1687690034 Journalism versus the press Notes on a Latin American Chronicle

Journalism versus the press. Notes on a Latin American Chronicle

Journalism versus the press Notes on a Latin American Chronicle

In July 2021, after the first massive protests against the Castro regime, Semana Magazine asked me to write an article on this topic. I said no. An article about Cuba would only have served their interests diametrically opposed to mine, and they would have ended up saying something contrary to what I said, because closed media consortia, backed by family, caste and lineage, weave a vast network of meaning dominant sense based on the institution of capital not as production and circulation but as inheritance.

There it matters less what was said or who says it than where it is said from, and the only way to subvert that scheme is to be able to engage in anti-press journalism, which is generally what the Case is when a medium publishes something that would not be published Appears to be able to post something. I notice this as a magazine editor who can’t quite escape the demise of torpor. This web of meaning is what we know as language, promotional codes articulated around the news slogan, with the word being just another element.

I wrote a lot about Cuba at the time, but I chose where to do it, just as far away from the cenacles who see themselves as bastions of resistance, possessors of a countercultural identity (which doesn’t exist), morally orderly, economically legitimate and… see in the same way, of course, mostly inefficiently in that they behave similarly to what they dislike: a typical consumer category for their audience; Relationship between owner and customer in which, as in any mirror link, one thing is the other: I’ll give you what I want, but in reality what you want determines the limit of what I’m allowed to offer.

A loyal audience is characterized by the dissemination of a main idea hidden in the seemingly diverse presentation of the facts. The fact that journalism is done against the press does not mean it is done outside of the press, as we are an active part of the power we want to transform.

Many of the places where I wanted to publish about Cuba, a worn-out signifier, were owned by corporations, like all national references, but what distinguished such places from Semana magazine is that they were liberal newspapers and not an enclave , which represented Cuba reflects an oligarchic economic structure, the rites and superstitions of a class as powerful as it was dead. Semana is a pre-modern publication and I just want to mention it to remind you that the political and aesthetic discussion surrounding journalism is a discussion that can only be established in the historical period of modernity, which, as we know, is only one of many times of the present.

Journalism is a profession designed within the framework of liberal ideology and conforming to some laws that allow it to become a press. As a cultural concept, journalism transcends its own beginning while the press remains forever a device beginning in the second half of the 19th century. There are three basic imperatives that inspire the logos of the press and the serialization of information: objectivity, impartiality, and altruism. This secular trinity wants to be seen as natural, as an immutable legislature not historically constructed. The code of ethics of the press, of course, produces specific aesthetic insights that define its scope or political function, but this code of ethics, in the face of the agony of liberalism (and the diagnosis still seems generous), produces more and more conflict. Morality for anyone who chooses journalism.

It is a scheme that can no longer be believed in without the cynicism of the usurer or the stupidity of the bureaucrat, which is why the specific aesthetic knowledge becomes increasingly limited knowledge and conventions, and its political function is then extremely reactionary and complicit. What is the blind spot that enacts complicity? The impossibility of controlling and perishing with the death of the ideology that invents you. What worries me is not that the press is dying, but rather that it is dragging journalism down this path and trying to impose its fate on it.

What characterizes neoliberalism politically is not the dissolution of the state, as has been said, but its hijacking, the reduction of its functions to the moment – ​​yes, fundamentally – when the company needs to be rescued again. Destroying the architecture of the Fordist world, its simulacrum continues through the press, a story about reality or a story that is reality and pretends to be unaware of it, though probably unaware of its own mirage state is. Neoliberalism had the press watch over an unburied corpse: the corpse of the liberal world. In neoliberalism, the body politic is a victim body. The press is the cop content to censure the scapegoat subtly handed over by the killer himself, for the cop’s primary concern is to live up to his rigged efficiency rates, not to intervene in life.

The control of the state, the legislature, the executive and the judiciary is not enough. Each of these powers is the avatar of a fluid order, an intricate network of declared and tacit economies, all post-national and essential to and for each other. Today, if a journalist were to expose or denounce illegal activity, he would not necessarily be doing journalism, even if the dictates of his profession pardoned him, because legality is just as criminal and individuals must constantly evade it in order to survive. In Havana, communist television reporters took to the streets to denounce the ragged truck drivers who, without official permits, sold some groceries and fruit to their peers. This brief fable of real socialism is less the exclusive property of Stalin than of modernity as a whole. Less Castro and more Kafka.

The latest trick of objectivity as an analytic category has been to deny its very existence. In the crisis, its vitality as the organizing principle of facts has preferred issuing a false death certificate rather than admitting what it conceals: the subjectivity of the system. Every body must be buried with its name. Objectivity does not exist, but what was in her existed, and what was in her had to harmonize with her mask.

Impartiality, on the other hand, is limited to the representation of power relations, it is a photograph of evil, of misery or, in the negative, of injustice and inequality. The aestheticization of reality frees the journalist from the risk and the obligation to intervene in the composition of the picture. Attractiveness, of course, acts as a makeup on what the tamed eye of the public sees, the eye of the indebted individual, the individual who uses, be it cocaine, travel packages, or news and derivatives thereof.

The long ban on the use of the first person in journalistic text, in turn, as an ideology that accompanies the rise of capital, pursues the very transformation of the journalist into a mechanical part of a symbol factory, his depersonalization being the necessary condition for the ethical observance of a trade that deals with words works, but follows a technical logic, industrial productivity. The violence of this operation, which decides how we first tell the world to ourselves, partially explodes in the hands of postmodern hedonism. So the exhibitionism of the self would only be justified in a certain spectacularity of the story, in the extravagance of the event that the chronicler would be willing to experience, but the press calls eccentricity and journalism calls singularity; The press tells you that the news says a man bites a dog, and journalism tells you that the chronicle says a dog bites a man.

The Vice story, continuing in search of the man who bit the dog, is the continuation of the press by other means, adapted to a new substance: the languor of late capitalism. Either the formal presence of the ego disappears so radically that it does nothing but manifest, by omission, the effort that ego has made not to appear, and of course constantly appearing that way; or else the outrageous feints of self result in not having to answer the real questions and again blocking the full possibility of the reporter, which is nothing other than the translation one can make of oneself, by and thanks to the voices another.

In a chapter on the dehumanization of art entitled A Few Drops of Phenomenology, Ortega y Gasset presents the following situation: A famous man is dying and is accompanied by his wife, a doctor, a reporter and a painter. The woman who is close to her lover writhes in pain. The doctor who is present because of his professional duty also pays considerable attention to the patient’s situation. He is responsible for what happens to him and his reputation is at stake. The painter is in a purely contemplative attitude, intent on capturing the details of the scene accurately.

The reporter, halfway between doctor and painter, doesn’t really know what he is. His job, the youngest of all, is not affirmation and is shaped by what the others are not: “We warn that we have distanced ourselves enormously from this painful reality.” that we have lost all sentimental contact with the event. The journalist is there like the doctor, forced by his profession and not by spontaneous and human impulses. But while the profession of doctor obliges him to intervene in what is happening, the profession of journalist obliges him not to intervene, he must confine himself to observing. For him the fact itself is a mere scene, a mere spectacle that he later has to relate in the newspaper columns. He does not participate sentimentally in what is happening there, he is mentally exempt and excluded from the event…”.

This journalistic practice reduces reality through the dictatorship of notarial truth to what the press sees as rigorously verifiable. The facts appear to be verifiable in their entirety, but only after they have been dramatically amputated. It doesn’t count what happens, it counts what seems to be the only thing that can happen. Any referenced area of ​​events, whether glossed over or diffuse, is outside the reporter’s work, as if reality were limited to what is happening and the variations, readings, and interpretations of events were not things that also happen. One such method finds its most neurotic expression in the fact-checking politics of gringo journalism, which aims less at what is false than at what is possible, eliminates all investigative risk, and suppresses widening the gaze.

What the fact-checker cannot verify, and his positivist verification methods are quite flimsy, is not accounted for in the story. Most of what is repressed has happened. There is a tragic censorship of life, for the sublimation of this emasculating procedure, copied without embarrassment urbi et orbi, mixes pure and hard data with the societal construction of truth and celebrates the habit of surveillance as journalistic rigor.

Basically, the sad spot where Ortega y Gasset places the reporter doesn’t exist. The real reporter is someone who looks at the famous man from the doctor’s seat, because only from this close up can he talk to the woman and observe like the painter. For the rest, journalism, as a chorus of records, necessarily involves the possibility of taking charge of the events where the journalist was not present.

Timothy Garton Ash recalls quoting the writer Jerzy Kosinki: “It is the truth that interests me, not the dates, and I am old enough to know the difference.” But later he says: “Thucydides allowed himself to put words into Pericles to shut up like a novelist. “We don’t.” It is not true. Thucydides does not put words in Pericles’ mouth like a novelist, putting words in someone’s mouth is not an exclusive exercise of the novel. Thucydides puts words into Pericles’ mouth like a chronicler. They are words that replicate real speech, relate to real events, and are heard by real people. There is no truth without data, but the data is not truth, and there is even more fraud in not putting a word in Pericles’ mouth just so that a fact check can legitimize and authorize the publication of the Athenian historian and military book, than in the fact that one dares to recreate them. The Reading Pact, which is a political pact in that it is a pact with events, should recognize that these speeches are being replicated and glossed over, and it is precisely this recognition that the press ultimately does not allow journalism to do.

Herodotus tells what he sees, what they tell him, what is whispered, what happened 2000 years ago and what is happening in his presence, he also takes care of people’s fables, imaginary creatures, their exaggerations. Before the classifications, it draws a spiritual map without being blackmailed by convention and grinds everything worth mentioning into a narrative machine that finds a rhetorical tone and a precise distance for each of the data recorded. He neither lies nor omits anything. The chronicle must always be written as if Aristotle had not yet appeared.

With this in mind, I ask myself the following question: What does it mean to be a Latin American chronicler today, or what would make you a Latin American chronicler today? Of course, I am not talking about a geographical territory, about passive belonging to a place by birth certificate, since every place must deserve it, but about a proposal of truth, a discursive uniqueness. Latin America is full of gringo journalists writing in Spanish, and the Latin American Chronicle, its modern manifestation, begins with a shift, an unfocused site of expression.

A Cuban, José Martí, writes from New York for Argentinian and Mexican newspapers, and an American, John Reed, narrates part of the Mexican Revolution from the heart of Pancho Villa’s troops. Both share, and this is the Latin American Chronicle, a non-liberal exercise in journalism, not even because they oppose it, but because they are unaware of it, at least not as a sacred profession. They are ahead of this whole or alien to it. Both practice a militancy of writing.

I know that the word militancy will cause many to draw their guns on the immediate memory of the insane number of propagandists in the region who have masqueraded as writers, reporters or artists over the past century, protected by their moralizing interpretation of intellectuals Organicity, but Benjamin warns: “The tendency of a work can only be correct if it is also literary correct. That is to say that the correct political tendency includes a literary tendency (…) It is this literary tendency – implicitly or explicitly contained in any correct political tendency – and not something else that gives quality to the work.”

This militancy implies an attempt at formal innovation and does not necessarily involve a dissection of the fundamentals, shall we say, of the tactics of the liberal practice of journalism, namely: the contrast of sources; the independence of political parties, governmental organizations and business leaders; the reduction of voluntariness, didactics and judgments without data; the obligation to listen to the perpetrators and not to feel sorry for the victims; Understand that form is in the facts. They are the ones who say how to count and prioritize the enlightenment of the gaze.

The militancy I am talking about is strategic in nature. The texts must follow an organizing function which, to continue with Benjamin, ensures that the chronicler eventually becomes the author, someone who not only provides the means of production but also intervenes in them, runs them. Unlike the novel, the Chronicle cannot practice avoidance or sensationalism, and it is likely that a Latin American in the long run cannot either. We need to move from tyranny to data democracy. That the data is contained in the plot. Integrated, non-overlapping. Not only as a character, but also as an idea or drive. We call the political horizon that opens up this aesthetic bet beauty.

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Journalism versus the press. Notes on a Latin American Chronicle Read More »

Wagner boss claims his troops shot down a Russian military

Wagner boss claims his troops shot down a Russian military helicopter

The leader of the Wagner paramilitary group, which has launched an armed uprising against the Russian general staff, said Saturday night his forces shot down a Russian military helicopter.

• Also read: Offensive in Russia: “We’ll keep going, we’ll do it to the end,” swears the Wagner boss

• Also read: Prigozhin’s seditious statements: the FSB calls for the arrest of the head of the Wagner group

• Also read: A Russian general addresses a grave warning to the Wagner group

“At that moment, a helicopter opened fire on a civilian column, which was shot down by Wagner’s units,” Yevgeny Prigoyine said in a new audio message, without specifying the location of the incident.

AFP could not confirm the veracity of these comments.

Earlier, in another audio message, Mr. Prigozhin stated that Chief of Staff Valery Gerasimov gave the order to bombard Wagner’s units even though they were traveling between civilian vehicles.

Wagner boss claims his troops shot down a Russian military helicopter Read More »

1687689743 La Rinconada 5y6 Results LIVE Dates and Race Cancellations TODAY

La Rinconada 5y6 Results LIVE: Dates and Race Cancellations TODAY, June 25

La Rinconada racecourse, the most important in Venezuela, celebrates its 24th meeting of the year this Sunday, June 25, with 11 horse races including the LXV Clásico “Prensa Hípica Nacional” (Class I), the second stage of the horse race Triple Crown for mares. Want to win big with National 5y6, Super Pool 4 and others? gambling? HERE we present you the complete list of dates, horses, registered and retired riders and much more.

YOU CAN SEE: Results of the 5y6 of La Rinconada: schedules and retirements from the June 18 races

La Rinconada 5y6 results LIVE today: Race for Sunday 25th June

These are the confirmed times, horses and riders for the La Rinconada race on Sunday, June 25:

Race 1 – 1.30pm

distance of 1,400 meters. Free handicap. For mares 5 years and older: Winner of two races (excluding challenge races).

1White cobraFrancisco M Quevedo
2Father RonaAlvaro Finol
3CapinmelaoCindy Carrero
4the casteDeyker Acosta
5constancyJamie Lugo Jr
6Miss IndianaRobert Capriles
7Black BeautyAldry Siso
8thmy pretaYoelbis Gonzalez
9JaicelitaJose A Rivero
10money is moneyMaykor Ibarra

Games: Winner, Place, Exact, Trifecta, Superfecta.

Race 2 – 1:55 p.m

distance of 1,100 meters. Free handicap. For 3 and 4 year old horses, beginners or non-winners, handicap 53 kg. Additions of 1 kg for every second and 1/2 kg for every third.

1brianLeomar Sangronis
2FerozBernardo Monticelli
3tool timeCindy Carrero
4Caribbean magicHemirxon Medina
5Happy changeJonathan Herrera
7lightningEglinder Betancourt
8thsoundRobert Capriles

Games: Winner, Place, Exacta, Trifecta, Superfecta, Pool of Four.

Race 3 – 2.20pm

distance of 1,400 meters. Free handicap. For mares 4 years and older: winner of a race (except demanding races).

1Depericantar BayEglinder Betancourt
2fire womanJose A Rivero
3My Catira EmmaYaniel Caguado
4NamekunJean C Mundo
5Daniela RunnerFrancisco M Quevedo
6Miss Buena VistaHemirxon Medina
7Queen StrawberryRobert Capriles
8thphone phoneCindy Carrero

Games: Winner, Place, Exact, Trifecta, Superfecta.

Race 4 – 2.45pm

distance of 1,200 meters. Free handicap. For mares from 6 years, winners of 3 and 4 races (except demanding races).

1Go, Vicky, goKelvin Array
2Amelia RoseAngel Ybarra
3sweet rainHemirxon Medina
4Starch PasarellaJose G Hernandez
5Star TrekYonecso Bermudez
6CantabriaJose A Rivero
7Reina HerRobert Capriles
8thRoyal honeyDeyker Acosta
9cash playerYoelbis Gonzalez

Games: Winner, Place, Exacta, Trifecta, Superfecta, Triple Bet, Lottery Tab*.

*Observation: Triple bet (4 – 6 – 7). Horse lotus (4 – 6 – 7 – 8 – 9 – 10 – 11).

Race 5 – LXV Classic “National Horse Press” (GI) – 3.10pm

distance of 2,000 meters. Effective weights, handicap PPE For 3-year-old mares (53 kg).

1my dear emmaJamie Lugo Jr
2Two puzzlesJamie Lugo
3ambrosiaMaykor Ibarra
4tequilaRobert Capriles
5Miss BarinitasJonathan Array


Race 6 – 3.35pm

distance of 1,400 meters. Free handicap. For horses 5 years and older, winner of 2 races (excluding challenge races).

1RoyhalladayJean C Mundo
2The agentJorge Perez
3The valleyJonathan Array
4combinationHemirxon Medina
5The Great MadisonFrancisco M Quevedo
6brave teamEglinder Betancourt
7PompeyYaniel Caguado
8thambassadorKervin Briceno
9BitcoinLeomar Sangronis
10The RoviJonathan Herrera
11Strength of GaelAlvaro Finol
12holy angelDeyker Acosta
13gold waterJean C Rodriguez
14Yes and yesMaikel Rodriguez

Games: Winner, Place, Exact, Trifecta, Superfecta, Double Perfect, National 5y6.

YOU CAN SEE: REMOVED! Venezuela lost 4-0 to Argentina and retired from South American U-17 futsal

Race 7 – 4pm

distance of 1,110 meters. Free handicap. For horses 5 years and older, winner of a race (except claim races).

1quincyJonathan Herrera
2ArezzoMaykor Ibarra
3my fighterJose G Hernandez
4My flying buddyJose A Rivero
5 Money The BankRobert Capriles
6SharpYoelbis Gonzalez
7the big rockJonathan Array
8throyaltyHemirxon Medina
9Tank AbbottArnold Chirinos
10winner DiegoBernardo Monticelli
11SulimanCindy Carrero

Games: Winner, Place, Exact, Trifecta, Superfecta.

Race 8 – 4.25pm

distance of 1,100 meters. Free handicap. For mares 5 years and older: winner of a race (except challenge races).

1queen motherDeyker Acosta
2SankalpaYaniel Caguado
3Watch out for the gapKervin Briceno
4Strength JerusalemaKelvin Array
5RoccamareLarry Mejias
6My tireless buddyJamie Lugo Jr
7fast catHemirxon Medina
8thrainstarCindy Carrero
9queen titaJonathan Array
10Golden FiveYoelbis Gonzalez

Games: Winner, Place, Exacta, Trifecta, Superfecta, Superpool 4.

Race 9am – 4.50pm

distance of 1,200 meters. Free handicap. For horses from 5 years, beginners or non-winners, handicap 53 kg. Additions of 1 kg for every second and 1/2 kg for every third.

1Ram powerMaykor Ibarra
2aponwaoAldry Siso
3The Great ReturnJose A Rivero
4RobPowerDerrick Dellan
5Pope ChinoFrancisco M Quevedo
6antoineJose G Hernandez
7my hebertKelvin Array
8thGrandpa PhilipHemirxon Medina
9MathiasRobert Capriles
10ElectronicLeomar Sangronis

Games: Winner, Place, Exact, Trifecta, Superfecta, Triple.

Race 10am – 5.15pm

distance of 1,200 meters. Free handicap. For horses 6 years and older, winners of three and four races (excluding challenge races).

1left overHemirxon Medina
3magnanimousArnold Chirinos
4ChocomelaoMaikel Rodriguez
5big bikeYoelbis Gonzalez
6gunpowderMaykor Ibarra
7Luis the GreatKervin Briceno
8thJovicAlvaro Finol
9recklessJose A Rivero
10Skull SoldierLarry Mejias
11LanYaniel Caguado

Games: Winner, Place, Exact, Trifecta, Superfecta, Double Perfect.

Race 11am – 5.40pm

distance of 1,100 meters. Free handicap. For 3 and 4 year old mares, novices or non-winners, handicap 53 kg. Additions of 1 kg for every second and 1/2 kg for every third.

1super journalistLeomar Sangronis
2The Great HopeJean C Mundo
3NymeriaCindy Carrero
4TreasureHemirxon Medina
5royal starJose A Rivero
6Paula del CarmenKervin Briceno
7rumoursBernardo Monticelli
8thDuchess of SuccessMaikel Rodriguez
9Sofia of BostonJose G Hernandez
10Leonard DanielKelvin Array
11axis of the worldDeyker Acosta
12My beloved GoajiraJonathan Array
13go, nany, goRobert Capriles
14The fighterYaniel Caguado

Games: Winner, Place, Exact, Trifecta, Superfecta.

Withdrawn from La Rinconada for today, Sunday June 25th

According to the latest information from the National Institute of Hippodromes (INH), these are the horses withdrawn for this Sunday, June 25th at La Rinconada:

  • 2nd race: My Funny Nonno (6), due to an injury to his right front leg
  • Race 10: Steinbrenner (2), due to colic.

1687689740 964 La Rinconada 5y6 Results LIVE Dates and Race Cancellations TODAYWithdrawn from La Rinconada for this Sunday, June 25th. Photo: INH

YOU CAN SEE: Central American Games 2023: Check HERE where you can see the event, schedules and medal table

La Rinconada Equestrian Dates TODAY, June 25th

Next we present the predictions of the main equestrian magazines in Venezuela for the 5th and 6th meeting #23 TODAY, June 25:

Horse Gazette (Favorites)

  • 1st valid (6th race): 6 – 4 – 3
  • 2nd valid (7th race): 5 – 7 – 9
  • 3rd valid (8th race): 4 – 6 – 9
  • 4th valid (9th race): 9 – 8 – 1
  • 5th valid (10th race): 2* – 1 – 6
  • 6th valid (11th race): 13 – 2 – 4

*Discontinued copy.

Equestrian Fusion (painting by Gabriel Viña)

  • 1st valid: 3 – 4 – 8 – 14
  • 2nd valid: 3 – 5 – 8 – 10
  • 3rd valid: 4 – 7
  • 4th valid: 1 – 4 – 9
  • 5th valid: 3rd
  • 6. valid: 4 – 13 – 14.

Epic Fusion (painting by James Lombano)

  • 1st valid: 3 – 4 – 8
  • 2nd valid: 5th
  • 3rd valid: 5 – 7 – 9
  • 4. valid: 1 – 8 – 9
  • 5th valid: 1 – 2* – 3 – 10
  • 6th valid: 3 – 4.

*Discontinued copy.

YOU CAN SEE: Results of the Active Lotto and La Granjita LIVE TODAY, June 24

Results of La Rinconada: How to play the 5y6?

The 5y6 bet consists of hitting five or six winning horses in the races previously selected by the horse racing authorities. These select only those competitions that comply with the official regulations of the National Institute of Hippodromes (INH).

Next, we will introduce you the steps to play 5 and 6 electronically:

  • Click HERE to go to the INH betting site.
  • Select the wagering option from the top menu.
  • Choose the race track of the day.
  • In the exotic module, choose options 5 and 6.
  • Click on 5 and 6 national with their respective races.
  • Choose the number of horses you have per race, enter your units and click Bet.
  • La Rinconada 5y6 Results LIVE: Dates and Race Cancellations TODAY, June 25 Read More »

    But which royal dresses are brides to be in need of inspiration

    But which royal dresses are brides-to-be in need of inspiration looking for the most?

    The coronation has boosted clicks for royal wedding dresses, a new study finds.

    Searches are up more than 1000 percent and for weddings up more than 500 percent as the public embraces romance and nostalgia.

    A spokeswoman for Karen Millen, who compiled the figures, told The Mail’s Royals section: “These results shed light on the impact of a royal wedding, with the right dress taking over the internet and inspiring brides-to-be for years to come. “ ‘

    Which royal wedding dresses impressed us the most?

    Princess Elizabeth and Lieutenant Philip Mountbatten pictured after their wedding in 1947

    Princess Elizabeth and Lieutenant Philip Mountbatten pictured after their wedding in 1947

    Princess Margaret and Antony Armstrong-Jones on their wedding day at Buckingham Palace after the ceremony in May 1960

    Princess Margaret and Antony Armstrong-Jones on their wedding day at Buckingham Palace after the ceremony in May 1960


    Meghan Markle’s wedding dress for her marriage to Harry in 2018 is the most-googled dress of any British royal wedding, with over 28,760 searches per month.

    The minimalist silk Givenchy dress with minimal embellishments was designed by Claire Waight Keller.

    Her veil was made of silk tulle trimmed with hand-embroidered silk thread and organza flowers, while the look was completed with a Cartier bracelet and earrings, and a Queen Mary diamond bandeau tiara, loaned to her by the Queen.

    Prince Harry, Duke of Sussex, and Meghan Markle, Duchess of Sussex, walk down the west steps of St George's Chapel in Windsor Castle after their wedding ceremony May 19, 2018

    Prince Harry, Duke of Sussex, and Meghan Markle, Duchess of Sussex, walk down the west steps of St George’s Chapel in Windsor Castle after their wedding ceremony May 19, 2018


    Kate Middleton’s 2011 Alexander McQueen dress is the second most searched British wedding dress, with an estimated 16,480 monthly searches.

    Her dress was made of ivory satin and couture lace detailing depicting the national flowers of England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland.

    The £250,000 lavish look, which included a lace bodice hand-sewn by the world’s finest seamstresses at the Royal School of Needlework, became an instant hit when it was first unveiled at Westminster Abbey on April 29, 2011.

    Prince William and his bride Kate Middleton leave Westminster Abbey after their wedding on April 29, 2011

    Prince William and his bride Kate Middleton leave Westminster Abbey after their wedding on April 29, 2011


    Princess Diana’s wedding dress for her marriage to King Charles in 1981 is the third most searched dress with 15,990 monthly Google searches.

    Diana’s dress has gone down in history as one of the most iconic wedding dresses. It was a highly confidential project, designed by then-husbands David and Elizabeth Emanuel, and reflected the maximalist style of the 1980s.

    The 10,000-beaded dress was made of ivory silk taffeta and antique lace embroidered with sequins. The dress featured a 25ft train and a 153m veil – making it the longest in royal history.

    The wedding of Prince Charles and Lady Diana Spencer at St Paul's Cathedral in July 1981

    The wedding of Prince Charles and Lady Diana Spencer at St Paul’s Cathedral in July 1981


    Queen Elizabeth II’s dress is searched over 2,940 times a month. Norman Hartwell made the wedding dress for her marriage to Prince Phillip in 1947.

    The princess-style dress was made of satin and embroidered with pearls, silver thread and crystal beads, which was bought with food stamps after World War II.

    Hartnell cited Botticelli’s paintings of the Primavera as inspiration. He first designed the embroidery design with his chief embroiderer, Miss Flora Ballard, and describes how “the motifs had to be assembled into a design that had the proportions of a bouquet of flowers”.

    Princess Elizabeth and her husband, the Duke of Edinburgh, proclaimed themselves Prince Philip on their wedding anniversary in November 1957

    Princess Elizabeth and her husband, the Duke of Edinburgh, proclaimed themselves Prince Philip on their wedding anniversary in November 1957


    Princess Beatrice’s 2020 wedding dress gets more than 1,500 monthly searches.

    Norman Hartnell’s dress was originally designed in the 1960s for Queen Elizabeth II, who lent it to Beatrice for her wedding anniversary.

    This dress has been crafted from ivory toned Peau De Soie taffeta, with perfectly billowing organza sleeves (added for Beatrice) and beautifully finished with an intricate diamond embellishment at the bodice.

    It was redesigned by Angela Kelly and Stewart Parvin and the changes breathe new life into this archive piece.

    Princess Beatrice and Edoardo Mapelli Mozzi outside the Royal Chapel of All Saints at Royal Lodge, Windsor, following their wedding on July 18, 2020

    Princess Beatrice and Edoardo Mapelli Mozzi outside the Royal Chapel of All Saints at Royal Lodge, Windsor, following their wedding on July 18, 2020


    It’s been more than six decades since Princess Margaret married Antony Armstrong-Jones, but her dress is still being searched for 1,340 times a month.

    For her wedding dress, Margaret turned to Norman Hartnell – the same designer who had made her sister, then Princess Elizabeth’s, wedding dress.

    While her dress might have been called plain at the time, it has stood the test of time and set trends for years to come — with minimal embellishments, much like Meghan’s.

    Rumor has it that the silk organza dress was cut to flatter Princess Margaret’s figure and featured long sleeves, a V-neckline, a fitted waist and a skirt so wide that it required 30 yards of fabric.

    Princess Margaret is accompanied by her brother-in-law Prince Philip at her wedding to Antony Armstrong-Jones at Westminster Abbey in 1960

    Princess Margaret is accompanied by her brother-in-law Prince Philip at her wedding to Antony Armstrong-Jones at Westminster Abbey in 1960


    Queen Camilla’s wedding dress is searched for around 1,330 times a month.

    Robinson Valentine’s 2005 design was a knee-length cream silk dress with an appliqué disc hem. Camilla wore a matching oyster silk coat with a diamond and pearl brooch and a Philip Treacy hat.

    She is the only royal bride to wear her wedding dress again when she attended the opening of the National Assembly of Wales in 2007.

    Camilla wore a second look for the blessing at St. George’s Chapel: a light blue chiffon dress, matching coat with gold embroidery and a gold feather headpiece with Swarovski diamonds.

    Prince Charles and Camilla Parker-Bowles in silk pictured leaving the prayer and dedication service blessing their marriage April 9, 2005 at Windsor Castle

    Prince Charles and Camilla Parker-Bowles in silk pictured leaving the prayer and dedication service blessing their marriage April 9, 2005 at Windsor Castle


    Princess Eugenie’s 2018 wedding dress is searched over 730 times a month.

    The bride stunned in the V-neck gown in a jacquard blend of silk, cotton and viscose with a low back, designed by London-based designers Peter Pilotto and Christopher De Vos to cover the scars from her childhood scoliosis surgery show.

    The fabric of the gown, which celebrity stylist Lucas Armitage describes as a “major departure” from choices made by previous royal brides, features symbols significant to the bride and groom, including thistles.

    The voluminous skirt and dramatic train looked very majestic when paired with the Queen Mother’s emerald Greville tiara and Charlotte Olympia shoes.

    Princess Eugenie of York married Jack Brooksbank on October 12, 2018 at St George's Chapel, Windsor Castle

    Princess Eugenie of York married Jack Brooksbank on October 12, 2018 at St George’s Chapel, Windsor Castle


    Princess Anne’s wedding dresses are searched about 490 times a month.

    Her first wedding dress, which she wore to her marriage to Captain Mark Phillips on November 14, 1973, was a trumpet-sleeved Tudor gown, made by Maureen Baker, chief designer at the Susan Small ready-to-wear company.

    The dress featured a high collar and an embroidered Tudor style very similar to Queen Elizabeth I’s fashion.

    However, Princess Anne’s dress is said to have been simpler compared to previous royal wedding dresses. it followed the wedding trends of the 1970s.

    Princess Anne and Mark Philips after their wedding at Westminster Abbey in 1973

    Princess Anne and Mark Philips after their wedding at Westminster Abbey in 1973


    Sarah Ferguson’s 1986 dress is estimated to receive over 280 monthly searches.

    Lindka Cierach’s design, which a team of five women worked on in top secret for four months, was made of satin and detailed with intricate beadwork.

    Before joining the royal family, the Duchess of York wanted to pay tribute to her family by incorporating elements from her family’s coat of arms – a bumblebee and thistles – into her wedding dress.

    In addition, anchors and waves adorned the dress to represent Andrew’s sailing background.

    Fergie rounded off the heartfelt look by hiding the couple’s initials under the 20ft veil, with the groom’s monogram at the center.

    Sarah, Duchess of York and Prince Andrew, Duke of York pictured walking arm in arm following their wedding ceremony at Westminster Abbey on July 23, 1986

    Sarah, Duchess of York and Prince Andrew, Duke of York pictured walking arm in arm following their wedding ceremony at Westminster Abbey on July 23, 1986

    But which royal dresses are brides-to-be in need of inspiration looking for the most? Read More »

    Air War: Pro-Ukraine hackers increasingly penetrate Russian radio stations with anti-Kremlin messages – Radio Free Europe / Radio Liberty

    Radio and television audiences in several regions of Russia were surprised on June 5 to hear the familiar voice of President Vladimir Putin to announce a major “invasion” of Ukrainian forces on Russian territory, the imposition of martial law and full military mobilization.

    Officials and state-controlled media quickly scrambled to denounce the show as fake, likely created using artificial intelligence or AI. Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov felt compelled to do so take position deny the announcement.

    It remains unclear who was responsible for the hack.

    Along with drone attacks who have sometimes achieved deep inside Russia And paramilitary raids targeted settlements nearby Border With Ukraine, such hacks by Russian media are bringing the once-distant war closer to ordinary Russians.

    “Hacking radio stations is another way to get information, another way to show that not only the lives of Ukrainians, but also of Russians can be divided into pre- and post-invasion lives,” he said, a member of the anti-war committee to speak of Kuban, a regional underground anti-war group in southern Russia, which fears reprisals on condition of anonymity. “Hackers like this, like the drone attacks, make people realize there’s a war going on.”

    air raid

    On June 12, the country’s national holiday, Russia Day, radio stations in the Stavropol And Krasnodar Regions south-east of Ukraine broadcast airstrike sirens and warnings to take cover in the face of an imminent missile attack.

    According to social media reports, the false alarm could be heard on stations as far from the front lines as Ufa and Kazan – cities hundreds of kilometers from Ukraine – as well as in the Moscow region. The Telegram channel mash reported that hackers managed to break into the central server of a radio station broadcasting by satellite across the country.

    SEE ALSO: Prigozhin’s “mutiny” and the challenge to Putin

    Such hijackings of terrestrial and internet transmissions have become increasingly common in recent months, targeting particularly the southern and western regions of Russia, which are closest to but also further away from the border with Ukraine.

    “Such interference of enemies in the broadcasts of radio stations happened in the Stavropol and Belgorod regions,” according to the authorities in the Krasnodar region Posted on Telegram on February 22 – on the Defender of the Fatherland holiday, honoring soldiers and veterans, and two days before the first anniversary of Russia’s all-out invasion of Ukraine. “Normal broadcasting has been restored. All information and materials needed to investigate the incident have been made available to law enforcement.”

    Focus on Crimea

    Other chop On June 12, the “Russia” holiday, was carried out by the “Free Russia” Legion, a paramilitary group that conducted raids on Russian territory from eastern Ukraine. The embassy urged residents of the Russian-occupied Crimean region of Ukraine to inform the Ukrainian military about the movement of Russian troops “to expedite the restoration of peace and lawful order in Crimea.” The statement also compared the actions of the Russian military to “the best traditions of the Third Reich.”

    The statement was also circulated on the websites of state-run Kuban 24 TV channel. The government of the north-western region of Kaliningrad on the Baltic Sea, too reported that the announcement could be heard on the frequency of the commercial Russian radio station Europa Plus.

    SEE ALSO: Moscow Doesn’t Believe in Drones: Why Are Military-Grade Drones Flying Over the City and Who Is Behind Them?

    Earlier this month, the Russian Volunteer Corps, a far-right paramilitary group of ethnic Russians also fighting Russia, conducted a similar hack, threatening to attack Russian-held Crimea and “cleanse the peninsula.” This attack reached the Black Sea resort of Sochi and other places in southern Russia, among others.

    The methods used to carry out such hacks vary depending on the equipment used by the broadcaster, said an expert from the non-governmental organization Roskomsvoboda, which monitors the internet, asking not to be named due to the sensitivity of the matter.

    “If the radio station has the most basic equipment without unnecessary computerization, it can only be hacked through physical infiltration, either at the site where the broadcasting equipment is located or at the studio that generates the signal,” the expert told RFE/RL .

    However, most modern broadcasters are connected to the Internet, which gives hackers plenty of opportunities to break in, he said, adding that it’s possible to hijack a station’s frequency directly if you have “enough powerful equipment and a big enough antenna.” need.

    Another IT specialist, who also declined to be named, said broadcasters’ networks could be attacked remotely.

    “Once access is gained, files can be modified and alternative audio programs enabled,” the person said, adding that the most common way to gain such access is through phishing attacks.

    Unexpected effects?

    Hacks can have a range of effects on listeners, from anger and fear to fear and confusion, activists say.

    “The effectiveness of such hacks depends on what’s being broadcast,” said Bogdan Litvin, the national coordinator of Russia’s anti-war movement Vesna, which like many opposition groups has been labeled extremist by Putin’s government. “The noise of sirens and explosions and warnings of missile attacks will not increase opposition to the war. Most likely, they will add to the feeling of fear, which will not do anything to change public opinion.”

    SEE ALSO: Kyrgyz and Kazakh companies are sending western technology to firms linked to Kremlin war machine

    “The idea of ​​hacking Russian radio stations is not a bad one,” Litvin said. “But the way it’s being done now could have undesirable effects, such as short-term consolidation around authorities … and support for repressive measures.”

    Litvin said it might be more productive to persuade Russians that the war is against their interests and that they have to pay “with their money, their future, and — for many of them — the lives of their sons, husbands, and fathers.”

    Written by Robert Coalson of RFE/RL, based on the reporting of correspondent Andrei Krasno of Caucasus.Realities of RFE/RL

    Air War: Pro-Ukraine hackers increasingly penetrate Russian radio stations with anti-Kremlin messages – Radio Free Europe / Radio Liberty Read More »

    1687689388 FDA warns shops to stop selling Elf Bar the most

    FDA warns shops to stop selling Elf Bar, the most popular single-use e-cigarette in the US – Arab News

    The mercenary boss, who called for an uprising against the Russian generals, has long ties to Putin

    The multimillionaire mercenary boss, who has long benefited from President Vladimir Putin’s powerful patronage, has thrust himself into the global spotlight with a dramatic rebellion against the Russian military that has challenged Putin’s own authority.

    Yevgeny Prigozhin is the 62-year-old owner of the Kremlin-affiliated Wagner Group, a private army of convict conscripts and other mercenaries that fought some of the deadliest battles in the Russian invasion of Ukraine.
    On Friday, Prigozhin abruptly escalated months of harsh criticism of Russia’s warfare by calling for an armed uprising to oust the defense minister and then advancing on Moscow with his hired soldiers.
    When Putin’s government issued an “anti-terrorist alert” and sought to seal off Moscow with checkpoints, Prigozhin resigned just as abruptly the following day. As part of the deal to defuse the crisis, he agreed to relocate to Belarus and was seen late Saturday withdrawing with his forces from Rostov-on-Don, a city in southern Russia where they had taken over military headquarters.
    It was unclear what would come next for Prigozhin, a former prison inmate, hot dog vendor and restaurant owner who has garnered worldwide attention.
    “Putin’s Cook”
    Prigozhin and Putin have been around for a long time, both born in Leningrad, now St. Petersburg.
    In the last years of the Soviet Union, Prigozhin served a stint in prison — 10 years by his own account — though he doesn’t say why.

    FDA warns shops to stop selling Elf Bar the most

    Businessman Yevgeny Prigozhin (left) guides Russian President Vladimir Putin through his factory which produces school meals September 20, 2010 outside of St. Petersburg, Russia. (Kremlin pool photo via AP, file)

    After that, he owned a hot-dog stand and then fancy restaurants, which piqued Putin’s interest. During his first term in office, the Russian head of state invited French President Jacques Chirac to dinner in one of these restaurants.
    “Vladimir Putin saw me turn a kiosk into a shop. He saw that I don’t mind serving the esteemed guests because they were my guests,” Prigozhin recalled in an interview published in 2011.
    His business expanded significantly to include catering and the provision of school meals. In 2010, Putin helped open Prigozhin’s factory, built with generous loans from a state bank. In Moscow alone, his company Concord has received millions of dollars in contracts to provide meals in public schools. He also organized catering for Kremlin events for several years – earning him the nickname “Putin’s Chef” – and provided catering and supply services for the Russian military.
    In 2017, opposition politician and anti-corruption activist Alexei Navalny accused Prigozhin’s companies of violating antitrust laws by bidding for around $387 million in Defense Ministry contracts.
    military connection
    Prigozhin also owns the Wagner Group, a Kremlin-allied mercenary force that plays a central role in Putin’s projection of Russian influence in trouble spots around the world.
    The United States, European Union, United Nations, and others claim the mercenary force was particularly involved in conflicts in countries across Africa. Wagner fighters are said to offer security to national leaders or warlords in exchange for lucrative payments, often including a share of gold or other natural resources. US officials say Russia may also use Wagner’s work in Africa to bolster its war in Ukraine.

    1687689385 443 FDA warns shops to stop selling Elf Bar the most

    In this shot, taken from a video released by the Prigozhin Press Service on May 20, 2023, Yevgeny Prigozhin, flanked by his Wagner mercenaries, expresses his displeasure with the Russian military commanders on the front lines in Bakhmut, Ukraine. (AP, file)

    In Ukraine, Prigozhin’s mercenaries have become an important force in the war, fighting against the Russian army in skirmishes with Ukrainian forces.
    This includes the capture of Bachmut by Wagner fighters, the city where the bloodiest and longest battles took place. Until last month, the Wagner group and Russian forces appeared to have largely won Bakhmut, a victory of little strategic importance for Russia, despite the loss of life. Prigozhin said that 20,000 of his men died in Bakhmut, about half of whom were prisoners recruited from Russian prisons.
    What is the group’s reputation?
    Western countries and United Nations experts have accused Wagner Group mercenaries of committing numerous human rights abuses across Africa, including in the Central African Republic, Libya and Mali.
    In December 2021, the European Union accused the group of “grave human rights abuses, including torture and extrajudicial, summary or arbitrary executions and killings” and “destabilizing activities” in the Central African Republic, Libya, Syria and Ukraine.
    Some of the reported incidents were notable for their grisly brutality.
    In November 2022, a video surfaced online showing a former Wagner contractor being beaten to death with a sledgehammer after he allegedly fled to the Ukrainian side and was recaptured. Despite public outrage and numerous calls for an investigation, the Kremlin has turned a blind eye.
    Angry at Russia’s generals
    While his troops fought in Ukraine and died en masse, Prigozhin rampaged against Russia’s military leadership. In a video his team released last month, Prigozhin stood next to the bodies of Wagner fighters. He accused Russia’s regular military of incompetence and his troops for depriving them of the weapons and ammunition they needed to fight.
    “These are someone’s fathers and someone’s sons,” Prigozhin said at the time. “The scum who don’t give us ammunition will eat their guts in hell.”
    Criticism of the Brass
    Prigozhin has sharply criticized the top military officials and accused senior officers of incompetence. His remarks were unprecedented in Russia’s tightly controlled political system, where only Putin could voice such criticism.
    In January, Putin reiterated his trust in the Russian military’s chief of staff, General Valery Gerasimov, by putting him in direct command of Russia’s forces in Ukraine, a move some observers also interpreted as an attempt to reduce Prigozhin’s size.
    When Prigozhin was recently asked about a media comparison to Grigory Rasputin, a mystic who gained influence over Russia’s last tsar by claiming to have the power to cure his son’s hemophilia, Prigozhin retorted sharply: “I don’t stop blood , but I shed blood.” Enemies of our fatherland.”
    A “bad actor” in the US
    Previously, Prigozhin received rather limited attention in the US when he and a dozen other Russian nationals and three Russian companies were accused of conducting a covert social media campaign aimed at fomenting discord in the run-up to Donald Trump’s 2016 election victory .
    They were charged as part of Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation into Russian election interference. The US Treasury Department has repeatedly imposed sanctions on Prigozhin and his associates, both related to his election interference and his leadership of the Wagner Group.
    After the indictment in 2018, the RIA Novosti news agency quoted Prigozhin as making a clearly sarcastic remark: “Americans are very impressionable people; they see what they want to see. I treat them with great respect. I don’t mind being on this list at all. If they want to see the devil, let them see him.”
    The Biden White House called him “a notoriously bad actor” in that episode, and State Department spokesman Ned Price said Prigozhin’s “bold admission appears, if anything, to be merely an expression of the impunity afforded to crooks and cronies.” Enjoying President Putin.” Kremlin.”
    Avoid challenges to Putin
    As Prigozhin increasingly voiced his opposition to the way Russia’s conventional military was conducting the fighting in Ukraine, he continued to play a seemingly indispensable role in the Russian offensive and appeared to face no retaliation from Putin for his criticism of Putin’s generals.
    Media reports at times indicated that Prigozhin’s influence over Putin was increasing and that he was in search of a prominent political post. But analysts warned against overestimating his influence on Putin.
    “He’s not one of Putin’s confidants or his confidants,” said Mark Galeotti of University College London, who specializes in Russian security issues, on his podcast In Moscow’s Shadows.
    “Prigozhin does what the Kremlin wants and does it very well. But that’s the thing — he’s part of the staff rather than part of the family,” Galeotti said.

    FDA warns shops to stop selling Elf Bar, the most popular single-use e-cigarette in the US – Arab News Read More »

    Watch Kourtney Kardashian and Travis Barker reveal their babys gender

    Watch Kourtney Kardashian and Travis Barker reveal their baby’s gender

    Just a week after Kourtney Kardashian and Travis Barker announced their first pregnancy together, they are now publicly revealing the baby’s gender. The couple posted a video to Instagram of Barker literally drumming with his pregnant wife on his lap before confetti erupted. It was blue: you are having a boy.

    This will be Kardashian’s third son. She has three children with ex-boyfriend Scott Disick, two of whom are boys: Mason (13) and Reign (8). She and Disick also have daughter Penelope, 10. Barker meanwhile has a son, 19-year-old Landon with his ex-wife Shanna Moakler. They also have daughter Alabama, 17, and stepdaughter Atiana, 24.

    A source told Entertainment Tonight on June 17 that Kardashian was thrilled about her pregnancy. “Kourtney and Travis are on cloud nine,” the source said. “This pregnancy is beyond Kourtney’s wildest dreams. Kourtney and Travis feel this is one of the most magical things that has happened to them and an absolute miracle. They are so thrilled and can’t wait to experience this pregnancy together, deliver a baby as a unit, and grow and enlarge their families.”

    Kardashian’s ex Disick is having some issues with it, though, a source told Entertainment Tonight on June 21.”[He] trying his best to stay positive and happy for Kourtney, but he’s also feeling bad about the situation,” the source said. “He always knew that Kourtney would get pregnant and move on with her life with Travis, but he just didn’t know how it would feel when it finally happened. His friends realize that he is injured. Scott doesn’t seriously date anyone.”

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    Aaron Judges toe improves after second PRP injection MLBcom

    Richter tears ligament in toe; Still no schedule for return – MLB.com

    Aaron Judge has torn ligaments in his toe, no timetable for return

    \n”, “providerName”: “Twitter”, “providerUrl”: “https://twitter.com”, “type”: “oembed”, “width”:550, “contentType”: “rich”},{ “__typename”: “Markdown”, “content”: “Dr. Stein said that since Judge is still walking uncomfortably, he suspects it was a partial tear that could take six weeks or more to heal.\n\n”Schedule is always difficult, but I’d say optimistically mine best guess would be \\[that Judge could return\\] two months from the date of injury,” said Dr. Stone. “It’s reassuring that they aren’t saying up front that he needs surgery, but I’m cautiously optimistic because they kind of changed the story and therefore the schedule changed a bit too.”\n\nTo the question, whether he had his sights set on a return in August, the judge declined to answer.\n\n”I’m not giving you a timeline. “It’s not necessary,” Richter said. “I just have to get better and then I’ll be out there.”\n\nBoone didn’t say Judge 2023 would definitely be back.\n\n”It’s a must.” I can’t say that about anyone. But yeah, I have a feeling he’s going to come back,” Boone said. He added that his understanding of Judge has improved over the past few weeks.\n\n”He’s getting a little bit better every day, but not to the point of running or doing full baseball stuff,” Boone said. “We just have to keep waiting and get him there. He’s obviously as tough as they can get. He wants to be out there again. We’re just going to keep trying to get him healed and treated – and hoping for the best.”\n\nThe Yankees have been struggling without Judge, losing since June 4th, the first day he was off the roster. 10 of 16 games with the toe injury. Their offense ranks last for that span for batting average (.196), on-base percentage plus slugging (.603), and runs per game (3.1).\n\n”The reality is that we are without him at the moment. We have to find a way to make it happen,” Boone said. “We have the people in there who can do it. We just have to do better now, putting pressure on opposing pitchers and defense.” Summary: “NEW YORK – For the first time, Aaron Judge has described his right big toe injury as a ruptured ligament, marking a possible return date for the reigning most valuable American League players even more tarnished.\nJudge has not been with the Yankees lineup since June 3 when he fell against .[{“__typename”:”InternalTag”,”slug”:”storytype-article”,”title”:”Article”,”type”:”article”},{“__typename”:”PersonTag”,”slug”:”playerid-592450″,”title”:”Aaron Judge”,”person”:{“__ref”:”Person:592450″},”type”:”player”},{“__typename”:”TaxonomyTag”,”slug”:”injury”,”title”:”injury”,”type”:”taxonomy”},{“__typename”:”TeamTag”,”slug”:”teamid-147″,”title”:”New York Yankees”,”team”:{“__ref”:”Team:147″},”type”:”team”},{“__typename”:”GameTag”,”slug”:”gamepk-717636″,”title”:”2023/06/24 tex@nyy”,”type”:”game”},{“__typename”:”TaxonomyTag”,”slug”:”apple-news”,”title”:”Apple 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    June 24, 2023

    Bryan Hoch

    NEW YORK — For the first time, Aaron Judge has described his right big toe injury as a torn ligament, further clouding a possible return date for the reigning American League’s MVP.

    Judge has been off the Yankees roster since June 3, when he crashed into the right field wall at Dodger Stadium on a spectacular catch. The club described Judge’s injury as a bruise and sprain; He has received two injections of platelet-rich plasma to speed healing.

    “I don’t think too many people have torn toes here,” Judge said Saturday before the Yankees vs. Rangers game. “If it was a quadriceps, we’d have a better answer. If so.” An oblique or hamstring, we have answers and a timeline for that. Given the uniqueness of this injury and the fact that it’s my back foot that I’m pushing off and pushing off from, it’s a tough spot.”

    Given the severity of his injury, Judge’s progress was slow. He has progressed to pool work and balance exercises but has not played catch or batting again. Yankees manager Aaron Boone said Judge may do so by the end of this weekend.

    “I mentioned that to the training staff. I want to test it out a bit,” Judge said. “Maybe play catch, maybe do some dry swings. I just kind of want to see where it stands. I really wouldn’t say I’m the one who runs on the field or plays a lot of baseball. I’m rather passive and say: “We’ve done a lot here.” We’re making great progress. Let’s test it with what I’ll actually do on the field.’”

    The judge said he still felt pain when walking and was unable to run at this time.

    “If I could run, we’d be out there,” Judge said. “If I could run I would be out there playing defense and doing my thing. We would find out by hitting. But if I can’t move, that’s the biggest hurdle we have to overcome. … The biggest thing is that the big toe is what you push off from behind [when] hit. I have to be sure [there is] Balance and the ability to transfer weight will be the most important key. Once we clear that hurdle, we start running and hitting.”

    Surgery was not recommended and Judge raised the possibility that he could have a cortisone shot to cover up his discomfort once he is about to return to the pitch.

    “It’s a small change,” said Dr. Spencer Stein, a sports orthopedist at NYU Langone Health who has not yet treated Judge. “Before, we heard a sprain. It’s all on a spectrum, but a strain would be a slight stretch or maybe even a small tear. The fact that they are now using ‘tears’ leads me to believe that this is a slightly higher level injury that may take longer.”

    With Judge still unable to walk without discomfort, Dr. Stein has a partial tear that could take six weeks or more to heal, Dr. Stone.

    “Schedules are always difficult, but I would say optimistically my best guess would be [that Judge could return] two months from the date of injury,” said Dr. Stone. “It’s reassuring that they aren’t saying upfront he’ll need surgery, but I’m cautiously optimistic because they kind of changed the story and therefore the schedule changed a bit too.”

    When asked if he was targeting an August return, Judge declined to answer.

    “I’m not giving you a schedule. “It’s not necessary,” Richter said. “I just have to get better and then I’m out there.”

    Boone didn’t say Judge would definitely return in 2023.

    “That is absolute. I can’t say that about anyone. But yeah, I have a feeling he’s going to come back,” Boone said. He added that his understanding of Judge has improved in recent weeks.

    “He can do a little bit more every day, but not to the point where he’s running or doing full baseball stuff,” Boone said. “We just have to keep waiting and get him there. He’s obviously as tough as they can get. He wants to be out there again. We’re just going to keep trying to heal and treat him – and hope for the best.”

    The Yankees have struggled without Judge, losing 10 of 16 games since June 4, the first day he was off the roster due to the toe injury. Their offense ranks last in that span for batting average (.196), percentage on base plus slugging (.603), and runs per game (3.1).

    “The reality is we are without him at the moment. We have to find a way to make it happen,” Boone said. “We have the people in there who can do it. We just have to do better now, putting pressure on the opposing pitchers and defense.”

    Richter tears ligament in toe; Still no schedule for return – MLB.com Read More »