MC Guimê talks about the next Paredão and shoots: “I would vote for Key”
In the front area, the brothers comfort Cara de Sapato for going on the hot seat. MC Guimê advises the fighter not to doubt himself despite the return of Fred Nicácio do Paredão as the fighter and the doctor have been at odds for weeks.
Cara de Sapato asks who MC Guimê and Amanda will be voting for and the singer claims that the group is voting for Cezar. They wonder if the fighter will have a chance to counterattack in Sunday’s dynamic.
“I said there that I would go there to add voices if necessary, but voting now was not an option for me,” says MC Guimê.
“It’s just that I don’t want to waste a vote, but I would vote for Key,” adds Guimê.
1 of 1 MC Guimê says he wants to vote for Key Alves for the next Paredão — Photo: Globo MC Guimê says he wants to vote for Key Alves for the next Paredão — Photo: Globo