Peruvian panettone reaches 19 destinations around the world including the

Peruvian panettone reaches 19 destinations around the world, including the United States and Chile

That Panettone Peruvians, one of the most representative Christmas products, arrived in 19 countries between January and October this year. The ranking was led by the United States, which concentrated 54.9% of the total, reported the Association of Exporters’ (ADEX) Agro-Export Management. Deliveries totaled $6,300,000, a 10.4% growth compared to the same period in 2021 when the amount was $2,479,469.

Along with the United States at $3,460,000 and up 39.6%, Chile (nearly $1,136,000) was another market that concentrated 18% despite a 48.6% drop in orders. Those completing the top were Bolivia ($529,641), Japan ($306,316), Belgium ($216,468), the Netherlands, Spain, Ecuador, Costa Rica and Canada.

For smaller quantities, shipments of this product have resumed to Costa Rica, Colombia and Curaçao, and exports to Singapore, St. Lucia and the United Kingdom have been suspended. Samples were also sent to Italy and Cuba.

Nestlé Peru was the main exporter of panettone

Although the Panettone The traditional cake was sent rather, with raisins and candied fruit, the companies continue to renew the use of inputs, so in the points of sale you can also find this delicious cake made with lucuma flour, moringa, purple corn and maca with mango peel , chocolate chips, chestnut chips, white chocolate, blueberries and other ingredients; and supplemented with Nutella and hazelnut cream.

Nestlé Peru was the main exporter of Panettone, followed by Compañía Nacional de Chocolates, Gloria, Gelafrut, Panificadora Bimbo del Perú, Esencias Químicas, Alicorp, JM Importadora Exportadora y Servicios, Sagastegui Distribuidores, Gerald & Camila Export and others.

The data

  • exported to Peru Panettone boxed and boxed, most were in their 900 gram presentation.
  • The United States, Chile and Bolivia were the main destinations that demanded this Peruvian cake, concentrating on 81.4% of the total shipments.