An Italian student at the New York Academy hanged himself

An Italian student at the New York Academy hanged himself after the school put him in isolation

A 17-year-old Italian student at the elite EF academy hanged himself for $ 62,000 a year in New York after the school isolated him as “punishment” for suspected fraud.

  • Police found 17-year-old Claudio Mandia alone in a room at the EF Academy in Westchester County, New York on Saturday, dead from apparent hanging
  • The father of the Italian 17-year-old runs a successful frozen Italian pizza export company called Fiad, which generates $ 15 million in sales annually
  • Claudio, who planned to run a business like his father, was due to graduate in May with an international bachelor’s degree.
  • In a statement through their lawyer, the family claims that EF Academy has put Claudio in isolation as a “punishment” for suspected fraud
  • EF Academy did not confirm whether Claudio was placed in solitary confinement as punishment, but said the school gives priority to the health of foreign students

An Italian boarding school student committed suicide at his elite school for $ 62,000 a year after being placed in solitary confinement as a “punishment” for suspected fraud, his broken family said.

On Saturday, police responded to a call at the elite EF Academy in Westchester County, New York, and found Claudio Mandia alone in a room dead from apparent hanging. Everyday beast reported.

The 17-year-old Italian, whose parents Elizabeth and Mauro Mandia run a successful frozen Italian pizza export company called Fiad, which generates $ 15 million in annual sales, attends the prestigious boarding school, which costs about $ 62,000 a year.

Police found 17-year-old Claudio Mandia (pictured) alone in a room at the EF Academy in Westchester County, New York on Saturday, dead from apparent hanging

Police found 17-year-old Claudio Mandia (pictured) alone in a room at the EF Academy in Westchester County, New York on Saturday, dead from apparent hanging

EF Academy did not confirm whether Claudio was placed in solitary confinement as punishment, but said the school gives priority to the health of foreign students

EF Academy did not confirm whether Claudio was placed in solitary confinement as punishment, but said the school gives priority to the health of foreign students

Claudio Elizabeth's and Mauro Mandia's parents (pictured) run a successful frozen Italian pizza export company called Fiad, which generates $ 15 million in annual sales.

Claudio Elizabeth’s and Mauro Mandia’s parents (pictured) run a successful frozen Italian pizza export company called Fiad, which generates $ 15 million in annual sales.

Claudio, who was planning to follow in his father’s footsteps, was due to graduate in May with an international bachelor’s degree.

His parents were informed of the tragic news about their son as soon as they landed at JFK airport in Italy with their three daughters to celebrate their son’s 18th birthday, Pietro Benesato, Mandia’s uncle, told The Daily Beast in Italy.

In a statement through their lawyer, the family confirmed that the 17-year-old had died of suicide and claimed that the EF Academy had placed him in solitary confinement as a “punishment” for suspected fraud.

“Claudio was a wonderful man and student and he could not wait for his family to come to New York from Italy to celebrate his eighteenth birthday,” the teenager’s family said in a statement.

Claudio was planning to follow in his father's footsteps.  Mauro Mandia runs a frozen Italian pizza export company called Fiad (pictured)

Claudio was planning to follow in his father’s footsteps. Mauro Mandia runs a frozen Italian pizza export company called Fiad (pictured)

Claudio’s uncle told The Daily Beast that his nephew’s despair seemed like a “sudden illness” fueled by the stress of alleged self-isolation imposed by the school.

In a statement to, the school did not confirm whether Claudio was placed in solitary confinement as punishment, but said the school prioritizes the health of international students and will offer support to Claudio’s family and counseling students at the school.

“We are deeply, deeply saddened by the tragic death of Claudio Mandia,” said a spokesman for the EF Academy. “Our thoughts are with his family and friends here in New York and at home in Italy. The safety of our school community is always our top priority. We have very strong policies and procedures regarding the health and well-being of young people who are far from their home countries. “

The school said it was working with authorities while continuing its ongoing investigation into his death.

“Out of respect for the family and the grief they feel after this unimaginable tragedy, as well as our continued support for an active police investigation,” the school said.

An Instagram post in Italian says that Claudio’s death should remind students not to let school failures determine their value.

“Failure can happen, never do much of it,” the man wrote. “Close your eyes, take a deep breath and move on. School performance does not determine who you are, it is not a divine judgment, it will not make you unworthy to be loved. You are much more important than your mistakes.

A post on Instagram in honor of the teenager says Claudio's death should remind students not to let school failures determine their worth

A post on Instagram in honor of the teenager says Claudio’s death should remind students not to let school failures determine their worth

If you or someone you know is struggling with mental health or suicidal thoughts, call 1-800-273-8255.


An Italian student at the New York Academy hanged himself after the school put him in isolation Read More »

Minister calls on Russian generals to stage coup against crazy

Minister calls on Russian generals to stage coup against “crazy” Putin and his “tsarist fantasy”

World leaders and former officials have turned to “crazy” Vladimir Putin as the foreign minister called on Russian generals to stage a coup to stop the dictator’s “royal fantasy”.

FCDO Minister James Cleverley said military leaders knew the Russian president was increasingly isolated and “illogical” as he tried to “recreate the Russian Empire in his mind.”

And in an extremely unusual step, he actually called on them to make a coup, saying that “they are able to stop this and we call on them to do so.”

James Cleverley Vladimir Putin

James Cleverley (left) says military leaders know that Vladimir Putin (right) is increasingly “isolated” and “illogical” as he tries to “recreate the Russian Empire in his mind.”

Anders Fogh Rasmussen, a former NATO secretary general, told ITV’s Peston program that Russia’s current behavior was not rational or logical.

Czech President Milos Zeman said it was a mistake to once believe that Putin was not “crazy enough” to attack Ukraine – calling the autocrat “crazy”.

Extraordinary intervention came when ministers warned that Mr Putin seemed increasingly unstable after a strange address to the nation in which he spoke at length about the history of the Soviet Union.

Ukrainian MP Vadim Galaychuk repeated this in an interview with Sky News, when he said: “The Kremlin has just gone crazy.”

Defense Secretary Ben Wallace said yesterday that he seemed to have “passed Tonto”.

A cabinet minister told MailOnline earlier this week that the Russian prime minister may have played too much on Call of Duty.

A convoy of army trucks passes by a police post in the city of Armyansk, Northern Crimea today

A convoy of army trucks passes by a police post in the city of Armyansk, Northern Crimea today

Today, Boris Johnson promised to “hook” the Russian economy with a “massive” package of sanctions, insisting that the West “will not look away” from the invasion of Ukraine.

In a speech from Downing Street, the prime minister said that Vladimir Putin could not be allowed to “extinguish” freedom in Ukraine with an act of “reckless and reckless aggression.”

He said Putin had “unleashed war” on the continent and that the West must respond to ensure the possible “failure” of his offensive “diplomatically, politically, economically and ultimately militarily.” In a harsh message to Germany and Italy, among others, Mr Johnson also called on the countries to cut off gas and oil supplies from Moscow.

“Today, together with our allies, we will agree on a massive package of economic sanctions designed in time to stop the Russian economy. To that end, we must also collectively end our dependence on Russian oil and gas, which have given Putin control over Western policy for too long, “he said.

“Our mission is clear. Diplomatically, politically, economically, and finally, militarily, this disgusting and barbaric undertaking by Vladimir Putin must end in failure.

During a series of interviews this morning, Mr Cleverley told Sky News: “Ukraine is not part of Russia. The fantasy that President Putin is trying to play – to create a kind of tsarist expansionist Russia – must be stopped.

Boris Johnson announced today that Putin is

Boris Johnson announced today that Putin has “chosen the path of bloodshed and destruction” in Ukraine after launching “horrific attacks” on his neighbor

Russia has invaded Ukraine from the north, south and east as it fires missiles across the country

Russia has invaded Ukraine from the north, south and east as it fires missiles across the country

He added: “The military leaders around Vladimir Putin, they need to know that this is a catastrophically bad assessment by Vladimir Putin.

“Ukraine is a huge country physically. I have no doubt that the Ukrainian people will be fierce in defending their homeland.

“Military leaders need to know that this will cost a huge price – not only for the Ukrainians, but also for the Russians.

“They are in a position, even if Vladimir Putin does not do it, they are able to stop it and we urge them to do it.”

Russian opposition leader Alexei Navalny has said he opposes Moscow’s invasion of Ukraine, as he was facing trial after President Vladimir Putin launched an attack.

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Alexei Navalny uses appearing against him on old fraud charges to condemn Putin’s war in Ukraine (photo file)

“I am against this war,” Navalny was heard saying in a video of the prison trial, published by the independent newspaper Dozhd.

“This war between Russia and Ukraine was unleashed to cover up the theft by Russian citizens and to divert their attention from the problems that exist inside the country,” he said.

Dressed in a prison uniform, Navalny said the war would “lead to huge casualties, destroy the future and continue this line of impoverishment of Russian citizens.”

He is being tried in maximum security prison, where he has been detained outside Moscow on new charges that could extend his time behind bars by a decade.

His allies said the process, which began last week, was purposefully timed to coincide with the crisis in Ukraine.

Navalny has been behind bars for a year on old charges of fraud, after surviving a poison attack, he and the West blame the Kremlin.

Minister calls on Russian generals to stage coup against “crazy” Putin and his “tsarist fantasy” Read More »

White House spokesman called Trump a nasty scary pig because

White House spokesman called Trump a “nasty, scary pig” because he praised Putin

White House Deputy Spokesman Andrew Bates killed the former president Donald Trump for praising the Russian president for days Vladimir Putin.

“Two nasty, scary pigs who hate what America stands for and whose every move is driven by their own weakness and insecurity are rubbing their muzzles against each other and celebrating that innocent people are losing their lives,” Bates tweeted from his official government official. account on thursday morning.

Bates shared an article about Trump telling the crowd in Mar-a-Lago on Wednesday night – when Putin launched his attack on Ukraine – that the Russian leader was “quite smart”.

Russia launched a war against Ukraine on Thursday night, with Ukrainian authorities already indicting hundreds of victims. By Thursday afternoon, the Ukrainian army was fighting Russians in almost every part of the country – including Chernobyl, which could have widespread environmental consequences.

Former President Donald Trump Russian President Vladimir Putin

White House Deputy Spokesman Andrew Bates punches former President Donald Trump (left) for praising Russian President Vladimir Putin (right) for days

Bates called Trump and Putin

Bates called Trump and Putin “two nasty and cowardly pigs” and said they “rub their muzzles together and celebrate while innocent people lose their lives.”

White House Deputy Spokesman Andrew Bates

White House Deputy Spokesman Andrew Bates

The deadly attack did not change Trump’s view of his attitude toward Russia and Ukraine.

“He is taking over the country in exchange for $ 2 in sanctions. I would say that’s pretty smart, “the former president said at his Florida resort, according to a recording. from The New York Times.

“He’s taking over a country, a really huge, vast place, a great piece of land with a lot of people just coming in,” Trump added.

Trump has been making such laudatory comments about Putin for days.

On Tuesday, Trump told podcast Buck Sexton that he thought Putin’s declaration of two parts of Ukraine as “independent” was “brilliant.”

“I came in yesterday and there was a TV screen and I said, ‘That’s brilliant,'” Trump said. “Putin declares a large part of Ukraine – from Ukraine – Putin declares it independent. Oh, that’s wonderful.

“I said, ‘How smart is that?'” The former US president said continue. “And he will come in and be a peacemaker.” This is the strongest peaceful force … We can use this on our southern border. This is the strongest peacekeeping force I have ever seen. There were more army tanks than I saw. They will keep the peace well.

“No, but think about it.” Here is a man who is very understanding, “Trump continued. “I know him very well.” Very, very, very good. If I were in office, even unthinkable, this would never have happened.

1645720326 965 White House spokesman called Trump a nasty scary pig because Ukrainian military vehicles pass by Independence Square in central Kiev as cities across the country have been hit by Russian missile strikes and artillery, according to Ukrainian authorities

Ukrainian military vehicles pass by Independence Square in central Kiev as cities across the country have been hit by Russian missile strikes and artillery, according to Ukrainian authorities

Trump added: “But here’s a man who says, you know, ‘I’m going to declare much of Ukraine independent,’ he uses the word ‘independent’ and ‘we’re going to go in and out.’ and we will help keep the peace. You have to say that it is quite understandable. And do you know what Biden’s response was? There was no answer. They didn’t have one for that. No, it’s very sad. Very sad.’

Trump also called Biden “a man who has no idea what he’s doing.”

Later on Tuesday, White House spokeswoman Jen Psaki responded to Trump.

“As a matter of policy, we try not to take advice from anyone who praises President Putin and his military strategy, which I think is what happened there,” Psaki said at a briefing on Tuesday when asked to respond to comments made earlier in Trump. The day.

She pointed out the comments Trump reportedly did to the leaders of the G7 in 2018, when the former president already said that Crimea, which was annexed by Russia after the invasion in 2014, is part of Russia because everyone there speaks Russian.

He said Trump had “expressed openness” to lifting sanctions on Russia over the 2014 invasion.

“So there are a little different tactics, a little different approach, and that’s probably why President Biden, not his predecessor, managed to unite the world and the world community in taking steps against Russian aggression,” Psaki said.

Asked if there were fears that comments like Trump’s could lead to Ukraine’s support becoming a more party issue among the American public, she pointed to the Republican Party.

“You know, I think it depends on the members of the Republican Party to make the decision, to make the decision,” she told

“There is a long history, decades of history of which President Biden was a part, when he was chairman of the Committee on Foreign Affairs, of defending the efforts of any country to occupy the territory of another country, of defending the efforts of the United States to gather global support against inappropriate and illegal actions by another country, “she continued. “There is a long history of this, not in a partisan way – in a partisan way.”

“And it certainly depends on the Republicans to … determine,” she added.

White House spokesman called Trump a “nasty, scary pig” because he praised Putin Read More »

Ukraine retaliates Kiev troops shoot down five helicopters while Putins

Ukraine retaliates: Kiev troops shoot down five helicopters while Putin’s forces suffer losses

Ukrainian troops shot down five Russian helicopters, destroyed dozens of tanks and captured at least 80 soldiers in the first hours of Vladimir Putin he ordered his forces to invade this morning.

Kiev’s army is much lower than its Russian counterpart with an air defense system, and the air force dates back to the Soviet era.

But NATO and the United States, despite deploying troops in neighboring Romania in recent months, have made it clear that no troops will be sent and left the Ukrainian military to keep the attack on its own.

Until Thursday afternoon, fighting is taking place in Kiev, along the northern border with Belarus, in Luhansk and Donetsk in the east and around Kherson, the Dnieper River and the port cities of Odessa and Mariupol in the south.

Few expect Ukraine to emerge victorious from what is almost certain to be a protracted, bloody and brutal war – but so far Kiev forces have managed to inflict heavy losses on Putin’s troops.

Here MailOnline looks at the losses inflicted by Ukrainian forces on Russia:

At least 15 T-72 tanks were destroyed or damaged by Ukrainian forces with the help of Javelin PTRK, a US anti-tank missile, near Glukhov in the eastern part of the country late this afternoon.

At least 15 T-72 tanks were destroyed or damaged by Ukrainian forces with the help of Javelin PTRK, a US anti-tank missile, near Glukhov in the eastern part of the country late this afternoon.

Ukrainian forces say they shot down at least four Russian KA-52 Alligator attack helicopters during a battle for Gostomel Air Base.  Fifth helicopter (pictured) was forced to make an emergency landing in the field under heavy fire

Ukrainian forces say they shot down at least four Russian KA-52 Alligator attack helicopters during a battle for Gostomel Air Base. Fifth helicopter (pictured) was forced to make an emergency landing in the field under heavy fire

An image taken near Kiev shows the remains of a downed Russian attacking helicopter with a soldier parachuting from it (left of the frame)

An image taken near Kiev shows the remains of a downed Russian attacking helicopter with a soldier parachuting from it (left of the frame)

Can Ukraine oppose Russia Putin has 900000 active duty troops more


Ukrainian forces say they fired up to four Russian attackers at the KA-52 Alligator helicopter during a battle for Gostomel Air Base. A fifth helicopter was forced to make an emergency landing in the field under heavy fire.

Just after noon on Thursday, the skies over Kiev were crowded with a squadron of 20 Russian helicopters that hit the runway of the air base.

But Ukrainian ground forces began a resistance, retreating to reclaim the airfield as jets stormed the city, shooting down Russian helicopters.

The attack highlighted how close the invaders were to the capital. Soon after, the distant roar of fighters high above the city caused a new wave of panic.

Ukrainian forces also claim to have shot down six Russian planes in the skies over the Eastern Donbass, while another plane appears to have fallen from the sky near the capital.

A Russian helicopter was shot down somewhere above Kiev The remains of what looks like an airplane fall from the sky near the capital

A Russian helicopter is shot down somewhere above Kiev (left) as the wreckage of what looks like an airplane falls from the sky near the capital (right)

Five helicopters were shot down or destroyed in the Gostomel area, including one that was forced to make an emergency landing under heavy fire after Ukrainian forces recaptured the airport.

Five helicopters were shot down or destroyed in the Gostomel area, including one that was forced to make an emergency landing under heavy fire after Ukrainian forces recaptured the airport.


Ukrainian forces destroyed dozens of Russian tanks along the eastern and northern borders today.

Ukrainian forces put up fierce resistance around Kharkiv, where many Russian tanks and armored vehicles were depicted destroyed – with bodies lying in the streets.

Later this morning, another BMP combat vehicle was captured, along with a crew of four Russian soldiers, in the same region of eastern Ukraine.

And around 14:00 local time (12:00 GMT), the Ukrainian military said troops destroyed five armored vehicles and a car during fighting at the Vystupovich-Rudnya border checkpoint between Ukraine and Belarus.

Another 15 T-72 tanks were destroyed or damaged by Ukrainian forces with the help of Javelin PTRK, an American anti-tank missile, near Glukhov in the eastern part of the country late this afternoon.

A BMP combat vehicle was captured, along with four Russian soldiers, during fighting near Kharkiv in eastern Ukraine this morning.

A BMP combat vehicle was captured, along with four Russian soldiers, during fighting near Kharkiv in eastern Ukraine this morning.


At least 80 Russian soldiers have been captured by Ukrainian forces, officials said today.

Two believed to be Rafik Rakhmankulov, 19, and Mgomd Mgomdov, 26, from Kizilyurt, were captured along with a cache of weapons and knives during fighting near Kharkov in eastern Ukraine.

Four more Russian soldiers, the crew of a BMP combat vehicle, were captured by Ukrainian forces near Luhansk this morning. They were depicted lying face down with jackets over their heads after being captured by Kiev troops.

Another 74 Russian soldiers were captured after surrendering to Ukrainian soldiers, the commander-in-chief of the Ukrainian armed forces said with a photo of a man with a bandaged arm and a bloody uniform that appeared to read “Russian Army.”

Estimates of the dead and wounded are almost non-existent in the early afternoon, but a Ukrainian official estimated the death toll at around 50 in Russia.

Another 74 Russian soldiers have been captured after surrendering to Ukrainian soldiers, the commander-in-chief of the Ukrainian armed forces said with a photo of a man with a bandaged arm and a bloody uniform that appeared to read

Another 74 Russian soldiers were captured after surrendering to Ukrainian soldiers, the commander-in-chief of the Ukrainian armed forces said with a photo of a man with a bandaged arm and a bloody uniform that appeared to read “Russian Army”.

Two Russian soldiers - believed to be Rafik Rakhmankulov, 19 (left) and Mgomd Mgomdov, 26, from Kizilyurt (right) - were captured by Ukrainian forces in the east of the country.

Two Russian soldiers – believed to be Rafik Rakhmankulov, 19 (left) and Mgomd Mgomdov, 26, from Kizilyurt (right) – were captured by Ukrainian forces in the east of the country.

Weapons and knives seized from two Russian soldiers captured by Ukrainian troops fighting around Kharkiv

Weapons and knives seized from two Russian soldiers captured by Ukrainian troops fighting around Kharkiv

The crew of a Russian BMP war machine is seen face down with jackets over their heads

The crew of a Russian BMP war machine is seen face down with jackets on (left) after being captured by Ukrainian forces (their machine is pictured, right)

Ukraine retaliates: Kiev troops shoot down five helicopters while Putin’s forces suffer losses Read More »

Какво стана със смелите британци които купиха останки

РОБЪРТ ХАРДМАН: Какво стана със смелите британци, които купиха останки в италиански села за 1 евро?

Долният приземен етаж изглежда сякаш е избухнала бомба, но стълбището изглежда здраво. Изкачвайки се етаж по етаж, ми казват да не се отклонявам твърде близо до центъра на всяка стая от страх да не падна.

В малката кухня на последния етаж намирам стара тенджера на стара печка. Избледняла снимка на дете в едуардиански моряшки костюм виси на стената, както и пожълтял календар, който подсказва последния път, когато някой всъщност е живял тук: 1973 г.

От решаващо значение обаче изглежда, че покривът е от едно парче, тъй като няма индикация за проникване на дъждовна вода.

Няма ток и всички ВиК са изключени преди години.

Накрая отваряме с ключ вратата, водеща към балкона на втория етаж и веднага виждам привлекателността на това място. В една посока гледате към древна камбанария и покриви, простиращи се към сицилианската провинция. В другия поглеждате нагоре по стръмна калдъръмена улица, която не се е променила нито една йота от повече от век.

Това, което липсва на това място в основните удобства, то компенсира с тази основна характеристика във всеки дом: чар.

И току-що беше разграбен за исканата цена: едно евро.

„От години тази къща не прави нищо“, казва моят водач Джузепе Катания. „Сега това ще направи нещо за този град.“

Порутена: Но това скоро ще бъде елегантна градска къща.  Джузепе Катания е в авангарда на много модерна идея за съживяване на спящите джобове на селските райони на Италия

Порутена: Но това скоро ще бъде елегантна градска къща. Джузепе Катания е в авангарда на много модерна идея за съживяване на спящите джобове на селските райони на Италия

Джузепе не е агент по недвижими имоти. Той е кметът на Мусомели, град на хълм, който седи красиво в средата на Сицилия, под арабско-нормандски замък, кацнал върху парче скала като гигантска гъба.

И все пак Мусомели също е в авангарда на една много модерна идея за съживяване на спящите джобове на селските райони на Италия – чрез избиване на старинни жилища за по-малко от една лира. И резултатите бяха удивителни.

Няма ограничения за това кой може да купува, нито правила за това как може да продава – освен задължението да започне възстановяване в рамките на три години. Въпреки това, както ще видим, има много препятствия по дългия път от „Направи си сам“ до la dolce vita.

Истинските бенефициенти обаче не са купувачите, а жителите на тези градове. Защото виждат как цели квартали, които десетилетия наред са в хронично окаяно състояние, се връщат към живот. Заетостта расте, а нови магазини и бизнеси се развиват.

В Мусомели докладите за жилища от едно евро накараха един аржентински инвеститор да проучи откриването на нов инженерен институт тук. Преди Covid градът имаше 380 туристи. Миналата година бяха 5000 и броят им се увеличава.

Докато в голяма част от селските райони на Великобритания се оплакват, че богатите уикенди ценят младите местни жители от пазара на имоти, тук никой не мрънка. „Хората идваха да ми чукат на вратата да питат за работа, но вече не идват!“ казва Джузепе.

Нещо повече, неговият град има население от 10 000 души, но достатъчно жилища за 36 000, така че местното население не е изгонено. Основният проблем е недостигът на строители.

Вървяйки през един от главните площади, спирам по пътя си, когато забелязвам голям портрет на кралицата на стена. „Един местен художник искаше да посрещне новите националности, които живеят тук – от само една станахме 18“, казва кметът. — Мислехме, че инглесите биха искали да видят кралицата.

От другата страна на площада срещам бившия лондонец Дани Маккубин, който управлява обществена кухня, хранеща духовници и домове за грижи.

Сега на 58, той прекара 17 години, работейки за Джейми Оливър, помагайки на главния готвач да създаде неговата фондация Fifteen.

Той прочете статия за жилища за едно евро в Сицилия и реши да купи такъв, като събра 25 000 евро, за да го превърне в благотворителен проект за обществена храна. „Хареса ми фактът, че целият процес беше много ясен и прозрачен“, казва роденият в Австралия Дани, който пристигна в града точно преди пандемията.

Но той е предупредителен приказ за британците, които си въобразяват, че могат просто да придобият европейска дупка срещу цената на еспресо.

Интелигентен ход: Къща в Самбука, реновирана от двойка в САЩ.  Това е друг град, който желае да се възползва максимално от преобразуващата сила на няколко къщи за едно евро

Интелигентен ход: Къща в Самбука, реновирана от двойка в САЩ. Това е друг град, който желае да се възползва максимално от преобразуващата сила на няколко къщи за едно евро

След като купи развалината на къщата си, той трябваше да плати таксите за регистрация и адвокат, които струваха няколко хиляди евро отгоре.

Следващото препятствие беше намирането на строител. Той трябваше да изчака Covid да отшуми, но тогава се появиха два проблема. Първата беше нова инициатива на италианското правителство, която предлага на хората на национално ниво огромна, чувствителна към времето грешка: те могат да получат 110 процента данъчни облекчения, ако могат да направят къщите си по-енергийно ефективни до края на тази година.

В резултат на това цялата страна гони до последно строител. Второ, цените на строителните материали се покачиха с 25 на сто.

Дани скоро осъзна, че бюджетът му няма да покрие разходите, затова намали загубите си и продаде къщата си (за едно евро), губейки около 3000 евро. Но той не съжалява, тъй като му бяха предложени по-добри помещения под наем на пипер, той намери много нови приятели и след като притежаваше дом, той получи италианско пребиваване.

Директорът по продажбите на Милтън Кейнс Хосе Рамос, 43 г., има различна история. Той купи две къщи за по едно евро преди Covid, реновира един и сега е в ход с друг. Толкова добре е минало, че си е купил още две като ваканционни къщи.

Той има голямо предимство в това да говори езика с любезното съдействие на майка си италианка: „Аз сам извърших някои от ранните строителни работи и успях да намеря работници, като се разпитах.“

Срещам се и с Тоня и Стив Брауер от Калифорния, където тя работеше в недвижими имоти, а той в представителство на Mercedes. Когато 66-годишният Стив беше диагностициран с болестта на Паркинсон, те решиха да се възползват от всеки момент и след като прочетоха за жилищата за едно евро, тръгнаха да търсят къщи.

Западнал имот, продаден в Самбука.  Истинските бенефициенти обаче не са купувачите, а жителите на тези градове, пише Робърт Хардман

Западнал имот, продаден в Самбука. Истинските бенефициенти обаче не са купувачите, а жителите на тези градове, пише Робърт Хардман

Подобно на мнозина, които са купували тук, те бяха привлечени от заглавията за едно евро, но в крайна сметка купиха нещо малко по-удобно (за всеки продаден дом за едно евро се продават още три за повече).

Брауерите платиха 7 000 евро за по-практична частична развалина и похарчиха още 19 000, за да я направят обитаема. След като решиха, че са им липсвали няколко удобства за създания, те продадоха и сега дават под наем в по-новата част на града. Но, отново, те не съжаляват и нямат планове да си тръгват. „Бяхме толкова добре дошли тук и този кмет вдигна целия град“, казва 52-годишната Тоня.

И така, как работи? И как всички тези къщи се озовават на пазара? Идеята беше излъчена за първи път от кмета на друг град Салеми преди няколко години (въпреки че се появи едва през 2017 г.). Той твърди, че продажбата на умиращи жилища за нищожна сума може да даде тласък на възраждането на хълмистите градове, където има сериозен дисбаланс между стари и млади.

В много от тях семействата просто емигрираха. Хиляди се преместиха в Обединеното кралство през 60-те години на миналия век в търсене на работа (има голяма диаспора на Мусомели в Уокинг и Енфийлд).

52-годишният Джузепе, бизнес консултант, казва, че съветът просто действа като брокер. Прикрепен към всеки разпадащ се дом, обикновено има колекция от братя и сестри или братовчеди, пръснати по целия свят, които не могат да се споразумеят какво да правят с него.

През цялото време той привлича данък върху собствеността от няколкостотин евро годишно, с нарастваща 200 процента глоба, когато не бъде платен. Освен това, ако даден имот се превърне в риск, собствениците носят отговорност. До този момент тези домове са безполезни.

Така че сега съветът пише на собствениците с предложение да продадат вещта за евро и да бъдат освободени от всички задължения. В цяла Италия десетки малки градове правят същото, обикновено тези, които имат динамичен кмет. Защото това включва много работа за Джузепе и неговия заместник-кмет Тоти Нигрели, който, тъй като владее английски език, е първото пристанище за пристанище за бъдещи емигранти.

Стара, занемарена кухня.  Прикрепен към всеки рушащ се дом, обикновено има колекция от братя и сестри или братовчеди, пръснати по целия свят, които не могат да се споразумеят какво да правят с него

Стара, занемарена кухня. Прикрепен към всеки рушащ се дом, обикновено има колекция от братя и сестри или братовчеди, пръснати по целия свят, които не могат да се споразумеят какво да правят с него

Изглежда никой не съжалява. Същата история е на два часа път в град Самбука, където голям булевард се издига нагоре по хълма с безпорядък от красиви калдъръмени алеи отстрани.

Това е друг град, който иска да се възползва максимално от преобразуващата сила на няколко къщи за едно евро.

Кметът на Самбука, 50-годишният Лео Чачо, продаде партида през 2019 г. и пусна втора група на пазара за две евро (когато направи трета, те ще отидат за три). Тези домове обаче предизвикаха скок в продажбите на местни имоти.

Сблъскваме се с англоговорящия нотариус Анна Салерно, която се забърква между срещите с купувачи на жилища. „Този ​​град дори не е имал нотариус преди. Сега го правят — и им трябва някой, който говори английски!“ тя се смее.

Срещаме се с Гулота Франко, 50 г., майстор на метали. „Никога не съм бил по-зает“, казва ми той, добавяйки, че е наел трима нови работници, за да се справи с търсенето, и че обича новите шумове за мястото.

В друга част на града 73-годишният Ели Халавани от Израел ни разказва, че сега е горд собственик на голяма къща за две евро, която беше продадена на търг. Той даде запечатана оферта от 4000 евро и си осигури здрава, макар и много проста, четиристайна къща, прикрепена към пълна развалина на плевня.

Ели планира да похарчи 50 000 евро, за да създаде B&B.

„Винаги казвам, че едно плюс едно е равно на три, защото други неща идват в живота“, казва той, сочейки новите си приятели в B&B, където е отседнал. Той е толкова впечатлен от зехтина, който произвеждат, че току-що подписа сделка за износа му за Израел.

Кметът Чачо посочва, че преди няколко години най-честата табела в града беше „за продажба“, но „сега на табелите пише „B&B“.“ Докато вървим, полицейска кола забавя скоростта за чат. Питам за престъпността и ченгетата посочват, че са арестували миналата седмица за кражба с взлом — макар че това беше първата от две години.

„Полицията е на почивка тук“, шегува се Лео.

Селска идилия: В Мусомели докладите за жилища от едно евро накараха един аржентински инвеститор да проучи откриването на нов инженерен институт тук

Селска идилия: В Мусомели докладите за жилища от едно евро накараха един аржентински инвеститор да проучи откриването на нов инженерен институт тук

Колкото и много хора да копнеят за сънлив град, той е категоричен, че младостта и подмладяването са от съществено значение: „Всяка година умират сто стари хора и се ражда едно бебе“.

По-късно, докато сядаме сред препълнена къща в Молино Антика, за да поръсим рикота с маслинова капоната, равиоли с морски дарове и риба меч, Лео получава обаждане, което му казва, че е в най-голямата телевизионна мрежа във Франция в момента.

Той обяснява, че е бил интервюиран, след като Airbnb купи жилище за едно евро и похарчи 200 000 евро за лъскаво преобразяване. Онлайн гигантът вече покани глобални кандидати да живеят в къщата безплатно.

Актрисата Лорейн Брако, звезда от “Семейство Сопрано”, също възстанови останките тук в Самбука за риалити шоу. Лео казва, че едва ден минава без обаждане от медиите.

Тук всички спират за чат. На чаша отлично вино, което семейството й прави, Лисия Кардило Ди Прима, автор и редактор на местния вестник La Voce Di Sambuca, казва, че всички се гордеят със случващото се тук.

„Част от историята на Сицилия е, че приемаме чужденци“, казва тя. Със сигурност нейният вестник трябва да е срещнал някакво противопоставяне на тази схема? ‘Не!’ – казва тя, размахвайки пръст. „Това ни дава възможност на всички да празнуваме себе си.“

Обратно в Мусомели, Александра Стъбс, предприемач от Уилтшир, все още търси строителен предприемач три години след като купи къщата си за едно евро. Тя има пълни технически планове за мястото и описва преживяванията си на уебсайта си

Въпреки това тя съветва британските купувачи да помислят внимателно. „Бях един от първите, които купиха тук, но двойният удар на Covid и недостигът на строители го направиха много различно предложение от това, за което се регистрирах — въпреки че все още е страхотна идея.“

Джузепе Катания приема, че ще има проблеми, но като цяло, казва той, схемата е била находка за неговия град. „Хората сега гледат какво имат в собствения си заден двор и осъзнават колко много са го подценили.“

Допълнителен репортаж от SILVIA MARCHETTI

РОБЪРТ ХАРДМАН: Какво стана със смелите британци, които купиха останки в италиански села за 1 евро? Read More »

How Putin is pouring death on Ukraine Caliber cruise missile

How Putin is pouring death on Ukraine: Caliber cruise missile with thermonuclear capacity

How Putin rains death on Ukraine: Caliber cruise missile, which Russia uses to hit targets

  • The missile used is believed to be the Caliber, a long-range cruise missile developed by Russia as a rival to the American Tomahawk.
  • Nine meters long, weighing up to 2.3 tons and equipped with a 500-kilogram explosive or thermonuclear warhead, Caliber is Russia’s favorite weapon
  • Developed in the 1990s and first used in battles in 2015, the Kalibr can be launched from ships, submarines or ground forces.
  • Kalibr does not follow an arc from its launcher to its target – like ballistic missiles – but instead flies low and long, using a jet engine and small wings to aim at its target.

Russia today a total war has begun Ukraineusing cruise missiles to hit targets across the country, including military bases, ammunition depots and airports.

The missile used is believed to be the Caliber, a long-range cruise missile developed by Russia as a rival to the American Tomahawk.

Nine meters long, weighing up to 2.3 tons and equipped with 500 kg of explosive or thermonuclear warhead, Kalibr is of Russia weapon of choice when it comes to firing precision strikes from a distance against enemy targets.

Developed in the 1990s and first used in battles in 2015, the Kalibr can be launched from ships, submarines or ground forces – with jet versions believed to be in production.

Nine meters long, weighing up to 2.3 tons and equipped with a 500-kilogram explosive or thermonuclear warhead, the Caliber is Russia's weapon of choice when it comes to firing precision strikes from a distance against enemy targets.

Nine meters long, weighing up to 2.3 tons and equipped with a 500-kilogram explosive or thermonuclear warhead, the Caliber is Russia’s weapon of choice when it comes to firing precision strikes from a distance against enemy targets.

Locals filmed the attack Russian planes fly over the Dnieper in Ukraine

Locals filmed the Caliber strike over Ukraine

The remains of a drone or cruise missile in Kiev, Ukraine, this morning

The remains of a drone or cruise missile in Kiev, Ukraine, this morning

Like all cruise missiles, the Kalibr does not follow an arc from its launcher to its target – like ballistic missiles – but instead flies low and long, using a jet engine and small wings to aim at its target.

The low flight path is designed to pass under missile defense radar, making the Kalibr difficult to detect and remove.

Russia has also designed other systems at Kalibr to make shutting it down even more difficult.

The missile – which hits its target with cameras and GPS – can also maneuver in flight to avoid projectiles designed to shoot it down or approach its target from unexpected angles.

Chukhuev Military Airport on the outskirts of Kharkov is on fire after airstrikes this morning

Chukhuev Military Airport on the outskirts of Kharkov is on fire after airstrikes this morning

A warehouse in Odessa was hit by a Russian missile after Putin declared war on Ukraine

A warehouse in Odessa was hit by a Russian missile after Putin declared war on Ukraine

Like all cruise missiles, the Kalibr does not follow an arc from its launcher to its target - like ballistic missiles - but instead flies low and long, using a jet engine and small wings to aim at its target. Chukhuyev Military Airport in Kharkiv is on fire

Like all cruise missiles, the Kalibr does not follow an arc from its launcher to its target – like ballistic missiles – but instead flies low and long, using a jet engine and small wings to aim at its target.

Traveling at Mach 0.8, it is also able to accelerate to Mach 3 – three times the speed of sound – just before it hits.

While the range of the missile varies depending on the variant, it has a theoretical maximum range of about 1500 miles.

First used in battle in 2015, three Russian corvettes fired two dozen Kalibrs from the Caspian Sea through Iraqi and Iranian airspace at ISIS and Free Syrian Army targets in Syria, 1,000 miles away.

The missile was then widely used during the Syrian war, where Russia backed dictator Bashahr al-Assad’s forces, where it was fired by both ships and submarines – including submerged.


How Putin is pouring death on Ukraine: Caliber cruise missile with thermonuclear capacity Read More »

Former Kentucky lawmaker pleads for justice after 32 year old daughter shot

Former Kentucky lawmaker pleads for justice after 32-year-old daughter shot dead

Former Kentucky The state MP cried as he spoke about the loss of his daughter, who was killed in a home raid early Tuesday morning.

Former State Representative Wesley Morgan said he was with his eldest daughter, Jordan Morgan, just hours before an unknown assailant entered their Richmond mansion and opened fire.

Jordan, a 32-year-old lawyer who lived part-time at a home in Madison County, died in the shooting while her father was taken to hospital with three gunshot wounds.

Wesley, 71, says he is recovering well from his wounds, but will never recover emotionally from the loss of his daughter.

“My heart is broken,” he said FOX 56 as he began to cry. “I can’t understand why I would give everything to this Earth if it was me and not her.

“I’d rather be me.”

Wesley said he was with Jordan watching an episode of 1883 just hours before the shooting around 4 a.m.

“She got up, hugged me, and said, ‘I love you, Dad,’ and I said, ‘I love you, too,'” he recalled at the news station. “And then she went to bed and this son of ab **** killed her.”

He added that his “life will never be the same”, saying: “Until the day I die, I will think about her, yes, I will.”

Jordan Morgan, right, was shot and killed in a home raid early Tuesday morning, and her father, former W. Wesley Morgan, was wounded.

Jordan Morgan, right, was shot and killed in a home raid early Tuesday morning, and her father, former W. Wesley Morgan, was wounded.

Wesley said he is now recovering from his wounds, but will never recover from the loss of his eldest daughter

Wesley said he is now recovering from his wounds, but will never recover from the loss of his eldest daughter

The incident took place at Morgan's $ 6.5 million mansion in Richmond, Kentucky, pictured

The incident took place at Morgan’s $ 6.5 million mansion in Richmond, Kentucky, pictured

Kentucky state police said they received a call at 4:30 a.m. about a $ 6.5 million shooting at Morgan’s mansion.

Detectives said several people were sleeping in the home when someone or possibly a group of people entered the home and opened fire sometime between 3.45am and 4.30am. Wesley then fired back at the perpetrator, police said, as he continued to flee the home.

The Madison County Office later confirmed that Jordan had been shot “more than once”.

Detectives are still in the “very early stages, preliminary stages of the investigation” as of Wednesday, Kentucky State Police Officer Robert Purdy said, adding that the motive was still unknown.

“This is not the kind of incident or situation we see a lot in Madison County,” he said. NBC News.

“I know the family and it is a tragic loss for the community. As a father myself, I can’t imagine anything like this happening. Our hearts go to them.

Investigators returned to the scene Wednesday afternoon as a sergeant. Purdy turned to the public for help.

“Honestly, we believe that someone knows something and we just want to get accurate information,” he said.

He encouraged anyone who witnessed anything unusual in the area between 4 and 4:30 a.m. to call the Kansas State Police at (859) 623-2404. contacted Kansas police for more information about the investigation.

Jordan was shot several times during an intrusion into the home early Tuesday morning

Jordan was shot several times during an intrusion into the home early Tuesday morning

Jordan, left, was described by friends and family as kind, loving, and intelligent.  She is pictured at the Kentucky Derby

Jordan, left, was described by friends and family as kind, loving, and intelligent. She is pictured at the Kentucky Derby

Sergeant Robert Purdy, pictured, turned to the public for help with the investigation

Sergeant Robert Purdy, pictured, turned to the public for help with the investigation

Jordan had previously been in the headlines in 2017 when he publicly accused Republican Michael Meredith of sending her inappropriate text messages as part of a secret sexual harassment deal involving four Republicans in the House of Representatives.

She said at the time that she began receiving a number of messages from Meredith after working on Republican Matt Bevin’s successful 2015 campaign for the governor of Kentucky and working with him for a year and a half afterwards as a member of his communications team.

Jordan met for the first time with Meredith after Bevin won the 2016 election, she said Courier Magazine, when she and the rest of Bevin’s campaign staff celebrated his victory.

She said Meredith’s behavior was “a little too friendly”, so she left the event. But then he sent her a message on Facebook: “Where did you go, beautiful?”

Over the next year and a half, she said, she received a number of messages from Meredith, including one that read, “You’re a meter and a half tall with black hair and high heels, and you can probably find a way to convince someone of anything.” if strength is needed, lol.

None of the text messages were “too extreme,” she said, and they were “just kind of flirtatious,” but they seemed “inappropriate,” especially since Meredith was married and elected.

“He was not my boss, but he was in an authoritative position,” she said, adding, “You don’t want to be an enemy of a government official, so just laugh.”

Jordan said she came up with the inappropriate texts only after it was revealed that four Republicans in the House of Representatives were involved in a secret agreement on sexual harassment with another employee.

The scandal cost former House Speaker Jeff Hoover and Meredith the lead, but a year later Meredith was reinstated as chair of the House Committee on Local Government.

Jordan was previously in the headlines in 2017 when he publicly accused State Representative Michael Meredith of sending her inappropriate text messages.  She is seen here with her father during her law degree

Jordan was previously in the headlines in 2017 when he publicly accused State Representative Michael Meredith of sending her inappropriate text messages. She is seen here with her father during her law degree

Jordan recently joined Reminger Law Firm in Lexington

Jordan recently joined Reminger Law Firm in Lexington

Jordan, meanwhile, has left the world of politics to become an assistant attorney for the Boone County-based community crime prosecution. She recently joined Reminger Law Firm in Lexington.

“Reminger wishes to express its sincere condolences to Morgan’s family,” the company said in a statement. “She was a nice colleague and a promising lawyer. We are shocked and saddened by the circumstances surrounding her unfortunate death. ”

Friends and family described her as kind, loving and intelligent, and her niece Hailey Burrows, who was only 11 years younger than Jordan, saying: “She was so great. Generous, selfless, funny, so funny, [and] loving.

“She is the queen of nets,” Burroughs said Lex 18. “If I ever needed to know someone, she knew someone who could connect me.”

Burroughs said she has decided to follow in Jordan’s footsteps, pursuing a law degree from the University of Kentucky, and plans to take the LSAT this summer.

“She always urged me to do my best,” Burroughs said of his aunt, whom she described as “rather a best friend.”

She said she was upset that her aunt would not be around to meet any of her future boyfriends or attend her wedding, but she firmly believes she is in a better place and is happy. So that helps me get through this.

Wesley is well known for his eccentricities after announcing his mansion for sale with a bunker in the ground

Wesley is well known for his eccentricities after announcing his mansion for sale with a bunker in the ground

Wesley served one term as a state representative for Richmond and Beria in Madison County

Wesley served one term as a state representative for Richmond and Beria in Madison County

Jordan’s father, Wesley, meanwhile, served one term as state representative for Richmond and Beria in Madison County.

While in office, Wesley, who owns several liquor stores in Kentucky, was accused of smuggling alcohol across the county.

At the time, doing so without a carrier’s license was illegal.

A judge eventually dropped the charges after the state law was changed.

He continued to unsuccessfully challenge Senator Mitch McConnell in the Republican primary in 2020.

The house is said to be

The house is said to be “the safest home on the market” and was built to withstand an earthquake.

The 2,000-square-foot steel bunker itself is said to cost $ 3 million

The 2,000-square-foot steel bunker itself is said to cost $ 3 million

When the house was put up for sale, it was announced complete with a nuclear bunker and capable of withstanding a nuclear attack and the strongest earthquake.  The photo shows the food reserves

When the house was put up for sale, it was announced complete with a nuclear bunker and capable of withstanding a nuclear attack and the strongest earthquake. The photo shows the food reserves

The bunker also includes an

The bunker also includes an “escape tunnel” to an undiscovered location

Wesley was also known for his eccentricities.

Last year, he announced his 14,300-square-foot mansion, six bedrooms and seven bathrooms for sale last year.

Comes complete with a saltwater pool, steam sauna and heated floors on a 200-acre lakeside property.

However, perhaps its most unusual feature is the 2,000-square-foot, fully loaded underground bunker, located behind a huge steel and concrete door.

$ 6.5 million list advertises the home as capable of withstanding a nuclear attack and the strongest earthquake, with the bunker alone worth $ 3 million.

Wesley began building the bunker more than a decade ago, after the election of President Barack Obama.

He said then that “he can see the handwriting on the wall that Obama is trying to turn our country into a socialist country” and with hundreds of tons of chemical agents stored at the Blue Grass Army depot south of Richmond, he decided it would be wise to build a bunker.

“I saw the bad things happening in the world,” he said last year. “And I think a lot of bad things are happening in the world right now.

“If we don’t get together, we will end up in a civil war.”

He said he and his wife Lindsay lived in the bunker – which can hold up to 30 people with separate bedrooms, a kitchen and a living room – for several years until the construction of the house on top was completed.

Zillow describes the home as “the safest home on the market in this country” and offers an “escape tunnel” to an undiscovered location.

“I just wanted somewhere safe,” Wesley said at the time the home was on the market.

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NATO orders its commanders to prepare to defend Allied territory

NATO orders its commanders to prepare to defend Allied territory after Russia invades Ukraine

NATO ordered his commanders to prepare for the defense of allied territory thereafter Russia began an invasion of Ukrainebringing hundreds of warplanes and ships into combat readiness.

The order to step up military preparations for defense on NATO territory comes after the alliance agreed to increase the number of its troops on its eastern flank.

NATO’s order came when world leaders condemned the start of an invasion that could cause mass casualties. of Ukraine democratically elected government and threaten the balance after the Cold War.

Alliance Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg said he had convened a virtual emergency summit of NATO’s 30 countries on Friday.

The summit is expected to be attended by US President Joe Biden and will be joined by the leaders of Sweden, Finland and the European Union institutions.

NATO Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg (pictured Thursday) says he has convened a virtual emergency summit of 30 NATO countries on Friday

NATO Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg (pictured Thursday) says he has convened a virtual emergency summit of 30 NATO countries on Friday

Russian forces invaded Ukraine by land, air and sea on Thursday, confirming the West’s worst fears with one country’s biggest attack on another in post-World War II Europe.

“The peace of our continent has been broken,” Stoltenberg told a news conference. “Russia is using force to try to rewrite history and deny Ukraine a free and independent path.”

Activating NATO’s “phased response plans” is a rare step that Stoltenberg says underscores the gravity of a “full-fledged invasion” of Ukraine, giving Allied commanders more room for decision.

“This is a deliberate, cold-blooded and long-planned invasion,” Stoltenberg said. “Russia’s unjustified, unprovoked attack on Ukraine puts countless innocent lives at risk with air and missile attacks.”

Ukraine is not a member of the alliance, and Stoltenberg said there are no NATO troops in the country. “What we are doing is defensive,” he said.

But now NATO is ready to step up plans to deploy capabilities and forces, including NATO’s high-alert force, in Eastern European countries.

Soldiers of the Ukrainian military blocked the road in the so-called government district of Kiev on February 24, 2022, when the Russian ground forces invaded Ukraine today from several directions

Soldiers of the Ukrainian military blocked the road in the so-called government district of Kiev on February 24, 2022, when the Russian ground forces invaded Ukraine today from several directions

Russian Ka-52 combat helicopter seen in the field after forced landing outside Kiev, Ukraine, Thursday, February 24, 2022. Russia on Thursday struck a bite of air and missile strikes on Ukrainian facilities across the country

Russian Ka-52 combat helicopter seen in the field after forced landing outside Kiev, Ukraine, Thursday, February 24, 2022. Russia on Thursday struck a bite of air and missile strikes on Ukrainian facilities across the country

Pictured: Map showing NATO's European allies.  NATO's eastern border runs through western Ukraine, and in some cases - such as Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania - borders Russia.

Pictured: Map showing NATO’s European allies. NATO’s eastern border runs through western Ukraine, and in some cases – such as Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania – borders Russia.

1645717878 719 NATO orders its commanders to prepare to defend Allied territory

NATO also plans to set up combat units in Romania and Bulgaria, and possibly in Hungary and Slovakia, similar to those already set up in the Baltic states and Poland.

Russia’s invasion of Ukraine appears to have spurred support for such a move in Slovakia, with the Slovak government saying any new plans for the battle group would include Slovakia.

“The device will be manufactured by countries that are geographically close to us. There will be about several hundred soldiers who will come with equipment that we do not have and that will significantly increase our ability to defend our country, “said Slovak Defense Minister Jaroslav Nad.

NATO has already strengthened its eastern flank against Russia. President Vladimir Putin has warned that any intervention by other countries will have “consequences you have never seen in history.”

Lithuania, a member of the European Union and NATO, has declared a state of emergency, as the Baltic state borders Russia’s Kaliningrad region to the southwest and Russia’s ally Belarus to the east.

NATO countries had 100 aircraft and 120 ships on high alert as a deterrent.

“Make no mistake: we will defend every ally against every attack every inch of NATO territory,” Stoltenberg said.

US Army troops from 173rdAbnBde arrived in Latvia this morning, with the first US forces repositioned in the Baltic states to strengthen NATO's eastern flank

US Army troops from 173rdAbnBde arrived in Latvia this morning, with the first US forces repositioned in the Baltic states to strengthen NATO’s eastern flank

European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen will present EU leaders late Thursday with a proposal aimed at strategic sectors of the Russian economy by blocking access to key technologies and markets.

European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen will present EU leaders late Thursday with a proposal aimed at strategic sectors of the Russian economy by blocking access to key technologies and markets.

European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen and Stoltenberg called the invasion a “barbaric” attack on an independent nation that threatens “stability in Europe and the entire international peace order.”

The EU has scheduled an extraordinary summit in Brussels.

But no one promised to join the military and defend Ukraine at the risk of starting a bigger European war. Ukraine is not a member of NATO, and the United States and its Western allies have said for weeks that they will not send troops to the country.

Instead, the goal is to force Moscow to pay such a high price by other means that the Kremlin will change course.

“Our mission is clear: diplomatically, politically, economically and possibly militarily, this disgusting and barbaric undertaking by Vladimir Putin must end in failure,” said British Prime Minister Boris Johnson.

Almost the whole world – but not China – condemned the attack and threatened to strike at Russia’s elite with, in the words of the EU president, “massive and targeted sanctions”.

Von der Layen said he would present a proposal to EU leaders late Thursday that would target strategic sectors of the Russian economy by blocking access to key technologies and markets.

She said the sanctions, if approved, would “weaken Russia’s economic base and its modernization capacity”. In addition, we will freeze Russian assets in the European Union and stop Russian banks from accessing European financial markets. “

“We want to cut off Russian industry from the technologies that are desperately needed today to build the future,” von der Layen said.

She said all Western powers were on the brink of crisis.

NATO Enhanced Front Presence Battlegroups (eFPs) from Estonia and the United Kingdom during military training in the Central Training Zone on 8 February 2022 in Lasna, Estonia

NATO Enhanced Front Presence Battlegroups (eFPs) from Estonia and the United Kingdom during military training in the Central Training Zone on 8 February 2022 in Lasna, Estonia

Canadian soldiers are pictured during a visit by the Canadian Secretary of Defense to Adaji, Latvia, on February 3, 2022.

Canadian soldiers are pictured during a visit by the Canadian Secretary of Defense to Adaji, Latvia, on February 3, 2022.

US President Joe Biden has already convened a morning meeting of his National Security Council in Washington to assess the situation.

Stressing the growing rift in relations with the superpowers, China was left alone not to condemn the attack and instead accused the United States and its allies of exacerbating the crisis.

China has gone further and approved wheat imports from Russia, a move that could reduce the impact of Western sanctions. Russia, one of the world’s largest producers of wheat, would be vulnerable if foreign markets were closed.

In clear defense of Moscow, China “called on countries to respect legitimate concerns for the safety of others.”

Foreign Ministry spokesman Hua Chunin said “all countries should work for peace, instead of escalating tensions or inflating the possibility of war” – a language China has consistently used to criticize the West in the crisis.

One thing was clear: weeks of diplomatic negotiations, a global crossroads of leaders and foreign ministers, and the threat of sanctions against Putin’s inner circle failed to persuade the Kremlin not to plunge Europe into one of its biggest post-Cold War crises.

The unrest caused by the attack spread from Europe to Asia. Stock markets collapsed, oil prices soared and European aviation officials warned of the danger to civilian aircraft over Ukraine amid fighting.

Oil prices rose by more than $ 5 a barrel. Brent oil briefly jumped above $ 100 a barrel in London for the first time since 2014 amid fears of a cut in supplies from Russia, the No. 3 producer.

The possible consequences extend far beyond economics and geopolitics.

The director of the African Centers for Disease Control and Prevention is worried that the crisis will further distract the world from helping the world’s least vaccinated continent to fight COVID-19.

NATO orders its commanders to prepare to defend Allied territory after Russia invades Ukraine Read More »