Opera singer 23 hit by car driver heard the crash.webp

Opera singer (23) hit by car driver heard the crash

A fatal traffic accident occurred on the evening of Boxing Day in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, Germany.

On the morning of December 26, a hiker in Malchin, in the German state of Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania, made a terrible discovery: he discovered the lifeless body of a young girl. As it turned out later, the corpse was a 23-year-old opera singer who studied singing in Rostock, writes the newspaper “Bild”. She died immediately after the accident and didn’t stand a chance, as an ordered autopsy showed.

What happened? According to the newspaper, she wanted to move from a family party on December 25 to a Christmas event. When she wanted to cross the street just before 11 pm, she was hit by a car and landed in a patch of meadow several meters away.

Driver is 21 years old

The person behind the wheel of the car committed a hit-and-run and left the young talented singer. Later it turned out that the person who caused the accident was a 21-year-old woman. She came forward to the police after reading reports about the accident. She said she just heard a bang. However, the car would have been damaged.

The investigation is ongoing. In the case of a hit-and-run and manslaughter conviction, she could face several years in prison, according to “Bild”.

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