1694547390 Michelle Rubalcava confronts Eduardo Verastegui over homophobic comments You called

Michelle Rubalcava confronts Eduardo Verástegui over homophobic comments: “You called me a rapist” Indigo Report

Eduardo Verasteguithe actor, who is known as an ultra-conservative, was in one controversy at the beginning of the year for his homophobic comments, for the moderator Michelle Rubalcava He decided confront him In an interview.

Because of this The political activist was also present to the television programme Come the joy with the aim of, support financially his new film Sound of freedom in which topics such as child trafficking are discussed.

What did Eduardo Verástegui say about the LGBT+ community?

So you know why Michelle Rubalcava was upset Eduardo Verastegui It is important that you remember that in April the actor made a publication on his Twitter account against the LGBT+ community.

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In this assured The Be a person homosexual The associated with pedophilia, which sparked a number of criticisms against the producer, as many pointed out the homophobia present in the release.

This was the confrontation between the two

Although at that time many actors, artists and celebrities faced Eduardo Verástegui; Michelle Rubalcava took advantage the moment they spoke about the sexual abuse that children who are victims of human trafficking experience, address homophobic comments of the actor.

“And clarify, Eduardo, I am 38 years old, I come from the gay community ynI never felt like a minor old to rape him“, noted Michelle Rubalcava in the interview, which surprised the producer.

The host of the television show, asked be more careful When it comes to the sexual abuse of minors, in view of this Associating it with homosexual people is not only wrong but His words have consequences.
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You have embraced To people of the community with comments Good Negative that me You hurt me Because I’m 38 years old, have four nephews, come from the community and never wanted a child,” commented Michelle.

On his part Eduardo tried to continue talking on this issue and called on all people to unite to eliminate abuses against children; However, The driver repeated that he had to be careful with the message that there is.

You called me a rapist because I come from the community and you included it,” Rubalcava explained why the actor pointed out that there are heterosexual people who commit abuse and He apologized to Michelle. for your publication.