Pope Francis does not celebrate the Mass of Divine Mercy

Pope Francis does not celebrate the Mass of Divine Mercy. The reason is worrying

Pope Francis does not celebrate the Mass of Divine Mercy. The reason is disturbing

Pope Francis did not celebrate the Mass of Divine MercyPope Francis did not celebrate the Mass of Divine Mercy dad on the Feast of Divine Mercy on Sunday, April 24, he did not preside at Mass. The reason worries the believers a little: The Holy Father is indeed still complaining of knee pain and in recent weeks he was forced to miss more than a few institutional meetingsas reported by the newspaper The newspaper.

there mercifulwas the central theme of the pastoral care of the Bishop of Rome during these nine years of the pontificate. Critics of the Argentine Pope have even coined a term (“misericordina”) to point to alleged purges the Pope has carried out since his election to date.

“In our crises and struggles, the mercy of God often brings us into contact with the suffering of our neighbor”, said Pope FrancisIntroduction to his sermon. Bergoglio, Although he did not lead the celebration, he addressed the faithful as usual. And he added: “We thought we were at the height of suffering, at the height of a difficult situation, and we are finding out who, by remaining silent, that there is someone going through worse times“. With this last sentence, Francis is very likely to be referring to the pandemic and the conflict that has broken out in Ukraine.

Instead of the former Archbishop of Buenos Aires who could not do this because of the failure Pains Knie, Monsignor celebrated Mass Rino Fisichella.