1697211382 Marine Le Pen convicted of defaming Cimade

Marine Le Pen convicted of defaming Cimade

Marine Le Pen, October 6, 2023. Marine Le Pen, October 6, 2023. CLEMENT MAHOUDEAU / AFP

Marine Le Pen was sentenced on Friday October 13 to a suspended sentence of 500 euros for defaming Cimade after accusing the Migrant Aid Association of organizing “the illegal immigration network from the Comoros” in Mayotte, Agence France-Presse has learned .

The leader of the National Rally had accused humanitarian associations of “sometimes” being “accomplices of smugglers” in an interview broadcast on BFM-TV in January 2022. », replied Marine Le Pen, then candidate in the presidential election in April 2022: “Sometimes yes. Yes, sometimes they are even accomplices of smugglers. »

She then directly targeted Cimade, an association that campaigns against xenophobia and exclusion of immigrants, for its actions in Mayotte. “Cimade actually organizes the illegal immigration network from the Comoros” in Mayotte, she explained.

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The “Limits of Freedom of Expression [ont] been crossed »

Finally, she pointed out the subsidies to clubs and called for no more subsidies to be paid “to people who organize something that is illegal.”

She was found guilty of public defamation of an individual because the courts considered that the statements “exceeded the level of exaggeration possible in the context in which they were uttered” and that “exceeded the limits of freedom of expression became”. [ont] been crossed.”

She was sentenced to a suspended sentence of 500 euros as well as two thousand euros in court costs and one euro in compensation.

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