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Cristian, Fred and Ricardo fight for the fifth wall of “BBB 23” Globo / Reproduction
The fifth wall of BBB 23 is already formed and it’s time to decide who to eliminate on the reality show this week. Christian, Fred and Ricardo compete for staying in the house and a chance to win the prize, which has accumulated to R$ 1.82 million so far.
Fred got in the hot seat by taking the logical consequence in the race for the lead that sent him straight to the wall. Ricardo or Alface was reported by the leader Cezar after putting the nurse through the monster’s punishment and Send him to xepa in his own dominion. Cristian was the name most repeated by the House during the open vote in the room.
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Cristian, Fred and Domitila competed back and forth with the journalist taking the counter, as predicted in the dynamics of the week. However, the activist prevailed and managed to save herself from her second wall.
GZH conducts an unofficial survey to find out the preferences of Internet users. The calculation works like a thermometer, but has no influence on the result of the voting carried out by the globe.