Biden made a historic choice to the Supreme Court What

Biden made a historic choice to the Supreme Court. What will the senators do?

In addition to Graham, several other Republican senators made a number of statements. Senator Tim Scott of South Carolina expressed disappointment that Biden didn’t choose Childs. Utah Senator Mitt Romney called her nomination “historic.” Collins, whose contribution will be critical to securing the bipartisan support Biden wants, called her “a seasoned federal judge with impressive academic and legal credentials.”

However, none of them committed to vote for Jackson. Hill’s aides said the left-wing activists given the new powers could alienate some Republican senators. On the right, powerful conservative advocacy groups like the Judicial Crisis Network may be hungry for a showdown that moderates in the Senate don’t want.

“Conservative voters expect senators to stand up and fight,” said Bobby Donachi, vice president of Athos, who represents several right-wing organizations involved in the nomination. “Any Republican who votes for Jackson will have to answer for the decisions she makes.”

But, as our colleague Karl Hals reported, Republican leaders doesn’t seem to have a big appetite for the protracted battle for nominations. They probably don’t have votes and are wary of giving Democrats the opportunity to make accusations of racism.

This does not mean that they will vote for Jackson. Mitch McConnell, the Senate’s top Republican and lead nomination strategist, noted that he had previously voted against her and said in a statement that she was “the favored choice of far-left dark money groups who have spent years attacking the legitimacy and structure of the Court itself.”

Meanwhile, Republican committees and outside groups will take the opportunity to raise money and build their mailing lists. In their statementSenate Republicans said Democrats “blindly stamped Joe Biden’s disastrous liberal agenda.” Republicans in the House of Representatives sent out an email asking voters to help the “STOP radical Biden Supreme Court nominee” group.

Jeremy Pariswho worked on four Supreme Court nominations in senior positions as a Senate Democratic aide, said he expects Jackson to have “relatively smooth sailing.”

Biden made a historic choice to the Supreme Court. What will the senators do? Read More »

The Italian designer dresses the fashion models Gigi and Bella

The Italian designer dresses the fashion models Gigi and Bella Hadid as furniture

How to put a fashion model in the shadows: Gigi and Bella Hadid are dressed like furniture, while Italian designers Moschino draw inspiration from a lamp, chest of drawers and grandfather’s watch

If you tell a catwalk supermodel that she looks like a lamp, you can – under normal circumstances – easily see the observer turn off the lights.

But not, it seems, at Milan Fashion Week, where a show by Italian designers Moschino breathed life into the furniture.

Among the items that inspired Moschino were a lamp, a chest of drawers and a grandfather clock.

26-year-old model Gigi Hadid wore a bronze dress that looked like a chest of drawers and earrings with keys attached to them

26-year-old model Gigi Hadid wore a bronze dress that looked like a chest of drawers and earrings with keys attached to them

Another model was photographed in what looked like a lampshade on her head

Another model was photographed in what looked like a lampshade on her head

Another model was wearing what looked like Santa's watch at Milan Fashion Week

Another model was wearing what looked like Santa’s watch at Milan Fashion Week

The 26-year-old model Gigi Hadid wore a bronze dress that looked like a chest of drawers and earrings with keys attached to them.

Her 25-year-old sister Bella appeared in a black dress with a slit in the shape of a buckle on her chest, lined with detailed gold stitching.

Another model wore a blue floral dress with a lampshade on her head.

Others wore a dress with a grandfather’s watch, a gold dress with a harp attached, and a garment made of Persian rug.

The outfits were similar to the movie Beauty and the Beast, in which the furniture comes to life. Moschino’s creative director, Jeremy Scott, 46, said: “These are all things you’ll find in an old mansion with money. The wealth, the gilding, the chests of Louis XIV …

To add to the surreal experience, the set of the fashion show is based on Stanley Kubrick’s 2001 film: A Space Odyssey from 1968.

Another model was wearing a screen during Milan Fashion Week

Another model was wearing a screen during Milan Fashion Week

The Italian designer dresses the fashion models Gigi and Bella Hadid as furniture Read More »

US eases sanctions to allow routine dealings with Afghan government

US eases sanctions to allow routine dealings with Afghan government

WASHINGTON. On Friday, the Biden administration decided to ease sanctions that contributed to the collapse of the Afghan economy following the Taliban takeover in August, with a measure that makes it clear that people can legally engage in transactions with the Afghan government in most cases.

Known as a general license and announced by the Treasury Department’s Office of Foreign Assets Control, the measure states that people can legally transfer money to civil servants in government offices, including ministries now run by the Taliban. This step covers transactions such as taxes, fees, import duties, and the purchase or receipt of permits, licenses, or utilities.

In a statement, Deputy Treasury Secretary Wally Adeyemo described the move as part of a broader United States effort to not only support the flow of humanitarian aid to Afghanistan, but also to promote commercial and financial activities there that could allow the economy to function without bringing direct benefits for Islamist extremists.

“In light of this terrible crisis, it is important that we respond to concerns that sanctions are hindering commercial and financial activities while we continue to deny financial resources to the Taliban, the Haqqani network and other malign actors,” he said.

The measure appears to have been intended to make it harder to blame US government sanctions for the unfolding economic disaster in Afghanistan. The economic situation is creating a humanitarian crisis, including widespread famine, which is prompting a huge wave of migrants to leave the country.

A senior Biden administration official, speaking at a press briefing on condition of anonymity, warned that many other factors contributed to Afghanistan’s economic collapse. These include the abrupt end to massive amounts of Western foreign aid that went to pay government salaries and infrastructure projects, and the exodus of technocrats and other experts with specialized knowledge after the Taliban seized power.

In a statement describing the move, the Treasury also highlighted this theme.

“While easing sanctions alone cannot solve long-standing structural problems and the flight of technocrats and government experts due to Taliban mismanagement, it can ensure that sanctions do not interfere with the economic activities that the people of Afghanistan rely on to meet their most basic needs.” says in the document. said.

The general license precludes doing business with any entity in which the Taliban or the Haqqani network owns a majority stake. It also does not allow payments related to luxury goods or services.

The Afghan central bank, known as Da Afghanistan Bank or DAB, is among the governing institutions that will face fewer hurdles from the measure. Previously, the central bank supported the Afghan currency by regularly auctioning US dollars.

These activities ceased and the value of the Afghan currency plummeted, making food too expensive for many poor Afghans. At the same time, the lack of currency has led to a limit on the amount that Afghans with bank accounts can withdraw from them.

Many officials from the bank fled in August, and the Taliban placed their leaders to watch him. But at the briefing, a senior administration official said the government was exploring the idea of ​​resuming some of the central bank’s activities if it could be made truly independent, with anti-money laundering controls and third-party scrutiny.

The idea of ​​a potential attempt to resuscitate Afghanistan’s central bank is somewhat at odds with the Biden administration’s move this month for some $7 billion the central bank deposited with the Federal Reserve Bank in New York, money whose fate has been in the spotlight ever since. like a Taliban takeover.

When the Afghan government collapsed, the bank made these funds unavailable for withdrawal. The Taliban have since laid claim to them, while relatives of the people killed in the 9/11 attacks are trying to raise funds to pay back the Taliban’s default debts owed to them in lawsuits they filed against the Taliban, “Al- Qaeda” and others. .

On February 11, the Biden administration decided to split these funds in half – in such a way that the bank could potentially be decapitalized. Mr. Biden has invoked emergency powers to try to move $3.5 billion into a fund to be used for the benefit of the Afghan people. The administration left the remaining money to the plaintiffs on 9/11 to continue the trial.

The judge will have to decide whether the funds can legally be used to pay off the Taliban’s legal debts, a question that raises several thorny and unresolved legal issues.

The Treasury Department noted that nothing in the new general license “affects the property or interests in the property of Da Afghanistan Bank, which are blocked for protection” in line with Mr. Biden’s recent actions.

US eases sanctions to allow routine dealings with Afghan government Read More »

Hayden Panettiere confirms daughter is safe and not in Ukraine

Hayden Panettiere confirms daughter is “safe and not in Ukraine” with former Vladimir Klitschko

Hayden Panettiere, 32, confirmed that the daughter she shares with the Ukrainian boxer in the Hall of Fame Vladimir KlitschkoThe 45-year-old is “safe” among the Russian invasion of Ukraine.

The Nashville actress appeared on social media with a passionate post in support of the Ukrainian people, who are defending their nation against Vladimir PutinRussia’s army, which is attacking several cities this week.

Commenting to a concerned fan, Hayden revealed that seven-year-old Kaya is not in the village with her father. However, Klitschko is still in Kiev, where his brother Vitaly, 50, is mayor.

Safe: 32-year-old Hayden Panettiere confirms that the daughter she shares with Ukrainian Hall of Fame boxer Vladimir Klitschko, 45, is

Safe: 32-year-old Hayden Panettiere confirms that the daughter she shares with Ukrainian Hall of Fame boxer Vladimir Klitschko, 45, is “safe” amid Russia’s invasion of Ukraine

“I have personally witnessed the strength of the Ukrainian people, who have fought so hard for their independence and continued to defend their country passionately over the years,” Hayden wrote.

“What Putin is doing is an absolute disgrace! This horrific moment in history sends a horrifying message: the message that nowadays, in 2022, it is good to violate the rights of free people and allow autocrats like Putin to take whatever they want.

“I pray for my family and friends there and for all those who are fighting. I wish you had more support and to be there, fighting with you! For now, I ask those of us who cannot be there to stand side by side in solidarity with the people of Ukraine and show their support for #democracy, “she concluded.

When a commentator asked about the safety of the daughter shared with her Ukrainian ex, Hayden said she was “safe and not in Ukraine”.

She stands with Ukraine: The Nashville actress appeared on social media with a passionate post in support of the Ukrainian people defending their nation against Vladimir Putin's army, which attacked several cities this week (Vladimir and Hayden in 2013)

She stands with Ukraine: The Nashville actress appeared on social media with a passionate post in support of the Ukrainian people defending their nation against Vladimir Putin’s army, which attacked several cities this week (Vladimir and Hayden in 2013)

Safe: Commenting on a concerned fan, Hayden revealed that seven-year-old Kaya is not in the country with her father

Safe: Commenting on a concerned fan, Hayden revealed that seven-year-old Kaya is not in the country with her father

Her ex-boyfriend Vladimir remains in Kiev with his brother, who has been mayor since 2014. The two have vowed to fight in the army against Russian forces.

During and participation in Good Morning Britain, the mayor said; “This is already a bloody war,” he said. I have to do this. I would fight. ”

Vladimir, who joined the Ukrainian army earlier this month, writes passionately about unity and democracy on social media.

“This is not the ‘Ukraine war’, this is Putin’s war. “Behind the fog of the last few weeks have been meticulous preparations to launch a plan that has been under preparation for months,” he wrote.

Add: “Destruction and death come upon us. That’s all, the blood will mix with tears.

'Is not "the war in Ukraine", this is Putin's war.

“This is not the ‘Ukraine war’, this is Putin’s war. “Behind the fog of the last few weeks have been meticulous preparations to trigger a plan that has been under preparation for months,” Vladimir wrote in a post on social media.

“We must face reality and have the courage to draw conclusions about our future and that of our children. This is a gross violation of international law. And if you listen carefully, this war is also about Europe, “he continued.

Meanwhile born in Ukraine Dancing with the stars the professional Maxim Chmerkovsky said that the whole of Ukraine was “called to go to war”.

The 42-year-old professional dancer released two videos on Friday telling fans he was “safe” but warned of the country’s increasingly aggressive and “terrible” situation.

He also explained in the second video that he was “not trying to leave Ukraine at the moment”, explaining: “I’m not moving to the border … I heard it’s not safe.”

His comments came after it was reported on Friday that men of “combat age” were told to stay in the country while Russian missiles hit Kiev, according to Reuters.

Struggle: Vladimir Klitschko, who enlisted in the Ukrainian army this month, is still in Kiev, where his brother Vitaly, 50, is mayor;  they both vowed to take up arms to protect their nation

Struggle: Vladimir Klitschko, who enlisted in the Ukrainian army this month, is still in Kiev, where his brother Vitaly, 50, is mayor; they both vowed to take up arms to protect their nation

Meanwhile, tens of thousands of Ukrainians – mostly women and children – are reported to have crossed into Poland, Romania, Hungary and Slovakia.

Chmerkovski began his video with the words: “I’m here again, I’m safe. We are not told to move and I just follow the instructions. That’s all I can say.

“But the reality is that I’m also talking to my friends who are here, the Ukrainians, and the situation is quite difficult.”

Chmerkovski added that the people in the country were “mobilizing” and said: “The whole country is being called to go to war. Men, women, boys … move on and get weapons and deploy to defend the country.

The update comes after a senior US defense official said on Friday that Russia has “about a third of its fighting power” in Ukraine, adding: “This does not mean that they will not engage anymore.”

The DWTS expert also warned that people in Ukraine were “very aggressively accused.”

Update: Maxim Chmerkovsky says he is Lastly, the 42-year-old professional dancer released two videos on Friday telling fans he was

Update: Maxim Chmerkovsky says he is “safe” in Ukraine, but warns that “the situation is quite difficult” as he remains in Kiev after the Russian invasion

He said: “If this is not resolved peacefully in some way or form in the next day or two, I think it will lead to many, many more aggressive actions and many more casualties.”

Speaking about the horrors of the situation, he added: “There are children who get sick, people take shelter and people who can’t just get up and run, right: small children, elderly people.”

“That’s the way it is in any conflict, I just pay attention to the fact that it’s happening.”

On Thursday, Kiev ordered civilians to bomb shelters and announced a curfew amid fears that Russia would strike the city after Ukrainian troops lost control of a key airport about 25 miles away.

In a video released yesterday, Maxim also directly criticized Russian President Vladimir Putin: “I think in 2022. [in a] civilized world, this is not the way we do things.

“It’s all one man’s ambition,” he continued.

“As much as it sounds, as comfortable as it sounds in Moscow, as comfortable as it is where you are in Russia, I just don’t think that’s the right thing to do and these are the right steps and these are the right actions.”

The star promised to try to keep his followers up to date with the situation abroad and asked people to respect his wife’s privacy at the moment.

“There is ALWAYS another way! WAR IS NEVER AN ANSWER! #standwithukraine, “he wrote in the caption of the video.

1645813097 248 Maxim Chmerkovsky says he is safe in Ukraine after the

“S ** t’s going down”: Ukrainian-born Dancing With the Stars professional Maxim Chmerkovsky fears for his life and the lives of his friends in Kiev after a Russian invasion of the country at night

Hayden Panettiere confirms daughter is “safe and not in Ukraine” with former Vladimir Klitschko Read More »

January 6th Panel threatens to force Gilfoyle to testify after

January 6th Panel threatens to force Gilfoyle to testify after she finishes interrogation

WASHINGTON. The House committee investigating the January 6 Capitol attack said Friday it would force Kimberley Guilfoyle, the fiancée of former President Donald Trump’s eldest son, to testify after she abruptly cut off a self-imposed interview with the commission.

Ms Gilfoyle, a television personality engaged to Donald Trump Jr., met virtually with the committee’s staff investigators on Friday after she provided documents the committee called “relevant” to its investigation. But she became flustered and interrupted the interrogation when she learned that committee members, including representatives Adam B. Schiff of California and Jamie Ruskin of Maryland, both Democrats, and Liz Cheney of Wyoming, the leader of the Republican group, were in the meeting. , according to people familiar with the situation, who spoke in a confidential interview on condition of anonymity.

Committee members regularly take part in the interrogation of high-ranking witnesses.

When news of the interview was leaked to the media, Ms Gilfoyle refused to proceed, and her lawyer accused the commission of trying to “sandbag her” and use her participation in the investigation as a “political weapon” against the former president.

“RS. Gilfoyle, under threat of subpoena, agreed to meet exclusively with counsel for the select committee in a good faith attempt to provide truthful and relevant evidence,” Joseph Tacopina, Ms. Gilfoyle’s lawyer, said in a statement after the interview fell through. “However, after the presence of Ms. Gilfoyle the committee showed its unreliability, as members notorious for leaking information appeared.

According to Mr. Takopin, when he asked for a break to discuss the matter, the commission reported the incident to journalists.

A spokesman for the committee denied having done so and said that Ms Gilfoyle’s refusal to cooperate left the commission no choice but to use its subpoena to force her to testify.

“The selection committee hoped she would do what dozens of other witnesses did: take part in voluntary transcripts of interviews with staff and committee members,” said Tim Mulvey, a spokesman. “RS. Gilfoyle has now refused to do so, forcing a select committee to require her to testify at an upcoming deposition.”

Miss Gilfoyle said she raised millions of dollars to help fund the rally leading up to the attack on the Capitol on 6 January. She was seen dancing backstage to Laura Branigan’s “Gloria” before the mob attack. Her lawyer denied that she had anything to do with the violence that broke out.

“They can do what they’re going to do,” Mr Tacopina said of the committee’s threat to subpoena. “Obviously, trust has vanished. After all, Kimberly didn’t do anything wrong.”

The committee interviewed more than 550 witnesses, but internally debated how aggressively the prosecution of the former president’s family members should be.

The commission asked the court to record telephone conversations between Ms. Gilfoyle and Eric Trump, the former president’s second eldest son, but opted for a lengthy negotiation process for the voluntary testimony of Ivanka Trump, the former president’s eldest daughter who advised him at the White House. House.

Trump’s spokeswoman said this week that she “to appear voluntarily in discussions with the committee for an interview.”

January 6th Panel threatens to force Gilfoyle to testify after she finishes interrogation Read More »

EU member states have described former bloc President Donald Tusk

EU member states have described former bloc President Donald Tusk as a “disgrace”

EU member states describe former bloc president Donald Tusk as a “disgrace” after Russian oligarchs were spared sanctions for Gucci moccasins

  • EU member states reject Boris Johnson’s call to expel Russia from Swift
  • Former bloc president Donald Tusk describes members as “shame”
  • He turned to Germany, Italy, Hungary and others after they vetoed the move
  • The secure Swift messaging network forms the basis of international trade

EU member states were declared a “disgrace” by the bloc’s former president yesterday after they rejected Boris Johnsonsubtraction call Russia from the world’s largest financial payment system.

Donald Tusk rounded Germany, ItalyHungary and others have vetoed moves to oust Russia from the Swift network, which forms the basis of international trade.

Tusk tweeted: “In this war, everything is real: the madness and cruelty of Putin, the Ukrainian victims, the bombs falling over Kiev.

“Only your sanctions have been falsified. Those EU governments that blocked difficult decisions (eg Germany, Hungary, Italy) were disgraced.

As EU leaders left the Swift ban outside the “hard” package of sanctions – despite a request from Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky – Italy received an exemption for its luxury goods industry.

Donald Tusk (pictured) appealed to Germany, Italy, Hungary and others after they vetoed moves to oust Russia from the Swift network, which forms the basis of international trade.

Donald Tusk (pictured) appealed to Germany, Italy, Hungary and others after they vetoed moves to oust Russia from the Swift network, which forms the basis of international trade.

Senior sources said models such as moccasins and designer bags from Gucci were not included in the export ban measures agreed late Thursday, which focus mainly on the high-tech, aviation and energy sectors.

An EU diplomat said Italy’s argument was that a ban on the sale of Russian oligarchs “would be largely symbolic”.

But high-ranking Italian government sources reacted fiercely, saying that the country’s Prime Minister Mario Draghi “did not seek to limit Italian luxury goods – this is definitely not true.”

Mr Draghi also sparked a dispute with Zelensky after telling Italian lawmakers that the Ukrainian president missed a scheduled phone call yesterday because he was “hiding somewhere”.

Mr Zelenski tweeted details of heavy fighting in his country, including deaths, before adding sarcastically: “Next time I will try to reschedule the war to talk to Mario Draghi at a specific time. Meanwhile, Ukraine continues to fight for its people. “

Mr Zelenski called on European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen to support Swift’s ban on Russia, saying: “Not all possibilities for sanctions have been exhausted yet. The pressure on Russia must increase. “

Latvian Deputy Prime Minister Artis Pabriks condemned the nations that blocked the move, saying: “Some people in Europe are afraid of losing money, while others in Kiev have to die.”

Boris Johnson (pictured) calls on allies to support Swift ban, saying only toughest economic sanctions will have any effect on Vladimir Putin

Boris Johnson (pictured) calls on allies to support Swift ban, saying only toughest economic sanctions will have any effect on Vladimir Putin

Johnson called on allies to support Swift’s ban, saying only the toughest economic sanctions would have any effect on Vladimir Putin.

The prime minister raised the issue at a G7 summit on Thursday and again at a crisis summit of NATO leaders yesterday.

He also raised the issue in one-on-one talks with fellow leaders, including German Chancellor Olaf Scholz, warning him: “Inaction or insufficient reaction from the West would have unimaginable consequences.”

A government source said Mr Johnson “will continue to insist very strongly on this”.

And Defense Secretary Ben Wallace said yesterday that Britain would “work all day” to “shut down the Swift system for Russia.”

EU leaders have spoken out in public about their opposition to Russia’s expulsion from Swift. But diplomatic sources said several countries were worried about cutting off gas supplies from Russia.

Diplomatic sources said that US President Joe Biden was sitting on the fence on the issue of the G-7 summit on Thursday.

He cited EU concerns as a reason not to ban.


What is Swift?

The Global Interbank Financial Telecommunications Society (Swift) is a secure messaging system used by banks to make fast cross-border payments.

The Belgian-based system processes about 42 million messages a day and is estimated to account for about half of all major international remittances.

Will Russia’s ban hurt?

Proponents of a ban on Russia’s Swift payment network, including Boris Johnson and Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky, say it would cripple Moscow’s ability to trade, cutting off vital oil and gas revenues.

An analysis of Swift’s ban on Iran in 2012 shows that Tehran has lost half of its oil export revenues and 30% of its foreign trade.

Who is blocking the ban?

Several leading EU countries oppose the move, including Germany and Italy. They have not given a public reason, but are of course concerned that this could lead to a halt in the supply of Russian gas on which they depend.

Germany receives 49 percent of its gas from Russia and Italy 46 percent. France, which said yesterday that the ban on Swift should be a “last resort”, received 24 percent.

Can Russia cope?

Russia tried to set up its own payment system when it was threatened with a Swift ban over its annexation of Crimea in 2014, but struggled to gain international recognition.

Some countries, including the United States, are concerned that Moscow and Beijing may try to build a competitive payment system if Russia is excluded, which they say could weaken Western influence in the long run.

Will it happen?

EU leaders have effectively vetoed a ban on Russia from Swift for now. But Mr Johnson, along with like-minded people in countries including Canada and Lithuania, are pushing for the issue to be reopened.

US President Joe Biden has said he is ready to reconsider if the EU gives up resistance.

Ukrainian leaders have warned that without him, Vladimir Putin will deviate from the impact of other sanctions.


EU member states have described former bloc President Donald Tusk as a “disgrace” Read More »

Trump is playing golf on his Palm Beach course before

Trump is playing golf on his Palm Beach course before the CPAC speech

Former president Donald Trump was spotted playing golf on Friday at his Palm Beach, Florida club before his speech in prime time on Saturday night at the Conference on Conservative Political Action in Orlando.

The former president wore his trademark Make America Great Again, a white polo shirt and dark trousers – and played golf with several partners, also wearing Trump-branded clothing.

Trump’s speech comes as he is inflamed by the laudatory comments he made this week about Russia Vladimir Putinas the leader organized a deadly attack on Ukraine.

Former President Donald Trump was spotted playing golf at his club in Palm Beach, Florida, Friday before his prime time speech Saturday night at the Conservative Political Action Conference in Orlando

Former President Donald Trump was spotted playing golf at his club in Palm Beach, Florida, Friday before his prime time speech Saturday night at the Conservative Political Action Conference in Orlando

The former president, driving a golf cart, wore his trademark hat

The former president, driving a golf cart, wore his trademark hat “Make America Great Again” with “45” on the side, as he was the 45th president

Former President Donald Trump was out to play golf on Friday at his Palm Beach resort ahead of his CPAC speech Saturday night

Former President Donald Trump was out to play golf on Friday at his Palm Beach resort ahead of his CPAC speech Saturday night

The former president looks in the direction of the camera while playing golf on Friday in Palm Beach, Florida, near his resort of Mar-a-Lago

The former president looks in the direction of the camera while playing golf on Friday in Palm Beach, Florida, near his resort of Mar-a-Lago

Former President Donald Trump's golf partners also wore Trump clothing

Former President Donald Trump’s golf partners also wore Trump clothing

The former president called Putin “quite smart” on Wednesday, as the invasion was imminent, following similar comments from Trump after Putin declared two regions of Ukraine “independent” earlier this week.

“If I had been in office, this deadly situation in Ukraine would never have happened!” Trump said in a statement Thursday night.

The White House he replied to Trump – but Republicans, including those on the CPAC stage, danced around the former president’s assessment.

Senator Ted Cruz, a member of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, did not mention the Ukrainian crisis at all during his address to the CPAC on Thursday night.

Earlier this week, Cruz praised President Joe Biden’s decision to allow sanctions to continue against Nord Stream 2 pipeline operators – releasing Biden-nominated State Department nominees so they can be confirmed by the Senate.

Cruz later said that Biden’s previous decision to lift sanctions on the Nord Stream project was likely tantamount to handing over Putin. he told CBS on Thursday.

During the same interview, he refused to criticize Trump.

“His rhetoric – with some regularity – I don’t agree,” Cruz said.

In his speech on Friday morning, Senator Marco Rubio admitted that there are differing views on the conflict with the modern Republican Party.

“No matter where you are in this situation between Ukraine and Russia – what we should have done in advance, what we should do now – the only thing I think everyone can agree on is that the people of Ukraine are inspiring the world.” The Florida senator told the crowd.

Trump’s Secretary of State Mike Pompeo – who has also been criticized for recent praise for Putin – would not ignore his previous statements, but stepped up his rhetoric on Putin’s stage in Orlando.

“We have seen a Russian dictator now terrorize the Ukrainian people because America is not demonstrating the determination we made four years ago,” Pompeo said Friday morning.

Overall, the CPAC was a gathering of Trumpworld, with a number of former White House officials and political allies roaming the halls. has spotted former White House spokeswoman Kaylee McEnnany and deputies Hogan Gidley and Judd Deere.

Trump’s original national security adviser, Michael Flynn, was present.

My Pillow CEO Mike Lindell was there.

And some of Trump’s chosen candidates were also there – including Max Miller of Ohio, who is fighting to replace retired Republican MP Anthony Gonzalez, a supporter of the impeachment, and Kelly Chibaka, who is facing Republican Sen. Lisa Markowski, who said Trump must be convicted of inciting an uprising.

Murkowski, an incumbent Republican senator, was booed by the crowd when Chibaka’s name dropped her.

MAGA Swag was everywhere.

And the candidates trying to get Trump’s approval supported the so-called “big lie.”

Josh Mandel, who is running for the GOP nomination for a Senate seat, GOP Sen. Rob Portman is leaving, said on stage on Friday that “the liberal media is getting up and the loose Rhino Republicans are getting up, but I want him to I say very clearly and very directly: I believe that this election was stolen by Donald J. Trump.

“You know Liz Cheney, Adam Kinzingers, they’re traitors,” he continued.

As a parrot of what Trump said earlier, Mandel added: “We need to remove the Commission from January 6 and replace it with the Commission from November 3.”

At the CPAC in Orlando this week, the MAGA swag was everywhere

At the CPAC in Orlando this week, the MAGA swag was everywhere

Trump is playing golf on his Palm Beach course before the CPAC speech Read More »

Babysitter charged with manslaughter after sleeping on a nine week old baby

Babysitter charged with manslaughter after sleeping on a nine-week-old baby

A 40-year-old babysitter has been charged with manslaughter after “taking a fentanyl pill and falling asleep on a nine-month-old baby who suffocated”

  • Mary Elizabeth Evans, a 40-year-old woman from Panama City, Florida, has been charged with manslaughter following her arrest this week
  • In June 2021, she was found unconscious sitting next to a bed with half her body on a nine-week-old child.
  • Investigation found that Evans bought fentanyl earlier in the day and took the pills before her childcare shift
  • Investigators also found a blue pill on the floor of the bedroom where Evans had fainted.
  • Evans was sentenced to Bay County Jail pending her first court appearance

Wife in Florida was arrested in the death of a nine-week-old baby she was looking after in June 2021 after she was allegedly taking fentanyl pills, then fell asleep and strangled the child.

Mary Elizabeth Evans, 40, of Panama City, Florida, has been charged with manslaughter, according to the Bay County Sheriff’s Office.

Emergency workers rushed to a home in Fountain – about 30 miles from Panama City – on June 6, 2021, to find Evans lying unconscious, sitting on the side of the bed, with her upper body crushing the baby watching a child. , according to a press release from the Bay County Sheriff’s Office.

The unidentified child was pronounced dead after being taken to a local hospital. The medical staff was able to revive Evans. It was not clear whether the accused had a lawyer who could speak on her behalf.

Mary Elizabeth Evans, a 40-year-old woman from Panama City, Florida, has been charged with manslaughter.  In June 2021, she was found unconscious sitting next to her bed with half her body on top of her newborn.  She is being held in Bay County pending a hearing and sentencing

Mary Elizabeth Evans, a 40-year-old woman from Panama City, Florida, has been charged with manslaughter. In June 2021, she was found unconscious sitting next to her bed with half her body on top of her newborn. She is being held in Bay County pending a hearing and sentencing

The investigation found that Evans bought drugs earlier in the day and took them by crushing and sniffing the pills before her shift to look after a child with the newborn, according to authorities.

The blue pill, which investigators found on the floor of the bedroom where Evans had fainted, was later confirmed by the Florida Law Enforcement Administration as fentanyl.

Police said Evans took fentanyl before fainting from the victim, strangling the baby to death.

“Investigators found that Evans bought the drugs earlier in the day and swallowed them by crushing and sniffing the pills before taking care of the child,” police said.

Evans was found unconscious, sitting on the side of her bed, her upper body completely covering the child.

Evans was sentenced to Bay County Jail pending her first court appearance.

A blue pill found by police on the floor of the bedroom where Evans fainted was later confirmed by the Florida Law Enforcement Administration to be fentanyl (pictured)

A blue pill found by police on the floor of the bedroom where Evans fainted was later confirmed by the Florida Law Enforcement Administration to be fentanyl (pictured)

The Bay County Sheriff found Evans lying unconscious, sitting on the side of the bed, with her upper body crushing the baby she was looking after last June

The Bay County Sheriff found Evans lying unconscious, sitting on the side of the bed, with her upper body crushing the baby she was looking after last June

Information about her guarantee has not yet been released.

It is still unclear whether she would plead guilty on Thursday, PEOPLE said.


Babysitter charged with manslaughter after sleeping on a nine-week-old baby Read More »