Preta Gil is diagnosed with colon cancer after 6 days

Preta Gil is diagnosed with colon cancer after 6 days in the hospital

Preta Gil announced today that she has been diagnosed with colon cancer. He had been hospitalized for six days at the Clínica São Vicente in Rio. Treatment starts next week.

“I have an adenocarcinoma in the last part of the intestine. I will start my treatment next Monday and am counting on everyone’s energy to stay calm and confident.”

What are adenocarcinomas? Malignant tumors that arise from the epithelial cells of the organs. In the digestive system, these are the cells that line the inner surface of the organ.

Gilberto Gil’s daughter used her stories on Sunday (8) to confirm that she was suffering from severe abdominal pain. She ran a series of tests but was still awaiting the diagnosis.

“I don’t want you to worry, I am very well supported by a medical team. I’m surrounded by my family and closest friends and I’m confident that whatever it is, we’ll deal with it. I’m fine. I have a lot of faith in God, in my Orixás, in my saints and in life. As soon as I have more specific information I will share it with you as I have always done over the years. I love you, take care of yourself, take care of those you love and be at peace.”

Preta Gil on her Instagram