MasterChef remember Luisa Cuozzo He was just shy of winning

MasterChef, remember Luisa Cuozzo? He was just shy of winning, then the unthinkable happened: This is how he lives today iFood

Luisa Cuozzo Masterchef Italy - ifood.itWhat happened to Luisa Cuozzo? Source @Instagram –

Do you remember who Luisa Cuozzo is? She was one of the participants in the first edition of MasterChef Italia, but what happened to her today? Let's find out together!

Now it has begun 13th edition of MasterChef Italiathe most popular and most attended cooking show of all time, hosted by award-winning judges and chefs Giorgio Locatelli, Antonino Cannavacciuolo and Bruno Barbierinow the historical face of the show.

In fact, Chef Barbieri himself has been part of MasterChef Italia since the program began, back in 2011 will remember Spyros, the winner of the first edition the talent show, which after the talent show opened the restaurant of his dreams, the “1495 Restaurant”, in Scandiano in the province of Reggio Emilia.

However, the path to victory was not clear for the aspiring chef Spyros, but there was one competitor who made life difficult for the chef. We are talking about the aspirant Chef Luisa Cuozzowho narrowly missed victory.

But what happened to the aspiring chef who was… Participation in the program was only 23 years old? Will he have continued his journey into the world of cooking or will he have changed his life? Let's find out what he's doing now.

What happened to Luisa Cuozzo?

The very young aspiring chef Luisa Cuozzo, only 23 years old at the time of the show, became famous in and through the first edition of MasterChef Taste and incredible technical ability, also for his temperament and tenacity who made it really far and reached the podium of MasterChef Italia but failed to win first place.

However, after taking part in Masterchef, it's great Her passion for cooking also grew. Now, 12 years later, his life has really changed a lot, but he has never left the kitchen. Let's find out what happened to him.

luisa cuozzo - ifood.itSource @Instagram –

The change after MasterChef

As I said, 12 years after participating in MasterChef Italy, the life of the young aspiring chef from Campania has changed a lot. Today she is a wife and mother, but she has not decided to give up his rise in the world of catering and cooking.

In fact, Luisa Cuozzo opened one with four other partners Restaurant on the slopes of Vomero in Via Parco Margherita, called “Pallino”, where simple traditional dishes are offered, but reinterpreted with a little innovation and simple and genuine ingredients.

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