1702230862 Mia Schem the former French Israeli hostage gets a tattoo

Mia Schem, the former French Israeli hostage, gets a tattoo of a message of hope

Mia Schem had the phrase “We will dance again” tattooed in English on her left arm with the date October 7, 2023, the day of the Hamas terrorist attack. Instagram Mia Schem Mia Schem had the phrase “We will dance again” tattooed in English on her left arm with the date October 7, 2023, the day of the Hamas terrorist attack.

Instagram Mia Schem

Mia Schem had the phrase “We will dance again” tattooed in English on her left arm with the date October 7, 2023, the day of the Hamas terrorist attack.

MIDDLE EAST – “We will dance again. » A few days after her release, Mia Schem had this sentence in English (“We will dance again”) tattooed on her left forearm. Just below those few words, the 21-year-old Franco-Israeli added the date she will never forget: October 7, 2023.

That day, she danced like thousands of young Israelis at the electronic music festival Tribe of Nova, which was attacked by Hamas terrorists. She spent around fifty days as a hostage of the Islamist group until her release on November 30th.

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In a message published on Instagram, in which we see this tattoo but also her cast on her right arm, the sign of her injuries, the young woman thinks of all those who lost their lives in this attack. “I will never forget. The pain and fear, the difficult sights, the friends who will not return,” she wrote in Hebrew. She also mentions “those we must find,” namely the dozens of hostages who are always are still in the hands of Hamas, 138 according to the latest Israeli report. “We still have to win, we will dance again!” “she concludes.

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At the end of November, Emmanuel Macron welcomed the release of Mia Schem and shared this “great joy with her family and all French people”. A few weeks earlier, he had denounced “a disgusting scene” after Hamas released a video in which the young woman appeared. In the pictures we saw her awake and lying down, but her arm was injured. “Please get me out of here as quickly as possible,” she could be heard begging in a second clip.

Another Frenchman, Eliya Toledano, was captured during the music festival. He (like Ofer Kalderon, Ohad Yahalomi and Orion Hernandez-Radou) is still held hostage by Hamas.

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