Kissinger expects peace talks in Ukraine by the end of

Prank call to Kissinger. Anyone who thinks he’s talking to Zelenskyy and says: “The USA promised that…”

Kissinger expects peace talks in Ukraine by the end of

The alleged assurances of USA to the last President of the USSR Michael Gorbachev sure that the Born Wouldn’t it have widened to the east? “I know it’s true. It was never put in writing, but it was part of Baker’s (former Secretary of State at the time of Ronald Reagan) commitments. Word from the former US Secretary of State Henry Kissingerwho was the victim of a prank call from Russian comedians Vladimir Kuznetsov and Alexei Stolyarov, posing as the President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyy.

Tass reports that, believing she had spoken to President Kissinger, she predicted that Ukraine would attempt a reconquest Crimea will lead to an escalation. “I think the return of Crimea will lead to an escalation. You and I have had public disagreements on this subject. When I talk to our people, I get the impression that they don’t believe that Crimea can be taken as part of the current offensive. It is a question whose solution has reached a dead end. At the same time, there would be the possibility of “examining the possibility of being called up referendum” in Crimea for eventual reunification with Russia, added the former foreign minister, who recently turned 100.