Elon Musk revealed that was forced to buy Twitter over fears his transgender daughter was infected with a “virus.” incubated on this social media platform. According to The Telegraph, Musk states so accepted the news of his daughter’s sex change.
The billionaire is working hand-in-hand with Walter Isaacson to create the biography he plans to publish once it’s ready, and this information comes from there, portal Genbeta reported.
However, it seems so What bothered him was that she later banned him from her life entirely and even changed his last name. (now called Vivian Jenna Wilsonwhile his birth name was Xavier Alexander Musk) and the tycoon began a struggle that ultimately culminated in the purchase of Twitter for $44 billion.
Despite these words, we must remember this when the young woman applied to change her first and last nameclaims for the second time that “I no longer live with my biological father and do not want to be related to him in any way.”Musk had already been behind Twitter for months and the purchase offer was already in place (news of the name change came in June 2022). Although she had previously spoken openly about this rejection of her father.
“She became a total communist”
What does a daughter who doesn’t love you have to do with buying a social network? Well, because it looks like it’s the owner of Tesla believed that his daughter had undergone a radical change as a result of the “liberal” school she attended in California.
“She went beyond socialism, became a total communist and believed that anyone who is rich is evil,” Musk said.
At the same time, he believed that Twitter was characterized by the same mentality. According to Musk, the social network now called X was infected with a mindset that stifled right-wing and anti-establishment voices. His solution was to buy it.
Late last year, this man spoke about his daughter for the first time, saying her idea was “full-blown communism.” “Unless the Awake Mind Virus is stopped (it’s called the Woke Mind Virus in English, a term Musk uses on various occasions, saying among other things that it’s “anti-meritocratic”), which fundamentally anti-scientific and anti-meritorious, and anti-human in general, civilization will never become multiplanetary,” Musk told Isaacson, according to The Telegraph.