There is no reprieve for Chiara Ferragni, who was also targeted by comedian Maurizio Battista after the Agcom fine and the Codacons complaints to the public prosecutor's office. Guest on Rai1 of the program La volta Buona, commented on the “Pandoro goal” that broke out after the fine of one million euros against some companies attributable to the influencer, imposed by the Competition and Market Guarantee Authority for unfair commercial practices. “I say this with a serious face – he said, turning to the presenter Caterina Balivo – on January 14 you will see the director of Bambin Gesù on stage. We don't sell Pandoro, you should know that. Part of the proceeds go to the hospital and we didn't say anything but said it when the tickets went on sale. The antiphon is clear, although Ferragni's name is not explicitly mentioned. At the time of the outburst, Battista was talking incessantly about his theater show “Dear Santa Claus, I am writing to you,” which was on stage at the Teatro Olimpico until the middle of next month. And, as he explained, this is a tool to help people in difficulties: “I think that part of our laughter every evening should benefit those who unfortunately cannot laugh.” If the child is sick, the whole thing is Surroundings sick: grandparents, uncles. I'm saying this now that the tickets aren't there, so it's not like I want to sell whatever it is. I say it from the heart. We have all suffered, we try to help as much as we can, it's not much but it's better than nothing. We all have to do it, even if it only costs one euro each.