Nickeline Definition and Explanations Techno Sciencenet

Nickeline – Definition and Explanations –



Nickeline – Silver Bullion Mine, Cobalt, Ontario, Canada (6x4cm)

Mass (The term mass is used to denote two quantities attached to a…) shape134 g/mol
Color (color is the subjective perception of one or more wave frequencies by the eye…)Lead gray (lead is a chemical element from the family of crystallogens, symbol Pb and…), copper (copper is a chemical element with the symbol Cu and atomic number 29. Copper…), black
crystal class and space groupbipyramidal hexagonal, 6/mmm
Crystal System (A crystal system is a classification of crystals based on their…)hexagonal
Bravais lattice (In crystallography, a Bravais lattice is a regular distribution of points…)primitive hexagon
Fission (Fission is the ability of certain minerals to fracture along flat surfaces…)imperfect on [1010] And, [0001]
habitMassive (The word massive can be used as:); Very rare crystals in twisted isoskelohedra
Fracture (In traumatology, the term fracture is defined as a solution of…)regular, shell-shaped
Mohs scale5.5
Optical properties
characteristicBrown black
Transparency (A material or object is considered transparent if it can be penetrated…)opaque
Other properties
Density (The density or relative density of a body is the ratio of its density to…)7.78 to 7.8
solubilityIn aqua regia (Latin: aqua regia, Eau Royale) is a mixture of acids…)
Unmistakable characters
Magnetism (Magnetism is a physical phenomenon through which forces are manifested…)none
Radioactivity (Radioactivity, a phenomenon discovered by Henri Becquerel on… in 1896)none
main varieties
Nickeline (Nickeline is a mineral of nickel arsenide with the formula NiAs,…)
CAS no.27016-75-7
EINECS no.248-169-1
chemical properties
Brutal formulaAsNiNiAs
molar mass133.615 ± 0.0004 g mol-1
Units of the SI & CNTP unless otherwise stated (An indication (from Latin indicare: to indicate) is a written advice or recommendation…)

There nickeline is a mineral of nickel arsenide (nickel is a chemical element, symbol Ni and atomic number 28) of the formula NiAs, containing 43.9% arsenic (arsenic is a chemical element belonging to the pnictogen family, symbol …) and 56.1% nickel. Small amounts of sulfur (sulphur is a chemical element of the chalcogen family, symbol S and…), iron (iron is a chemical element, symbol Fe and atomic number 26. It is…) and cobalt (cobalt is a chemical element, symbol Co and atomic number 27 and…) are usually present; Arsenic can be largely replaced by antimony (antimony is a chemical element from the pnictogen family, symbol Sb…). Nickeline forms an isomorphic series with broadhauptite. The ore is often called “Kupfernickel” because of its copper-red color: the German equivalent “Kupfernickel” was used as early as 1694. Associated ores are: arsenopyrite, barite, silver (silver or silver metal is a chemical element with the symbol Ag – du…), cobaltine, pyrrhotite, pentlandite, chalcopyrite (chalcopyrite is a mineral composed of double sulphide (35% by mass), copper…), broad h auptite and macherite. In contact with air (air is the gaseous mixture that makes up the earth’s atmosphere. It is odorless and…) wet nickel can give pseudomorphism by coating annabergite (annabergite is a mineral species composed of hydrated arsenate…) (green arsenate (green is a complementary color corresponding to light with one wavelength…) of nickel.

Inventors and Etymology

Described by François Sulpice Beudant in 1832. Alluding to its chemical composition (nickel)


Nickel has a hexagonal structure, space group P 63/mmc, a hardness (There are different definitions of hardness: for a solid (mineral or metal) and…) of the order of 5-5½ on the Mohs hardness scale (The Mohs hardness scale was invented in 1812 by the German mineralogist Friedrich Mohs…). This is the hexagonal equivalent of the galena structure (galena is a mineral species of lead sulfide with the formula PbS…).

The occupied octahedra share common faces: this arrangement (The notion of arrangement is used in probabilities and in particular for…) is rare among ionic structures, but in nickeline every metal atom (an atom (from Greek ατομος, atomos, “that cannot be…”) is metallically close not only to the nonmetal (The nonmetals form a chemical series of the periodic table that groups the…) but also to other metal atoms with which it forms metallic bonds.Nickeline Ni-centered.png
An alternative description of the structure can be made by placing the nickel at the tips of a primitive hexagonal network and the arsenic at the center of the trigonal prisms formed by the nickel.Nickeline As-centered.png


Nickel is formed by hydrothermal action on ultramafic rocks and associated deposits and can be formed by replacement of nickel-copper sulfides (replacing pentlandite and association with copper sulfoarsenides) or by metasomatism of non-sulfide ultramafic rocks into which sulfur and arsenic and carbonates are brought by metasomatic fluids. The result is typically an association that includes millerite, heazelwoodite, pentlandite and pyrite (pyrite is a mineral species of iron sulfide with the formula FeS2…). Significant deposits of nickel and related minerals are found in Ontario and Australia (Australia (officially Commonwealth of Australia) is a country of…).

Associated Minerals

  • Annabergite, Heazelwoodite, Millerite, Pentlandite, Pyrite.