NemTodoHeroiUsaCapa Avengers support Lula after calling Samuel L Jackson

#NemTodoHeróiUsaCapa: “Avengers” support Lula after calling Samuel L. Jackson

Posted in GLOBAL on 20221028 6:37 p.m

the hashtag #NemTodoHeróiUsaCapa won Twitter’s audience in recent days by allowing ordinary people to interact with idols from cinema, television and comics to defend democracy in Brazil. The keyword stood out for attract famous Hollywood actors, especially those playing Marvel superheroes like actor Mark Ruffalowho played scientist Bruce Banner, better known as hulktransformed by a failed experiment with “gamma rays”.

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O Incredible Hulk interacted with a Brazilian netizen. She said that because of the possibility of a new pandemic, she would vote for who would not hesitate to introduce vaccines and said that for her a hero is the one who defends science. Ruffalo replied: “That’s right! As Bruce Banner proves: True science makes us stronger. Please vote for brave minds and open minds for strong, healthy families on Sunday.”.

Actor Samuel L Jackson, or rather Nick Fury, leader of the Avengers in fiction, was the one who started it all. He published a post with the hashtag asking Brazilians to tell him their stories and why and who is voting next Sunday. The actor, who is dedicated to defending civil rights in the United States with dozens of successful films and a true story, received a Brazilian fan’s account of the hunger the country is experiencing and the magnitude of food inflation caused by the economic policies of Paulo comes from Guedes.

“Definitive , Hunger in Brazil is not fiction, but it can end. Listen to our brothers, vote next Sunday,” the actor wrote, perhaps unknowingly pinning a recent speech by Bolsonaro denying hunger in the country.

Likewise Chris Hamsworth, Thor swung his hammer Mjolnir to ask that conservation of the Amazon for the future of children and the planet. “Brazilian Avengers, this Sunday you are all worthy to cast your vote, something stronger than any gavel”explained.

Finally it was my turn Iron Man declares his support for a future without the far right. Robert Downey Jr. praised the initiative of a netizen who proposed taking collective action in neighborhoods of Belém where abstention was high in the first round. “If it seems too difficult for you, remember that sometimes you have to run before you can walk. I believe in you,” the actor said.