(Quebec) Liberal MP André Fortin believes his colleague Marwah Rizqy would make a “good leader.”
Published at 8:35 am. Updated at 9:15 a.m
Thomas Laberge The Canadian Press
“I am confident that Marwah Rizqy would have great support in the Liberal Party. […] I am convinced that she would be a good leader,” Mr Fortin said at a press conference at the National Assembly on Wednesday morning.
“Marwah is a highly qualified MP. Everyone recognizes it,” added André Fortin.
On Tuesday, Ms Rizqy said she was “torn” over the leadership of her party, despite wanting to put her family above all else.
Mr. Fortin says he understands his tension. “It is the same one that has inhabited me for the last few months and years,” he said. The Pontiac MP announced this summer that he was stepping down from leadership for family reasons.
It’s no secret that Marwah Rizqy wants to have a second child. She has already indicated several times that this is her priority. However, it appears that several Liberals would like to see Ms Rizqy succeed Dominique Anglade.
After considering it, MP Monsef Derraji and interim leader Marc Tanguay have already indicated that they are abandoning their candidacy for the presidency of the Liberal Party of Quebec (PLQ).
Officially there are no candidates at the start. The MP for Marguerite-Bourgeoys, Frédéric Beauchemin, and the federal Liberal MP Joël Lightbound are considering this.
Québec Solidaire’s parliamentary leader, Gabriel Nadeau-Dubois, was asked about the issue and declined to comment on speculation about Ms. Rizqy’s possible candidacy. “Marwah is a good example of balancing family life and political life,” he replied simply.