1703649873 No customer slept outside this store which was offering

No customer slept outside this store, which was offering Boxing Day sales

The traditional day of Boxing Day sales did not result in queues outside a Montreal electronics store where no customer spent the night outside the store.

• Also read: Boxing Day, “it’s folklore”

With the popularity of online retail, consumer habits have changed.

There were no customers waiting for the doors to open outside the Best Buy on Sainte-Catherine Street West in downtown Montreal around 8 a.m.

Archive footage shows the situation has changed, while in previous years there were queues on the high street.

No customer slept outside this store which was offering

TVA News

Two employees of the American banner confirmed to TVA Nouvelles that the retail workforce will be smaller than previous post-Christmas sales.

They add that several customers paid for their orders overnight and will pick them up during the day.

Two citizens who met on Sainte-Catherine Street West said it will be easier for consumers to make their purchases online.

According to the Quebec Retail Council, 56% of Quebec residents want to benefit from sales, while 22% of the population plan to do so online.

“We are noticing a slowdown, which is initially due to the economy […] But we also have an element that has been important in recent months, the strike, which affects many people and which affects the wallets of teachers and people in the health sector,” emphasized its general director Damien Silès.

At the beginning of the afternoon, dozens of consumers had visited the wholesale market.

Fortunately, there were no long queues for customers.

“People know it; they come to shop in a much more comfortable and “relaxed” way. “There is no longer any urgency to stand in line at 6 a.m.,” emphasizes one employee.

*See explanations in the video above*