1672349538 Paolo Bonolis in grandfather version the first family photos with

Paolo Bonolis in grandfather version, the first family photos with his grandson Sebastiano and his children

Paolo Bonolis in grandfather version. As shown by the footage shared by his son Stefano on social media, the conductor flew to America with his family to meet his grandson Sebastiano, who was born last October, for the first time. With him also Sonia Bruganelli and her children Davide and Adele.

Paolo Bonolis in grandfather version the first family photos with

Paul Bonolis execution not no. For the Christmas holidays, the well-known conductor flew to New York with the rest of the family to meet his grandson Sebastiano, son of Stefano Bonolis and his wife Candice Hansen. The first meeting with the newcomer was documented on social media by some tender shots.

The first photos of Paolo Bonolis with his nephew

It was Stefano Bonolis, son of Paolo Bonolis, who shared some tender family photos of this Christmas season on his Instagram profile. The presenter traveled to America to first meet his second grandson, who was born last October. In the photos shared on social networks, the grandfather can be seen holding the little one on his knees, then the newly grown Davide and his daughter Adele hold him tenderly in their arms. “Grandpa-uncle-aunt” is the title of the post. A picture of the family to celebrate the holidays that has garnered thousands of likes and has shown the public an unreleased version of the well-known conductor, married to Big Brother Vip columnist Sonia Bruganelli.

The trip to New York with Sonia Bruganelli and her family

As the recordings on social media show, the entire Bruganelli-Bonolis family has left for America. With that, Sonia Bruganelli has also left Italy and temporarily taken over the role of commentator on GF Vip. The trip to New York to see her nephew is why the public hasn’t seen her in the studio for the past few episodes, but won’t see her until the turn of the year. In her place, to exceptionally replace her, alongside Orietta Berti are two familiar faces from the reality show: Soleil Sorge and Pierpaolo Petrelli. The first episode of 2023 of GF Vip with Alfonso Signorini will be broadcast on January 2nd.