MC Carol says she had sex 20 times in 24

MC Carol says she had sex 20 times in 24 hours; Is too much sex bad for your health? Live a good life

The year got off to a busy start for some celebs. Funk artist MC Carol, for example, said she had sex 20 times in 24 hours. On Twitter, netizens joked about the situation and asked who “the machine” was.

It’s not sure if the singer considers penetration just a sexual act, but it’s important to emphasize that sex is much more than that. It’s possible, with stimulation of the clitoris, vulva, skin, with anal penetration etc. to have fun.

Is too much sex bad for your health?

  • If the sex rhythm is too high, the sex organs may suffer a littlemockingly Irritation, discomfort and even an inflammatory process in both the penis and vagina.
  • Therefore, it is recommended that in case of any discomfort, the person consults a doctor to assess the problem.
  • In general, however, excess is not harmful if it is a combination between the couple and it does not interfere with the daily routine.

I have patients who want to have sex every day, maybe twice a day. The partnership agrees and they have structured their lives so that it doesn’t get in the way. If it’s not bad or aggressive towards one or the other and it’s not a forced situation, it won’t be harmful. Carlos Bautzer, urologist and member of the Nucleus for Sexual Medicine at the SírioLibanês Hospital (SP).

Is there an ideal frequency for sex?

Several studies have attempted to answer this question:

  • For example, one of them revealed that the ideal is to have sex once a week. On the other hand, sexual practice does not mean that the person is happier.
  • Other research has concluded that the sexual act alone is not responsible for increasing happiness levels.

The truth is that there is no magic number of intercourse that is considered normal or recommended.. The most important thing is that the couple is aligned and both can enjoy it when it happens.

I had sex 20 times in 24 hours
I almost died from a piroka overdose

MC Carol (@mc_caroloficial) January 2, 2023

Is it bad to go long without sex?

  • From a physical point of view no. Staying without sex for a long time does not cause changes in the organs of the genital organs themselves.
  • However, from a psychological point of view, some harm may occur, such as: B. Increased stress and anxiety..
  • That’s because sex also has a relaxing and antidepressant function, as hormones and neurotransmitters released during the act itself and orgasm help control these and other symptoms associated with depression.
  • But if sex isn’t necessary for the person, not having sex can’t harm your emotional health.

* With information from reports published on 09/06/2022 and 12/16/2022.