Those in power will address priority issues of cooperation between the two nations such as trade openings and issues related to the UN Security Council, the Ecuadorian Presidency’s General Secretariat for Communications.
In addition, he announced that they will discuss issues related to the fight against drug trafficking and organized crime, as well as the preservation of the Amazon, a space that Brazil shares with various nations of the continent.
A meeting of the Amazon Cooperation Treaty Organization, a bloc made up of Bolivia, Brazil, Colombia, Ecuador, Guyana, Peru, Suriname and Venezuela, will be held on Brazilian territory precisely on this subject, the official statement said.
Lula took office for the third time as head of state this Sunday after facing political and judicial persecution that led to 580 days in prison without evidence.
His inauguration was attended by delegations from 60 countries, including Ecuador, whose prime minister expressed his desire to strengthen bilateral ties.
Quito announced that Lasso will maintain a work agenda in Brasilia that will include diplomatic, commercial and environmental issues.
That program includes a bilateral meeting with a senior official from Korea, a nation with which they are trying to reach a free trade agreement, negotiations on which are 70 percent advanced.
For his part, the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Ecuador, Juan Carlos Holguín, who is part of the delegation from the Andean nation at the inauguration of Lula, used the meeting room of several government officials and met with his counterpart from Guatemala the day before.