Miguel Varoni39s Stations of the Cross on a Latam flight

Miguel Varoni's Stations of the Cross on a Latam flight from Bogotá; This is the airline’s response

Colombian television is home to authentic jewels that have left an indelible mark, becoming authentic cultural phenomena that remain in the collective memory of entire generations. Through recognizable melodies, iconic hairstyles and familiar faces, these productions have managed to evoke vivid memories and trigger nostalgia among Colombians.

With this in mind, I have while preparing the new season of the novel The artist experienced a trip on a Latam Airlines flight from Bogota to Miami, about which he filed a complaint.

In a publication replicated by Notifamosos' Instagram account, he described what happened during his flight in two videos.

In the first video he recorded from El Dorado airport in Bogotá, he said that there was a flight cancellation, in addition to that he traveled to Latam to ask for help as he had a need first hand .

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In the first video he recorded from El Dorado airport in Bogota, Miguel Varoni said that there had been a flight cancellation. | Photo: Telemundo

“We bought the very expensive ticket in Latam here in Bogotá to be able to travel to Miami because I had a meeting. “I'm traveling alone because we had to get to Miami urgently and the flight that leaves at 11 (morning) is delayed here in Latam and they are scheduled for 12:30 (afternoon).” Story.

However, the delay was no longer just a simple wait: “At the moment, at this time, something like that, they say the flight is canceled.” Canceled! Well, I was stranded. “I didn’t accomplish anything I needed to accomplish.”

And he added: “I have to wait for my wife to come, who traveled later. He comes, I give him a kiss, my wife leaves and tomorrow at 7 a.m. I leave Latam for Miami. Now I have to go to Latam and pray that this doesn’t happen again because you’re a bit nervous.”

But in the second video, the artist spoke from inside a Latam plane and shared another strange situation he experienced: “We were doing so well. We got on the plane which was a bit full. The pilots who were here can’t take us to Miami, other pilots have to come to take us to Miami.”

The airline responded to the matter:

  • The BOG-MIA flight was operated with a Boeing 787 aircraft flying the Santiago de Chile-Bogota-Miami route.
  • Upon arrival in Bogotá, the aircraft suffers a maintenance problem and cannot continue the rest of the itinerary for safety reasons.
  • In order to avoid a long delay for most passengers, it is decided to operate the flight with an Airbus 320.
  • When changing aircraft and flight operator, the flight number was changed. Originally it was the LA580 and was changed to the LA4401.
  • Miguel Varoni traveled on that flight the same day. And 78 passengers were protected on a flight at 7:00 a.m. the next day.
  • Unfortunately, an internal issue occurred with the crew assigned to the flight, resulting in an additional 40 minute delay while a reserve crew was activated.
  • Miguel Varoni assures that you only need willpower and self-love to quit smoking.

    Miguel Varoni experienced a trip on a Latam Airlines flight from Bogota to Miami that he complained about. | Photo: Instagram