Old Orchard looks like us

Old Orchard looks like us

sea, entertainment and mini golf if your expectations are realistic, Old orchard will satisfy you. Similarly, comedy-drama will be staged at La Licorne, named in honor of this famous Maine beach town.

Hilarious at times, this creation by Thomas Gionet-Lavigne shows that thirty-something’s deep desire to find a soul mate, but also the emptiness and disappointment that all too often awaits them at the turning point. In this respect, it is well anchored in our time and makes you think, but without revolutionizing anything.

The dramatist’s staging is rather simple, but there is something authentic about this story. Like the “Quebec” restaurants mentioned in the show that specialize in pizza ghetti.

It’s reassuring, if not excellent.

Four singles

So this story takes place over a weekend in Old Orchard. A social worker (Jean-René Moisan) disillusioned with love and a heartbroken accountant (François-Simon Poirier) go there to change their minds with the aim of making nice encounters. They meet a policewoman who moves air (Milène Leclerc) and a shy restaurateur (Myriam Debonville) who are also there to have fun.

Well played, these characters are pretty typical overall. This is especially true for the two guys, who take up more space on stage than their peers. The accountant is shallow but sensitive while his friend is outgoing but selfish.

We must highlight the work of the two actresses, who have the merit of interpreting with open voices that we hardly hear on the Montreal stage. Those of ordinary women from La Plaine and Lachenaie, where the countryside has turned into suburbs.

After beginnings to elicit their share of laughs, the plot slides towards drama as the night progresses. Without minor details one has the impression of attending a good summer game. The story is easy to follow, the feelings sound real and we recognize ourselves in these characters who are looking for happiness but unfortunately have trouble finding it.

As the slogan for the Habitant soup that has become so famous was: “There’s a little bit of us in it”.

Old Orchard will be presented at La Licorne until April 8th

  • Old orchard ★★★1⁄2

Directed by Thomas Gionet-Lavigne

With Myriam Debonville, Milène Leclerc, Jean-René Moisan and François-Simon Poirier