Mexican police handcuff crooked demon doll Chucky Portal Canada

Mexican police handcuff crooked ‘demon doll’ Chucky – Portal Canada

MEXICO CITY, Sept 22 (Portal) – The Chucky doll is handcuffed, a knife still sticking out of his jumpsuit, leaning against the wall as police hold him by his bright orange hair to take his mugshot .

In a bizarre twist, Chucky and his owner were locked up in a town in northern Mexico earlier this week.

The puppeteer, identified only as Carlos “N” according to Mexican standards, is said to have used the “demon puppet” to scare people and demand money, local media reported.

Both were accused of disturbing the peace and endangering the integrity of others.

An officer from the police department in Monclova, Coahuila state, was seen laughing as she held up the long knife taken from Chucky.

Mexican media reported that the officer who handcuffed Chucky was later reprimanded for not taking her job seriously.

Local media reported that Carlos “N” was later released, although the whereabouts of the Chucky doll are still unknown.

Reporting by Daniel Becerril; Writing by Kylie Madry; Edited by William Mallard

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