Men and women Isas opinion on the 022223 episode

Men and women: Isa’s opinion on the 02/22/23 episode

Speaking of raw trash, tonight’s episode of Men and Women was one I’ll probably watch again on La 5 tonight.

If Gianni Spertiin full drama queen mode, got up from his chair and said a Queen Mary: “If you want to sit Armando It’s fine in my place, I’m going out right now,” I laughed roughly, admitting it.

Surreal episode, absolutely surreal, in the Armando reported to John some comments on the web that would like him to comment in his place (and I have to confirm the words of theembodiedbecause I read those comments too, people are really masochistic, there’s nothing to be done), in which he explained to us that coming to Men and Women is practically a sacrifice for him, because not only is he not getting paid , but he only has an expense allowance, but spends an additional 400/500 euros PER WEEK to go out with the ladies (back when he still went out and didn’t torpedo people after two phone calls with the unlimited minute offer) and feels in a heavy heart in every episode because the criticism doesn’t make him feel good.

Understood? Armando he sacrifices himself to get to the Elios, he is impoverished and mentally ill AND YET he is there every week, present and willing to sacrifice himself for an unknown homeland!

Boh, fact is that like I said yesterday what John he accused display Armando is VERY TRUE, we’ve been saying it publicly for months, but today’s episode just confirms what I said yesterday, and that’s the underlying problem isn’t Armando but he is the one who keeps inviting him, DESPITE EVERYTHING.

Armando he stays in the studio ALTHOUGH he hasn’t had a significant visitor until now, I can’t even remember how long (and apparently there aren’t even any ladies calling out to him, thank heavens).

Armando He stays in the studio THOUGH all his acquaintances (or even superficial acquaintances) over the last few years ended 90% of the time in him soiling the woman he was dating. Biagio DiMaroto cite just one recent example, she’s been torpedoed for “exploiting emotionally fragile women,” and instead constantly embarrassing the ladies you don’t get along with is less serious?

Armando He tells us that “women are natural liars” and NEVER stops at that, and no one points out to him the dissatisfaction of testimony when other people have been dishonorably turned away for much less.

In short, it’s very true lately Armando has neither more nor less than the role of a commentator, but it is obvious that whoever runs the program agrees with it, so all these pantomimes seem to me essentially pointless, it’s like criticizing yourself in front of a mirror , ie JohnPart and representative of the transmission, criticizes that BASIC is a criticism of the transmission itself.

Anyway, I’m still stuck Armando who, when he was still an active part of the program and went out with the ladies, was spending 500 euros a week, that is, boh, but what are you telling us he’s rich? No, because we mere mortals try not to spend $500 on extra bills/rent/mortgage, and he was basically investing $2,000 a month to get Ms. X (whom he then torpedoed a few days later by accusing her of being dirty and being random to get it dirty) drinking good wine at dinner and a pizza for 35 euros?

And I’m even tighter Armando what, referring to Michelesays, “Because people like you think men and women are false, I make it clear that men and women are true.”

After all, his story in the program speaks for itself, he is the best example to convince people of the correctness of the program! Not Marco And Beatrice a marriage and 4 children, no aldo And alexia a marriage and two children, no He knows And sage or Catherine And BlaiseBUT ArmandYes he had such a clear and crystal clear journey full of important and clean stories built into the program to make everyone understand that the transmission is true!

The only thing I felt like agreeing to todayembodied it is about the story of the gift given by Cristina Tenuta to his daughter… but what did that have to do with it, sorry? I mean you and I don’t have a relationship actually it ended badly and we’re not in good shape we don’t talk we don’t shit and you send my daughter a Christmas present you don’t even know? No idea, frankly out of place, me too instead Armando Had I not given the child the gift and returned it to the sender, there is no point in even indirectly involving the children in things that are none of their business, especially when the situation between us is anything but peaceful and friendly.

But Christineis indeed another doing utterly meaningless things and another whose presence in the studio has no real justification in my eyes.

What if John If it were a more nonjudgmental moment, it might defuse many of the criticisms he was leveling at her Armando, but instead she is nice to him and therefore defends herself to the bitter end. But what can I expect from those who have it Ida Platano as his idols men and Donni… Well come on, episode summary is that the purest has mange, oxen give cuckolds to donkeys, stupid is who does stupid and if a huge trap door would be opened if he took it away, what is good and right.

video of the episode: Whole episode – Alessandro and Lina: proof of knowledge – Tiziana: “Rosario, how do you feel about me? I want to know the truth!” – A knight for Carla – Armando: “Gianni, why are you mad at me?” – Cristina: “Armando refused my gift…” – Armando: “I’m not going to risk it for you to please…”