Michelle Hunziker Christmas with the mother in law The selfie

Michelle Hunziker, Christmas with the mother in law: The selfie with Tomaso’s mother is booming with the likes Newsby

trussardi hunziker
Thomas and Michelle. Photo: Ansa-Newsby

Michelle Hunziker (also) spent Christmas with her mother Ineke and her mother-in-law Maria Luisa, mother of her ex-husband Tomaso Trussardi. And the selfies posted on Instagram were very well liked by the fans.

Although the love story between Michelle Hunziker and Tomaso Trussardi is now archived, that doesn’t mean the well-known showgirl can’t continue to enjoy peaceful relations with her mother-in-law. In fact, the two have immortalized themselves in a selfie that no one would have expected but very much appreciated by the people of the Internet. Michelle’s mother Ineke could not be missing with them.

trussardi hunzikerThomas and Michelle. Photo: Ansa – Newsby

Michelle Hunziker and selfies with mother and mother-in-law on Christmas Eve

After all, it’s no secret that Michelle and Maria Luisa have always had a very relaxed and positive relationship. The two women liked each other from the moment they met, so much so that in the past, Trussardi’s mother has expressed her displeasure at the split between her son and (ex)daughter-in-law. “I think I’m a beloved mother-in-law and a beloved grandmother to my grandchildren,” she said in an interview. “I hit it off with Michelle, I’m sorryI didn’t foresee it (the breakup), but I couldn’t rule out the possibility that it happened”.

In any case, not only did the mother-in-law and daughter-in-law have a good relationship, but also Tomaso and Michelle themselves. The two of them immortalized themselves just a few days ago in a selfie that shows them smiling and sitting calmly at a restaurant table. And Michelle made it clear in one sentence to the photo that their relationship is absolutely friendly. “Dinner with Ex”In fact, the showgirl wrote, initially shutting down every possible rumor about their sentimental approach.

michelle hunziker's mother-in-lawMichelle poses with her mother-in-law. Photo: Instagram – newsby

Fan guesswork: Is there still hope of seeing Tomaso and Michelle back together?

However, in the selfie “captured” with her mother-in-law, Michelle appears smiling as usual, while Maria Luisa’s gaze is more serious. The photos were taken on Christmas Evethat Michelle and her family spent at the Trussardi home. With her were of course her daughters Sole and Celeste. The fans also liked the selfie with mother Ineke, but she also looked quite serious in the recording.

michelle with momMichelle with her mother Ineke. Photo: Instagram. Newsby

A seriousness that is difficult to explain. It could obviously be completely random, but it could also be hiding some kind of “malaise” within the family. That the fact of acting like a family that is still united and happy makes both Maria Luisa and Ineke uncomfortable? Impossible to say, what is certain is that, unlike the two women, Michelle could not have seemed more relaxed and happy to spend Christmas at the Trussardi house.

Apparently, the new Christmas photos that have surfaced on Hunziker’s profile have encouraged some fans to hope for a rapprochement between Tomaso and Michelle. In fact, for some, Michelle’s presence at the Trussardi home would be a clear sign that interest still exists between them. Although still well hidden from everyone. Will the fans be right? We’ll just have to wait to find out, but the chances of any concrete sentimental rapprochement between the two are pretty slim. On the other hand, it was Michelle herself who stated her status as an “ex”…