1705640308 Planned Slovak judicial reform quotIn fact a pro mafia packagequot

Planned Slovak judicial reform: "In fact, a pro mafia package"

From: January 19, 2024, 3:25 am

The re-elected Slovak Prime Minister, Fico, intends to implement reforms in criminal law and the judicial system – following the Hungarian model. Thousands are protesting against this across the country. There are also concerns in the EU about the Slovak constitutional state.

Marianne Allweiss

For the fifth time, thousands of people return to the streets – in the capital Bratislava and in all other major cities in Slovakia.

“Mr. Fico, the people see what you are doing! That you are hijacking the State! You are abolishing independent institutions, and your criminal justice reform is actually a pro-mafia package”, criticizes Michael Simecka, who leads the opposition against Slovak Prime Minister Robert Fico stands. “All that matters is revenge and impunity.”

In December, pro-European politician Simecka organized the first protests. At the time when the left-wing populist Fico wanted to abolish the Special Public Prosecutor's Office in an accelerated procedure. She is responsible for high-level corruption cases, including from Fico's three previous terms. But he hasn't gotten away with it yet. The opposition delayed the vote.

“The government really thought it could silence us,” said liberal politician Branislav Gröhling. “But she miscalculated when I see all of you here. I'm scared of the street. He's holed up in his new luxury apartment, which he would never be able to afford with a decent job.”

Notice of “general amnesty”

Liberal President Zuzana Caputova also criticized Fico. His reform would also reduce penalties for many crimes and shorten statutes of limitations. This is essentially a general amnesty for thousands of defendants, including confidants of the head of the Slovak government.

“The change in criminal law is one of the most serious in our history,” said Caputova. “This would fundamentally change the way we deal with simple theft, but also organized crime, and would irreversibly restrict victims’ rights.”

EU objects

The European Public Prosecutor's Office complains that Slovakia is no longer able to effectively combat the misappropriation of EU funds. On Wednesday, the European Parliament condemned Slovak reform proposals by a large majority. In a resolution, MEPs call on the European Commission to closely monitor the direction Slovakia is taking in terms of the rule of law – and to intervene sooner than with Hungary or Poland.

For Fico, the parliament in Strasbourg allowed itself to be exploited by the Slovak opposition. The reform is constitutional and President Caputova's criticisms are exaggerated.

“Unfortunately we have to realize that the president did not act as head of state, but as a spokesman for the opposition,” said Fico. “She also opened the presidential election campaign because she knows that the big favorite to succeed her comes from the government coalition.”

Caputova will not run again in the March elections, also because of many attacks against her, for example by Fico. The current president of parliament, Peter Pellegrini, wants to declare his candidacy for president today. He leads a more moderate left-wing populist party. For the protesters, however, he is just Fico's “bag carrier”, with whom he could govern more easily. However, his choice is not a surefire success; protests also guarantee this.

Marianne Allweiss, ARD Prague, tagesschau, January 19, 2024 12:38 pm