People who were packing quotCulturalquot School lunches share how their

People who were packing "Cultural" School lunches share how their classmates’ reactions affected them

6. “From kindergarten through seventh grade, my abuela packed my lunch. (My family is from Spain and Cuba.) While most of my meals weren’t outrageous, they weren’t regular PB&J sandwiches or Lunchables. There was one But that was like orange soup. Some kind of animal fat made it greasy. I don’t remember much about it other than it was orange made from congealed fats, smelled strong and tasted amazing. Of course not. Win friends by opening a unicorn Lisa Frank thermos full of this spicy, strange soup. I asked my mom to help me figure it out, but we don’t know what it was. I would give anything to try Abuela’s cooking soup more day.”

“I don’t have kids, so it’s easy for me to be an armchair quarterback, but I think the variety of foods is great. I also think there are a lot of processed foods out there. I can’t judge anyone who packs this for themselves.” Children; I don’t know their circumstances.

But if I had the opportunity, I would continue to share different foods. Food is a human need and a great way to learn from each other. I also enjoyed visiting my friends’ homes and tasting dishes from their culture. I still make the bitter melon soup that my Taiwanese friend’s mother made when it was hot outside, and my Arab friend brings a lovely spiced rice and lamb dish every Nochebuena.”
