at different times. Restored sections of the Great Wall, like the one near the Chinese capital Beijing, attract numerous domestic and foreign tourists every year. The section now affected was one of the parts not restored.