Photo Guy Jodoin39s son follows in his father39s footsteps –

Photo: Guy Jodoin's son follows in his father's footsteps –

Last summer, Guy Jodoin became famous with his Grand Bien-cuit ComediHa! spoiled, moderated by his friend Claude Legault.

The actor's friends and colleagues gathered on stage and roasted him uninhibitedly for two hours.

Among the roasters was Guy Jodoin's son Hugolin, who delivered an outstanding performance. Photos can be found here.

The show will be released on the VRAI platform on December 19 and will air on TVA later in 2024.

As we recently met the actor during a visit to the set of the documentary “In a Galaxy Near You: 25 Years of Mission.” We took the opportunity to ask Guy Jodoin how he found his son on stage.

“It’s hard, 1000-2000 people [NDLR : L’émission est tournée sur la scène du Grand Théâtre de Québec] He can't see it from the room looking at him. He's not old [Hugolin est âgé de 25 ans]. I was really proud of him. I looked at him and said to myself, “He worked hard.” »

Guy Jodoin tells us that his boy is currently attending theater school, but the arts were not his first subject of study. “Hugolin continued to work as a physicist in the natural sciences for four years. Sometime overnight he said to me, “Hey, Dad, I'm going to the theater.” If you say that after four years of college, you're ready. “You know what you’re getting into,” says the proud dad.

In this area, the actor is not worried about his child's future, even if it is difficult. “We see people like Léane Labrèche-Dor [fille de Marc Labrèche] or Sophie Lorain, who took her place after Denise Filiatrault, so I say to her: “Go on, have fun and go your way, my man!” »

If you get the chance, check out this great, well-cooked comedy! by Guy Jodoin. This show is a success from start to finish. As devastating as it may be, the roasters were able to express a reciprocation and an unspeakable sovereignty. The host Claude Legault also wanted to strike his friend who turned against him. Find out more here.

It should be noted that Guy Jodoin is also the father of three other children: Léandre, Mégane and Bianca. In addition, in 2020 the whole family was gathered for his Live from the Universe. You can find pictures here.