MEP attacks US and Europe for supporting terrorism

MEP attacks US and Europe for supporting terrorism

Irish MEP Mick Wallace attacks the United States and its allies for supporting global terrorism

Irish MEP Mick Wallace. (Photo: Cubasi)

The MEP for Ireland on Wednesday criticized the bellicose stance of the USA, European countries, the Israeli occupation regime, Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates (UAE).

In a session in the French city of Strasbourg, seat of the European Union (EU) Legislative Assembly, Wallace particularly condemned the US war and the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) in Afghanistan, as well as the Saudi aggression in Yemen and the regime’s brutal crackdown on Tel Aviv against the Palestinians.

“When the US and NATO bombed Afghanistan for 20 years, killing hundreds of thousands and millions of displaced people, they terrorized the people. A United Nations poll showed that 45% of the people killed in the US-NATO bombing of civilians in Afghanistan were children. When the United States killed more than a million civilians in Iraq, wasn’t that terrorism?

Similarly, he pointed out that Israel also commits terrorism as it terrorizes the Palestinian people every day.

As Wallace lamented, the US, France, Britain and other European countries are arming Riyadh and Abu Dhabi “to commit genocide in Yemen,” where hundreds of thousands have lost their lives in the war and millions are starving, also viewed as terrorism.

“When are they going to wake up and start living in the real world?” asked the MEP.

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