Neil Parish resigns from England Parliament after watching porn videos

Neil Parish resigns from England Parliament after watching porn videos in courtroom: ‘I had a moment of…

The 65-year-old Conservative has announced his resignation as MP. He watched the videos “on two occasions” and stated the second time was “on purpose”.

UK MP Neil Parish, 65, has resigned after admitting he had seen pornography in the House of Commons. “I had a moment of madness,” he said of his retirement, according to The Independent. Parish admitted he watched the videos “on two occasions,” stating the second time was “on purpose.” The first, however, would have been casual: the MP was watching videos of tractors but “found himself on a site with a very similar name and I’ve been looking at it for a while, which I shouldn’t have done”.

Of course, “it’s embarrassing,” said the deputy. “And it’s embarrassing for my wife and family, so that’s my main concern at the moment. I have a wife who is very supportive and I thank her for that,” Parish added, making it clear that he would await “the results of the investigation” before commenting further on what happened. “I apologize for that,” he added.

“We would like to take this opportunity to thank Parish for his service to our communities over the past 12 years,” said the local Tory spokesman. “We support his decision to resign as our MP.” The man was suspended from the party on Friday.

His case surfaced after some colleagues reported that he had viewed pornography on his mobile phone both in the courtroom and during a committee meeting. Parish, Chair of the Commission dealing with Environment and Agriculture, was an MEP from 1999 to 2009 before being elected at Westminster in 2010.

April 30, 2022 (Change April 30, 2022 | 18:29)