National Council brings changes to family benefit

National Council brings changes to family benefit

The National Council begins the new parliamentary season with just one meeting, but with an ambitious agenda.

There will be certain restrictions on child benefit if both partners do not contribute. The blocked form of partial retirement is gradually being abolished. In addition, there are financial subsidies to states so that municipalities can waive tariff increases.

Inflation and Cofag aid

At the beginning of the plenary session scheduled for Wednesday there are two “current times” in which the ÖVP and SPÖ can promote their favorite current topics. The Popular Party has this 4.5 billion she wants to invest additionally in child care, was the theme for the opening of parliament. Thanks to the SPÖ, “European Current Time” will also be quite internally political.

Because it’s about them Inflation and how other states would have fought them more effectively. There follow no less than ten reports from the Court of Auditors, where presumably the one on Corona Cofag Aid Funding Agency will take up most of the speaking time.

Communities will soon receive money through a 150 million special purpose donations to states. Its aim is to ensure that municipalities do not adjust their water and waste rates in line with total inflation.

Greater profit extraction

Furthermore, there should be a shift in the contribution of the energy crisis to fossil fuels greater profit skimming of energy companies cause. This should be achieved by increasing the calculation base for the contribution to the energy crisis for 2023 to the amount at which the taxable profit in 2023 is more than ten percent above the average amount.

So far they have only taken action “Window profits” in the oil and gas sector of more than 20% The. Another request gives the Minister of Finance authority to award grants for the benefit of Ukraine grant up to an amount of 100 million euros.

End of blocked partial retirement

A popular form of early retirement will be eliminated at Wednesday’s meeting. O partial retirement blocked, through which you can leave professional life earlier, will be abolished, but gradually until 2029. From then on there will be no more public subsidies for partial retirement schemes.

Also not necessarily to the opposition’s liking Changes to parental leave. In the future, both parents will have to stay at least two months. If you don’t do this, you will lose two months of the grace period and it will only be 22 months. Single parents are exempt from the restriction.

The so-called Bonus Family Time, financial support for parents who dedicate themselves to the family immediately after birth, should in the future be doubled to 47.82 euros per day. Both should be one Greater involvement of parents in the care of young children cause.

Improvements in care leave

Improvements are planned in terms of care leave. In the future, people may also be released to care for close family members if they do not live in the same household as them. There should also be an exemption for caring for people in the same household, even if they are not relatives. The requirement for a shared household should also be eliminated for part-time work or time off to care for seriously ill children.

If the program is not yet closed enough for a group, there is an “urgent order” option. Here, the FPÖ would be the first to take the opposition’s place.