1698003404 Meloni I leave with my head held high we represent

Meloni: “I leave with my head held high, we represent Italy with a straight back” News Ansa.it

She is emotionally affected, she has to gather her ideas, she speaks about herself among the believers, but above all she had to spend time with her 7-year-old daughter to explain what happened and what will change in her life. “I am terribly sorry not to be there in person,” the prime minister said in the video message filmed in Cairo the afternoon before. A precautionary measure, he explained, given the uncertainty of being able to attend the party in Brancaccio after the double mission in Egypt and Israel.

“After all, I too am human and if there is anyone I can ask for understanding, I think it is the sympathizers, fighters and leaders of the brothers of Italy,” the prime minister added in the message recorded during a break the work of the summit, at which African, Arab and Western countries discussed, albeit in harsh tones, the conflict between Hamas and Israel. His words evoke a different kind of conflict, albeit with an undefined counterpart. “We are an enemy to be defeated at all costs, because we are a reflection of their meanness,” is the climax of anger and pride compressed into about seven minutes of a very tough speech. However, without any mention of personal topics.

Claims and attacks are all political in nature. Meloni invokes an enemy without ever naming him, referring to “others who wallow in the dirt.” Encirclement syndrome is nothing new in FdI and there are those who see a flare-up at a delicate moment. The cauldron could also involve some friction with Forza Italia and the cold relationship with Marina Berlusconi, but – the Meloniers argue – this is not the main problem. Not even if the outbursts were published on a Mediaset channel, which is, among other things, the publisher for which Giambruno works.

“We represent an Italy that is proud and able to trust its citizens, that rewards merit and talent and appreciates work, an Italy with a straight back and a proud look, a fair Italy,” said the President of I recommend, to speak about video at “Winning Italy – A Year of Results”, an event organized by FdI at the Teatro Brancaccio in Rome to celebrate the first year of the government.

“It is six o’clock in the afternoon and I am in Cairo for an international conference on the difficult crisis in the Middle East, a conference that Italy, which has always been a bridge between Europe, the Mediterranean and the Middle East, could not miss and had to hold be represented at the top level,” explained Meloni in the video. “I don’t know when I will return to Italy, I’m not sure if I can be with you physically. I too am human and if there is anyone I can ask for understanding, it is the sympathizers. Representatives, militants and leaders of FI”.

Learn more Meloni I leave with my head held high we represent US gives green light to Ukrainian training on F 16.ico ANSA Meloni Agency: It’s just the beginning, we will continue to make bold decisions – News – Ansa.it A video on social media about his first year in government (ANSA)

“I am proud of what we have done, of ourselves, of our ruling class and of myself. I can look in the mirror and still see the same person. I left with my head held high, I made no compromises,” he added. The Council President said she was “also proud of the unity of the majority because all attempts to divide us have failed, and I am proud of the many results and Goals that have already been achieved. I will not list them, the video would be too long.” Ministers will do it in today’s demonstration.” We want to “reform deeply what needs to be reformed, without paying attention to anyone,” he added.

In the video, Meloni emphasized the support she found for her work: “A year ago I asked myself why so many were moved when they took the oath. Now, with everything that has happened, I asked myself again why.” We still receive so much affection and support from the Italians, light years away from what the newspapers say, and now I know because we do represent the true Italy, that of those who roll up their sleeves and work and who have been passed over by the clever and commendable ones”.

On the other hand, the Prime Minister noted: “The wickedness and the methods they use to weaken us have reached unprecedented levels. We are the enemy to be defeated because we are a mirror, a reflection of their meanness. If we succeed.” “He has to deal with his conscience with all these people,” he added.

Learn more 1698003397 896 Meloni I leave with my head held high we represent US gives green light to Ukrainian training on F 16.ico ANSA agency “Victorious Italy”, Fdi celebrates its first anniversary in government – ​​News – Ansa.it demonstration in Rome and several other Italian cities (ANSA)

“We show that you can achieve unimaginable results and do extraordinary things without having to be petty or take shortcuts or do unimaginable things or please unimaginable people,” Meloni said again. “If we succeed and prosper, all of these people will have to deal with their conscience, and I guarantee you that they will. So, don’t worry, walk straight, look up and smile in our faces. We have great things for us to achieve and we will make them happen.”

“The others,” he added, “can continue to roll in the mud, we will fly high. Are they convinced that they can make us lose our calm in the end? So far they have only lost them because we have broad shoulders.”, our conscience is clear. Our goals are great and it is important for us not to disappoint Italy and the Italians. I love you.”

On social media, the Prime Minister recalled that “today the liturgical memory of John Paul II is celebrated” and “John Paul II taught me many things. One of these I valued and it guides my commitment. ‘Freedom,’ she said, ‘do it.’ ‘It’s not about doing what we want, but about having the right to do what we have to.’ I’m a free person, me “I will be free despite everything and I will always try to do what I have to do.” Meloni also recalled that “it was also on October 22, 2022 when I went up to the Quirinals and took the oath as Prime Minister” .

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