Ginette Reno, who lends her voice to a character from the animated film Katak, the brave beluga, walked the red carpet of the grand premiere in Montreal at the Starcité cinema this Saturday, although she is currently recovering from two major surgeries.
She was accompanied by her adult daughter Natacha, who you can see at the end of the article (orange sweater).
Several other stars of the feature film, including Benoît Brière, Maxime Le Flaguais and Alexandre Bacon, were also in attendance.
Some distinguished guests such as Rachel Graton, Édith Cochrane and Amélie B. Simard also attended the screening.
The film Katak, the brave beluga tells the story of a young beluga who is still gray when all his friends have turned white. To prove his maturity, he wants to fulfill his sick grandmother’s last wish to find his first love in the north, in the Grande Banquise.
The feature film from Quebec is in cinemas today.
Ginette Reno spoke to us about her voice acting experience here.
Note that Éric Lapointe made a rare public outing on the same red carpet with his two boys. See them here.
Premiere of the film Katak, the brave beluga