In 2022, Canada’s population will have grown by more than a million people. A record. Of that number, 437,000 of the new residents are immigrants who have obtained permanent resident status, and 607,712 are considered non-permanent residents.
These new immigrants can be divided into two categories.
Among the first are those chosen by the government who have waited many years to come to Canada and are generally well educated and often have good work experience as well. Receiving them is an asset to Canada.
The second category includes the others. Illegal immigrants, temporary workers, etc.
Most first-category immigrants will do better for Canada economically than second-category immigrants.
Those in the second category can become a heavy burden.
Rapid development
Canada’s economy is doing well at the moment. The unemployment rate is low.
But by 2030, the labor shortage should be reduced. The first victims of this new employment cycle will be non-residents or low-skilled immigrants. The labor market no longer allows them to survive. We are talking about tens of millions of people who are at risk of finding themselves in an extremely vulnerable situation.
This type of development favors the spread of all kinds of sects and the increase in crime.
Cities are already struggling with overcrowding.
Increasing begging keeps tourists away.
The problems of the housing shortage arise not only from very short-term rents, but also from the pressure of the new immigrant population.
It would be interesting to know to what extent this massive and sudden immigration contributes to accentuate the problems of the health networks.
The massive immigration Canada faces can have devastating effects on society if these immigrants are not properly assimilated. However, several leaders, particularly in English Canada, believe that this assimilation will take place automatically.
You are wrong. Assimilation will not be as possible in the 21st century as it was in the 20th, if only because of the proliferation of means of communication, especially social networks.
The situation in Quebec is particularly precarious in this new context.
immigration assessment
Anyway, illegal immigration won’t magically stop tomorrow morning, even if Joe Biden and Justin Trudeau reach an agreement at Roxane Road.
Consequently, since Quebec and Canada are currently unable to stem the flow of immigrants, they should arm themselves with tools to assess the costs and benefits of immigration in all major sectors of society, both economic and social.
At least that would give us a fair picture of the situation, without complacency or alarmism.