1650199090 PT Brazil filed two more lawsuits against Bolsonaro

PT-Brazil filed two more lawsuits against Bolsonaro.

PT Brazil filed two more lawsuits against Bolsonaro Brazil’s Workers’ Party (PT) filed two more lawsuits in the Supreme Electoral Court (TSE) alleging unanticipated election advertising promoted by President Jair Bolsonaro.

Sources close to the PT said the first complaint relates to the participation of the Rural Society of Paraná and MP Filipe Barros in organizing a caravan on April 8 in the southern state with a request for Bolsonaro’s support.

A second agency reports the former army captain’s presence in a convoy of people and motorcycles in Paraná, also last weekend.

In view of the facts, the PT called for the condemnation of Bolsonaro, the Rural Society and Barros to pay a fine of the maximum amount provided by law, since the promotion of the event and/or the speech also aims at the explicit invitation to vote than the configuration of the early election campaign.

In another lawsuit, the party is demanding a sanction for the ex-military with the payment of a corrective for the transport of both caravans.

A law sets August 16 of the election year as the day on which propaganda is allowed. In other words, any dissemination in favor of the candidates before that date must be considered premature.

Earlier, the PT submitted three measures to the TSE in the face of a new vulgarized smear campaign against former President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva.

These are posters with objectionable content that violate the provisions of two articles of court orders prohibiting advertising through propaganda banners in the pre-election period and in the election period.

One of the depictions points to three posters in the city of Divinópolis in the state of Minas Gerais (southeast) showing images of the former ruler.

The other action alludes to the city of Rondonópolis, in the territorial division of Mato Grosso (Midwest), denouncing a certain conservative movement that admitted the installation of the billboard, which it published on its social networks, inviting its followers to the supposed opening ceremony.

A third lawsuit alleges sponsorship of advertising billboards in the city of Imperatriz, in the state of Maranhão (northeast).

According to lawyers Eugenio Aragão and Cristiano Zanin, who signed the allegations, “a possible candidate or pre-candidate circumvents advertising means in a period before the period permitted by law to promote his candidacy, he circumvents the electoral code.”

The lawyers point out that the content of the published message constitutes a violation of the personal rights of Lula, who has so far conducted all opinion polls leading up to the October vote.